AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!


    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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HiGirlsRHot said:
ComicOzzie said:
I for one am willing to get naked on Skype and be interviews by this dude, if he wants the perspective of a veteran MFC perv.


I was thinking all I have to do is click the broadcast button on chaturbate and then I to can be part of this exciting opportunity. Plus being overweight makes me a perfect candidate for the new Jerry Springer show.

hmmm Do i get paid for that... 12 inch i might just do it and then that way get to see what it like to kinda work in the porn industry. I have uniform :)
I was just checking my local CL and I found this Gem.
Could it be the same individual? Hmm.... :think:
I think it's a scam. If their company has to remain secret, then it's probably not a company or does not have a good reputation. Sorry dude, but girls here are very Indie and they can figure shit out and when they see a red flag, then they know to avoid it, or proceed with extreme and utter caution. You haven't 'splained yourself there bud. The less info you share with us, the less inclined we will be about actually possibly participating. I am sure most of the girls are stuck on a firm hell no right now. They have every right to be. Now explain who the f you are and give us more info or forget about convincing any of us even partly to do your "job" offer.

K thanx bye


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I went to check an account that I have on a site. This may be coincidental, but I am kind of thinking it isn't. I have never had a comment like this posted on this account before and it happened after I viewed this topic. Strange.


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I think this thread should be removed, yes it's entertaining but how many girls don't actually read responses to the threads and will see this (young, naive, etc) and jump right on sending in their info.

maybe remove that part of the thread?
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Now Casting!!!

CASTING: Are you a webcam girl/guy/couple who pays the bills by showing your goods on the Internet? Have you been keeping your "job" from your family and friends and think it's time to tune them in? Does your roommate suspect that something is going down behind your bedroom door? Is your significant other in the dark about your web fame and are you ready to reveal all? Does your entire family know what you do and you couldn't be more proud? Then this is the show for you!

Please email 2 pictures (Face & Full Body), a brief description of yourself, the unsuspecting person and how long you've been at your job. Please include contact info; Name, Age, Phone Number, Email Address (MUST BE 18 TO SUBMIT)



Link to craigslist casting blurb: ... 12929.html

Interesting that a google search on the 'tvnowcasting' email address shows it's been used on two and only two web pages ever. This forum and Xtube. Zero credibility here.
As I said before we are not allowed to publicize the company or full show summary online. It is a liability and leaves us open to other companies to steal our project.

So it's on spec. Usually producers are a little more forthcoming about the status their projects. Producers also tend to identify themselves and list their previous projects when they introduce themselves.

Since you brought up liabilities, you might not want to use scare-quotes around the word 'job' when you post ads directed at people who cam professionally. If you can't muster enough respect to use the word 'job' with a straight face in your casting call, you should probably find another demographic to exploit.
AshleyHaven said:
I went to check an account that I have on a site. This may be coincidental, but I am kind of thinking it isn't. I have never had a comment like this posted on this account before and it happened after I viewed this topic. Strange.
Ha ha! But but, they PS'd that it's a REAL offer! Must be legit then. lol
jodeum said:
Interesting that a google search on the 'tvnowcasting' email address shows it's been used on two and only two web pages ever. This forum and Xtube. Zero credibility here.

it only came up with acf for me.
As I said before we are not allowed to publicize the company or full show summary online. It is a liability and leaves us open to other companies to steal our project. I have also said that once on Skype you can then at that time have all of my contact info and company's background and the run down of the show. I can't make you guys take this opportunity all we were hoping to do is let you know that it's happening and give you the chance to be casted to be apart of it.

I will make people aware that if you skype with someone you can actually find their IP address. So no, it is not safe.

Just out of curiosity, what benefits are you offering to a model who might be interested in joining you in this project? You've told us the idea about the project, which is what someone would steal if they wanted to steal anything. So go on, tell us more about your project. Why would we even be tempted to take time out of our days to talk on skype with you?
If we can connect directly on Skype as opposed to giving me your contact info then fine.
Wow! Thank you! So glad I don't have to give my contact info out before ever speaking to you or being able to learn anything about you! Very generous.
If you guys want to email me I will give you my Skype info and that way you guys can feel safe.

As I pointed out earlier in this post, Skype is NOT safe. And yeah... I ALWAYS feel safe talking on skype for free with a total stranger off the internet who wants to know my real details, not knowing if they're going to try and turn their cam on and freak the shit out of me.
clearly you guys have been burned.

Yeah.... totally burned... these guys, they watch us, and then they find our details and come beat us up! It has happened to all of us! Every day! See what poor camgirls have to deal with :(. No numbnuts, asking legit questions and being cautious when someone completely random approaches us asking for personal details, a free one on one skype chat, (naked or not) asking about our personal life, photos of ourselves and the "unsuspecting person" and pretty much I'm assuming if the "interview" goes well, you mean to meet and film this person (in their own town) and meet their family/significant other to film them, doesn't mean that we've been "burned" it just means someone hasn't removed our brains with an ice cream scoop.
Ladies - this is an excellent example of the kind of professional you want to avoid.

If you are interested in working with a professional team or crew, there are some easy ways to figure out if they are legitimate or not.

♥ A professional will NEVER ask you to "audition" on Skype - ever. If someone needs to see your work they can catch you while you're on live cam or you can direct them to a portfolio of your public videos and images. This is the biggest red flag out there, no professional will ever ask you to privately videochat to "prove" yourself, especially right out of the gate.

♥ A professional will be completely honest with you. He will provide you the name of his company, references, the names of people he's worked with, and will be completely upfront with as much information as possible. Avoid any 'professional' that claims he has to be secretive to protect himself or any 'professional' that just never gives you a straight answer.

♥ When a professional is turned down, he will walk away. Non-professionals and scammers are the kinds of people who will blame you ("clearly you guys have been burned") when their scheme doesn't work. Actual professionals treat this like a business, not a popularity contest, and when a business deal gets turned down they don't start throwing out petty insults.

♥ Professionals talk professionally. For example, in this thread, a real businessperson would have said "Now Casting Webcam Models For New Show!", not "NOW CASTING!!!! WEBCAM GIRLS FOR NEW SHOW". Professionals also treat you as a professional; they will never talk down to you or assume that you are less intelligent due to your work.
FrenchKitty said:
Is this an ironic "Evvie's heart-bulleted "how to" post"? My day is made, I can go to bed happy :D
It tickles me that the heart bullet point lists are a 'thing' :lol:
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Jessi said:
Jessi said:
And heavy should have title of honorary info-adder :-D

OMG Evvie I did not mean to refer to you as "heavy"!!! I hear is as ehv-eeh in my head brain farted :woops:
Heavy = puking Evvie :D
Evvie said:
FrenchKitty said:
Is this an ironic "Evvie's heart-bulleted "how to" post"? My day is made, I can go to bed happy :D
It tickles me that the heart bullet point lists are a 'thing' :lol:
I'm so used to getting into "serious study" mode when i see your heart bullets, I do believe I'm not the only one ^^
Yes yes, they're a thing:p
I was just drinking my coffee as I read their introductory post...
then I lol'ed so hard I spat it over my keyboard, and broke my desk chair.
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Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but to me a business proposal should be proofread so as to be grammatically correct and without misspellings. If you can't take the time to double check what you've written, I can't take the time to read it. Your intentions may be real, but reading unprofessional, even insulting, paragraphs detailing your ideas for a new "reality" series (because there isn't enough of that shit) puts my mind in tension.

PS- Seriously, take a fucking grammar course if you want to get into this type of marketing. You'll be more successful. And maybe a sociology class, too, so you don't accidentally insult your intended audience.
lordmagellan said:
Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but to me a business proposal should be proofread so as to be grammatically correct and without misspellings. If you can't take the time to double check what you've written, I can't take the time to read it. Your intentions may be real, but reading unprofessional, even insulting, paragraphs detailing your ideas for a new "reality" series (because there isn't enough of that shit) puts my mind in tension.

PS- Seriously, take a fucking grammar course if you want to get into this type of marketing. You'll be more successful. And maybe a sociology class, too, so you don't accidentally insult your intended audience.
This is what happened to AMA-Worldwide. Apparently they're a legit modeling agency, but they spam women on MFC with messages like this: "Hi, My name is Brian & I own AMA. We would luv 2 rep u n adult & mainstream. If u r interested call or email me 7XX-4XX-6XXX". The message I got from them was much much worse. I recall a thread a while ago where an ACF model who worked with AMA was telling everyone that they were a "real" company, but people outright didn't believe her because of they way the presented themselves.

MANY of the people who come here to advertise sites or projects are blatantly unprofessional. It is interesting to see a person providing a 'helpful' service or opportunity, and then three posts later is calling us all stupid whores that are too uppity to see a good deal when it slaps us in the face like the back of our pimp's hand. Like the bitcoin guy :lol:
tvcastnow.....there's a lot of really constructive criticism here....created by some equally valid skepticism.

i know little about tv show development, but i hold a position in my real life community where i've been pitched at least one idea for a tv show in each of the last 5 years (because i'm seen as a possible source for particpants)....there has never been an occasion where either a/ a specific channel or b/ a specific production company has been a secret.

the fact is, it's a badge of legitimacy.....which craig's list is not (unless you wanna make a film about mohammed apparently, and only realize afterwards you were just a pawn)

there is always some concern for "idea theft" in the development of a tv show: i'll grant you that....the time from the formation of the initial concept to it's presentation must necessarily be short and efficient.

assuming you're legit then, i'd suggest it's time to take a breath, and decide if it's worth the risk to demonstrate some real legitmacy....or stop playing here....

so far, all you demonstrated is that you're out of your depth, either as a scammer, or as a serious candidate for someone capable of making this show as supportive as you claim it wants to be.
As I said before we are not allowed to publicize the company or full show summary online. It is a liability and leaves us open to other companies to steal our project. I have also said that once on Skype you can then at that time have all of my contact info and company's background and the run down of the show. I can't make you guys take this opportunity all we were hoping to do is let you know that it's happening and give you the chance to be casted to be apart of it.

If you were running a real company and were working on a real project, you'd have potential interviewees sign Non-Disclosure Agreements so you didn't have to worry about that. You would also give them the information they asked for via email, if you were so worried about other companies snooping around online/in forums. Refusing to provide contact information for your company or even a company name is extremely unprofessional as well as a huge red flag, and even if you turned out to be legit I wouldn't want to do business with you just for that.

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Isabella_deL said:
not knowing if they're going to try and turn their cam on and freak the shit out of me.

Fine, ruin my chance at scaring you with my ugly mug... Now I'll have to find a different way to do it...
Isabella_deL said:
jodeum said:
Interesting that a google search on the 'tvnowcasting' email address shows it's been used on two and only two web pages ever. This forum and Xtube. Zero credibility here.

it only came up with acf for me.

you have to do a google search on "tvnowcasting" WITH the quotation marks. Without them google in its infinite wisdom is sure you really meant something like TV Now Casting and gives you a whole bunch of other nonsense.
The Xtube results it lists are them posting comments on that website under videos to have people check out their craigslist ad which someone also mentioned here prior.

It's nice to know other people don't just take stuff for granted and are fact checking stuff too. I like that. :)
lordmagellan said:
Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but to me a business proposal should be proofread so as to be grammatically correct and without misspellings. If you can't take the time to double check what you've written, I can't take the time to read it. Your intentions may be real, but reading unprofessional, even insulting, paragraphs detailing your ideas for a new "reality" series (because there isn't enough of that shit) puts my mind in tension.

PS- Seriously, take a fucking grammar course if you want to get into this type of marketing. You'll be more successful. And maybe a sociology class, too, so you don't accidentally insult your intended audience.

Oh god you would absolutely love my 11th grade English teacher. She made a point of correcting letters from her bank and sending them back asking them to resubmit.
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GUYS! This is totally legit!

I contacted the company and they said I am exactly what they are looking for! They said I was so right for the show that they even let me audition right there on skype!! I thought that was so generous! Sure maybe an hour of fisting my ass seems like a long time, but I'm gonna be on tv! And also travel around the world he said! He's recorded the skype audition and is going to send it to producers so maybe I will have a chance to be on other television shows as well!


I'M GONNA BE FAMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kunra9 said:
GUYS! This is totally legit!

I contacted the company and they said I am exactly what they are looking for! They said I was so right for the show that they even let me audition right there on skype!! I thought that was so generous! Sure maybe an hour of fisting my ass seems like a long time, but I'm gonna be on tv! And also travel around the world he said! He's recorded the skype audition and is going to send it to producers so maybe I will have a chance to be on other television shows as well!


I'M GONNA BE FAMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... e=autoplay

Check it out! Your 15 minutes have already started!
Edit: Interestingly enough, a link I totally made up off the top of my head actually took me to a website... will wonders never cease?
Isabella_deL said:
that site is kind of dark....
What do you think that says of me? Seriously... I just made that shit up. :lol:
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