AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

New Cam Site soon to launch

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Hello Everyone!

2016 is shaping up to be an exciting year and we have not even launched yet. HushHushCams is working hard to develop relationships with various companies to benefit our Models AND Members.

I have contacted Lovense, and they have agreed to build a relationship with HHC!! They will provide a special offer price to Models for their Nora 4th Generation. Currently, the product is on discount for $99, but Lovense is willing to provide HHC Models a better price! We are working on the exact price and working to include a special offer for their Max product for Members.

Members will have the ability to activate the Nora through tip levels! This feature is programmed into the site and is not accessible without Lovense's involvement.

So look for this to be implemented at the beginning of 2016 (which is not far away!)

A completely irrelevant topic: I need to start shopping for gifts for the Holiday :dead:
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Hello Everyone!

I have contacted Lovense, and they have agreed to build a relationship with HHC!! They will provide a special offer price to Models for their Nora 4th Generation. Currently, the product is on discount for $99, but Lovense is willing to provide HHC Models a better price! We are working on the exact price and working to include a special offer for their Max product for Members.

Members will have the ability to activate the Nora through tip levels! This feature is programmed into the site and is not accessible without Lovense's involvement.

Just to be clear. No details have been discussed, yet.

We are open to the idea of some type of discount, but unless we get a bulk order, we're just not going to be able to offer Nora to HHC models for under $99. This post makes it seem like it's a done deal.. It's not.

Additionally, our development team is very busy (they maintain two apps plus our new chrome extension)- unless the site has traffic and many active models, we cannot allocate the resources needed to integrate the site with our chrome extension.

We will be watching how HHC launch goes and are open to working with them if things go well...
Any updates for us? I know that previously you had said that you were aiming to launch in mid-November, and I'm wondering what's going on with that.
Any updates for us? I know that previously you had said that you were aiming to launch in mid-November, and I'm wondering what's going on with that.

The launch date has been pushed back to December. Our plan is to open registration before the start of December and launch mid-December. These are goals as we are working to get other companies incorporated. I apologize if my last post was misleading. Last thing I want to happen is to open registration to a site that is not ready. We are very close, though!

Thank you for your patience and follow up!
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I'm not gonna lie, I actually had high hopes for this website. But the lack of updating, consistent 'pushing-back' of their registration (not to mention their launch), and spending a lot of money on swag months before they even open the doors has made me skeptical.

What's going on with this site? Did it drop off a cliff?
I'm not gonna lie, I actually had high hopes for this website. But the lack of updating, consistent 'pushing-back' of their registration (not to mention their launch), and spending a lot of money on swag months before they even open the doors has made me skeptical.

What's going on with this site? Did it drop off a cliff?

First off, let me just wish everyone Happy Holidays!

@I_Am_Iris I understand how you are feeling from your side. To answer your question, no the website has not fallen off a cliff. Everything about the website is ready for registration minus the streaming software. We are building the software from the ground up. I have chosen to hold registration until the software is complete. Push backs happen, this is a company and not just a website. I do not want to mislead anyone moving forward with providing a specific date. The push backs are allowing me to get the other pieces lined up for when the website is complete. The first impression is going to be very important for all the models.

The "swag" as you have referred to it, is actually to benefit all the models. I assure you I am not just spending a great deal of money for no reason. The stickers are part of the marketing strategy....with the marketing team in place. Everyone should feel good seeing the marketing items. Epoch is in place. So, everything is waiting on the streaming software.

Don't be afraid of silence. This thread has been so good with asking questions, I encourage anyone with questions to keep asking!

Happy Holidays!
I want to go back to the trans issue for a second, although it would be nice to hear from a trans model on the subject.

There really is no need for a transgender category at all if you only plan to feature post-op models. Post-op transwomen are simply female and prefer to be categorized as such. End of story. Also, that is not what the transgender category means in this industry. Customers who seek out trans models are specifically looking for pre-op. No, this does not mean you will be featuring men on your site. Transwomen are still women regardless of what is between their legs. Post-op only makes the category completely irrelevant, not to mention insensitive. I believe you won't be bringing in many trans models to the site if you go with your current plan. I would hate to see this opportunity to be inclusive go to waste.

That said, I'm very curious about the site and I think it has potential. I hope to see it up and running soon.
I want to go back to the trans issue for a second, although it would be nice to hear from a trans model on the subject.

There really is no need for a transgender category at all if you only plan to feature post-op models. Post-op transwomen are simply female and prefer to be categorized as such. End of story. Also, that is not what the transgender category means in this industry. Customers who seek out trans models are specifically looking for pre-op. No, this does not mean you will be featuring men on your site. Transwomen are still women regardless of what is between their legs. Post-op only makes the category completely irrelevant, not to mention insensitive. I believe you won't be bringing in many trans models to the site if you go with your current plan. I would hate to see this opportunity to be inclusive go to waste.

That said, I'm very curious about the site and I think it has potential. I hope to see it up and running soon.

A transexual is not a woman and never will be a woman, pre-op or post-op. Being a woman is much more than looking like one. I get your point that in the sex industry "trans" usually means a man with tits and nice make-up, and this is what people who look for "trans" porn are looking for. But if OP chooses to add a "trans" category to his camsite, that does mean he will be featuring men on his site.
A face palm is not enough, my heart hurts for you Mila and all the beauty in this world that you are missing.
I know you don't agree or understand and none of these words mean anything to you, but it's important to me that this forum not be represented by your words to outsiders looking in.
Let me ask you something Jolene: is your experience as a woman so insignificant to you that all it takes is for a man to "feel" like a woman to become one?

It isn't a matter of feelings, but a matter of facts. A man will never know or even begin to imagine what being a woman is. Does a man, post-op or pre-op had to deal with menstruation growing up? Will a transexual ever be capable of being a mother, or breastfeeding a child? They do not have a womb. They are not women. If an archaeologist from the future digs up a transexual skeleton, everything will indicate that it is a male skeleton, no matter how many surgeries they get to alter their jaw, no matter how they "feel" inside. Because sex is a reality, it is who we are, we are born as male or as female, and nothing can change it. Nobody exists in abstract form.

I also think it is quite insulting to women to say that a man can become a woman just by wishing it. Not only is it delusional but it is insulting. Being a woman is much more than having a pair of tits, and if you, as a man, are considering mutilating your genitals then what you need is professional help to overcome your problems, they don't need for the rest of humanity to take a part in their delusion and become accomplices of it.

Edit: it is also getting old... people insulting me or being condescending to me simply because I don't share their views. Jolene, you could simply express why you disagree with me, instead you and others throw "facepalms" at my posts or say shit like "facepalms are not enoughhhh" or how sorry you are that I do not "feel" your feels. Grow up.
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I'd just like to say one thing, regardless of whether you believe in transgender people becoming the opposite gender or not... There are many women who will never experience menstruation, there are many women (most likely including myself) who will never be a biological mother nor breastfeed a child, there are women who are born with messed up chromosomes and have all the lady parts and ARE women, but will never know what it is like to have any ability to birth children (or conceive them in general) I do not believe what defines a woman is her ability to birth children or anything regarding reproduction. Because there are many women who will never reproduce so using that as a way to describe what a woman is isn't right. It's biologically incorrect.
It's 2016 today Mila, catch up with the world because it is going to quickly pass you by and leave you very lonely.

I'm not trying to be condescending, I legitimately feel sorry for you and think you are a hateful ignorant person. That sucks, and I wish your life was better because it would honestly make the world a better place if you weren't so bigoted.
I'm not ever going to be understanding of hateful bigotry or homophobia/transphobia. Ever. You have your opinion and in my opinion it's hateful, wrong and dangerous to societal progress.

Like I said though, I don't expect you to give two shits about anything I say but it's important to me to say it not only for the people you hurt but to make a possible showing to the outside world that your view is NOT shared by the majority of this forum.

Nothing you say can possibly change my heart.
Let me ask you something Jolene: is your experience as a woman so insignificant to you that all it takes is for a man to "feel" like a woman to become one?

It isn't a matter of feelings, but a matter of facts. A man will never know or even begin to imagine what being a woman is. Does a man, post-op or pre-op had to deal with menstruation growing up? Will a transexual ever be capable of being a mother, or breastfeeding a child? They do not have a womb. They are not women. If an archaeologist from the future digs up a transexual skeleton, everything will indicate that it is a male skeleton, no matter how many surgeries they get to alter their jaw, no matter how they "feel" inside. Because sex is a reality, it is who we are, we are born as male or as female, and nothing can change it. Nobody exists in abstract form.

I also think it is quite insulting to women to say that a man can become a woman just by wishing it. Not only is it delusional but it is insulting. Being a woman is much more than having a pair of tits, and if you, as a man, are considering mutilating your genitals then what you need is professional help to overcome your problems, they don't need for the rest of humanity to take a part in their delusion and become accomplices of it.

Edit: it is also getting old... people insulting me or being condescending to me simply because I don't share their views. Jolene, you could simply express why you disagree with me, instead you and others throw "facepalms" at my posts or say shit like "facepalms are not enoughhhh" or how sorry you are that I do not "feel" your feels. Grow up.

I've never understood people like you, it's as if someone who doesn't meet your own specific standards of being a woman somehow diminishes or negatively affects your own womanhood status. This is even more ridiculous then your past postings how immigrants (even though you are one yourself), should not be allowed into the US because they are subhuman or whatever. Is it really that hard to just allow people the freedom to pursue their own personal happiness on their own terms using definitions of their own choosing?

Then again, you are the same individual who mentioned "being able to identify Jews by bone structure" in a dif thread so I doubt it.
I will ask everyone on this thread to please keep their views/beliefs to themselves. This topic has become personal and is now becoming a distraction. Again, if there is a tran who would like to add to this, please do.

My decision for the category has nothing to do with models and their personal lives, but was decided from a members end. I know how I will handle this and since we are holding the launch to continue development, I will make the adjustment.

But please, respect each other's views whether they align with yours or do not. This thread has been very productive and I ask we keep it moving in a productive direction.

I hope everyone had a fun and safe NYE. I am currently driving 23 hours from NYC to back home. I pulled over to write this because I do care about all of your views and do not want to see this thread get out-of-hand.

Happy 2016!
Because sex is a reality, it is who we are, we are born as male or as female, and nothing can change it. Nobody exists in abstract form.
There are humans born with hermaphroditism (ie: have both male/femalesex organ).

There is also "androgen insensitivity syndrome" which effects the bodies ability to effectively use androgens (from mild to complete). This can cause varying degrees of mixed skeletal structures and varying male/female attributes that come out during puberty. So this is flat out wrong, some do exist in "abstract form" physically. Thus these arguments are pretty faulty. To extract on LunaTuna's post, a mild form of AIS could also cause a women that appears fully female in every other way to never menstruate.
Let me ask you something Jolene: is your experience as a woman so insignificant to you that all it takes is for a man to "feel" like a woman to become one?

It isn't a matter of feelings, but a matter of facts. A man will never know or even begin to imagine what being a woman is. Does a man, post-op or pre-op had to deal with menstruation growing up? Will a transexual ever be capable of being a mother, or breastfeeding a child? They do not have a womb. They are not women. If an archaeologist from the future digs up a transexual skeleton, everything will indicate that it is a male skeleton, no matter how many surgeries they get to alter their jaw, no matter how they "feel" inside. Because sex is a reality, it is who we are, we are born as male or as female, and nothing can change it. Nobody exists in abstract form.

I also think it is quite insulting to women to say that a man can become a woman just by wishing it. Not only is it delusional but it is insulting. Being a woman is much more than having a pair of tits, and if you, as a man, are considering mutilating your genitals then what you need is professional help to overcome your problems, they don't need for the rest of humanity to take a part in their delusion and become accomplices of it.

Edit: it is also getting old... people insulting me or being condescending to me simply because I don't share their views. Jolene, you could simply express why you disagree with me, instead you and others throw "facepalms" at my posts or say shit like "facepalms are not enoughhhh" or how sorry you are that I do not "feel" your feels. Grow up.
I would suggest you read a few books on genetics. Also, look up Klinefelter's Syndrome or Turner's Syndrome. These are extreme cases but everything in between exists also.

I don't think anyone knows "how a woman feels" or "how a man feels," because everyone is different, we only know how WE feel as individuals.
Biological sex is a social construct. It's all grey areas and goes beyond the binary of male/female. With extra chromosomes, missing chromosomes, intersexed people... the binary simply doesn't exist.

Don't confuse transexual/transgender with transvestite or cross-dresser. Transvestites are men who enjoy dressing up as women for sexual gratification. Transwomen are born with a gender that differs from their assigned sex at birth.

Is a woman no longer considered a woman if she has a hysterectomy or goes through menopause? After all she has no uterus, periods, and can't have children. No, of course not. It's equally silly to claim transwomen can't be women because of differences in anatomy.
After working in a porn store for 3 years, I can say that I would *ABSOLUTELY* include trans people if I were starting a porn anything. The group that purchases those videos is 90% middle aged+ men in suits and spendy as hell. I always kept a few favorite TGirl vids (I don't know if TGirl is politically correct. It's just a term that the porn companies use) to up-sell them. Never turned down.
After working in a porn store for 3 years, I can say that I would *ABSOLUTELY* include trans people if I were starting a porn anything. The group that purchases those videos is 90% middle aged+ men in suits and spendy as hell. I always kept a few favorite TGirl vids (I don't know if TGirl is politically correct. It's just a term that the porn companies use) to up-sell them. Never turned down.
Did you ever get customers in their late teens?
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But yeah, onto topic. I personally know virtually nothing about transgender people, or the fetish/attraction/whatever it is, but I think the whole point is for a lady to essentially have a penis. Having a fully transitioned male to female transgender person, who essentially looks like a natural born female, be under the category of transgender just doesn't really seem like the idea of the category. It doesn't seem like any different from a regular model. I'm just going off of what I have observed over Chaturbate and basically any website having to do with sex/porn/etc. I don't know if this was an issue but I thought I heard someone say it so I thought I'd chime in. :3
I have a question, everyone. If a transsexual person has a surgery to become female post-op, wouldn't their license/ID change to reflect that? If it does, then there would be no way for HHC (or anyone else, for that matter) to know they used to have male genitalia. Unless the model expressly told them. So saying that your site "allows" trans people to work there POST-OP is superflous. Because as of right now, there could be hundreds of post-op models already working on sites that are for women only (like MFC) simply because they are now women. They can apply the same as a naturally-born woman would.

My point is that having a 'tab' for transgender POST-OP women would not work. Basically, @HHC, you'll have to understand and accept that you might have post-op transgender females working for you without you knowing. And that's fine. But stating anything about 'allowing' transgender people to cam there is false. Like someone above me said, the only people who would fit into the transgender category (legally, having a different set of genitals than they want/need/will have* on their ID) would be PRE-OP transgenders. And if you don't allow them, then you don't allow transgender people/women. I just really want to stress that last sentence.

Again, it's your prerogative to allow or not allow transgender people to work on your site. That's perfectly ok. But decide whether you want them to or not, and don't advertise it as "Oh, we're accepting of all women! EVEN transgender women!" because that's not what it is. If you don't want pre-op transgender women on your site (and again, that is perfectly ok, as it's your business to run), then don't advertise nor say anything publicly about allowing transgender people.

*Don't judge me. I'm not hip to all the terms. And even though I'm not familiar with anything other than CIS-gendered living, I still try to be accepting of everyone else, even if I don't quite understand fully. It's not about understanding. It's about acceptance. I don't understand radical (in my opinion) religions either, but I still accept them. Meh.
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