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New Cam Girl, Question For Members

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Jan 4, 2014
So I am pretty much brand new to caming. I have kicked it around different forums posting pics and vids, but haven't gotten this serious about it ever. Anyways, I have enjoyed my first few nights on mfc and have met a lot of nice guys and interesting people to say the least. My question is this, am I being overly thankful by sending a "thank you" MFC mail to guys who tip, especially larger amounts? I am trying obviously to build up regulars and show members my personality, but is there such a thing as being overly thankful? Curious to see some members responses, and even what models do. I understand that girls who get a lot of tips can't really do this, as that would just be too time consuming. Or am I just crazy and overly worried what guys think of me in this early stage?
I would think it was a pretty nice gesture and would probably make sure to come back to see you again partly because of it. The other part would, of course, be based on how much I enjoyed you and your room. But, I see nothing negative about sending a thank you mail for a nice tip.
Anna_Valo said:
So I am pretty much brand new to caming. I have kicked it around different forums posting pics and vids, but haven't gotten this serious about it ever. Anyways, I have enjoyed my first few nights on mfc and have met a lot of nice guys and interesting people to say the least. My question is this, am I being overly thankful by sending a "thank you" MFC mail to guys who tip, especially larger amounts? I am trying obviously to build up regulars and show members my personality, but is there such a thing as being overly thankful? Curious to see some members responses, and even what models do. I understand that girls who get a lot of tips can't really do this, as that would just be too time consuming. Or am I just crazy and overly worried what guys think of me in this early stage?

Obviously it's hard to tell how any given member will react to this--but in general I think it would be received pretty well (it's a nice/low-pressure way to get members to go--"hmmmm... she seems nice" when you're not even online). Personally, I think a little thank you note in an MFC mail seems really nice/thoughtful--especially if features a little bit of specificity (like it doesn't feel like a form letter you sent out to every tipper).

Members might also appreciate it if you also mention that you value/appreciate them "hanging out" and adding to the conversation--as having a good flowing conversation is something that can be tough to establish as well. Plus, just adding something along these lines will take away from any sense of a "thanks for your money, I hope you bring me some more" effect. I think in general, MFC mail is a pretty safe followup method--but I'd avoid doing something more obtrusive like immediately PMing all people that have tipped you a lot "Why aren't you in my room yet???" when you sign on--which is probably pretty obvious lol.

Overall, I don't ever think being thankful is a bad thing--as long as it makes sense and is genuine. No one is going to enjoy plastic over-the-top ingenuous thank yous, but if you are genuinely thankful go ahead and express it--it will shine through. :)
Personally, I try to send a quick thank you pm to everyone who tips me. I make it short and sweet that's it. If a person is a generous tipper I tend to send them content on occasion just as a way of letting them know thank I really do remember them, and appreciate them. It's true that you never know though with some members. I think it's fine as long as the model doesn't come back next time and say something like "Hey thanks for the private that last 5 hours! Wanna go again?"
Over the past year on MFC, only one model have thought to do this... thanking business. And I forever remember her for it. It wasn't a huge tip at all -- something like 30-40 tokens to meet a countdown goal she was trying.

She was a sweet gal and all, but I simply wasn't into her. Had I been into her, yeah it would have got me to go back to visit her again.

I'd say what's the harm? Unless you're spending 8 hours a day thanking people and it's hindering you from doing other things, why not?
I think it's rather cute and i'd probably stick around a little bit more, to be honest.. but that's just me.

i'd probably have a perplexed look on my face if I had tipped 10 and got a thank you mail tho... but the bigger ones, as you say, yeah, go for it ... It probably won't last forever anyway, do it while you're happy to do it.
ILikeUonTop said:
I would think it was a pretty nice gesture and would probably make sure to come back to see you again partly because of it. The other part would, of course, be based on how much I enjoyed you and your room. But, I see nothing negative about sending a thank you mail for a nice tip.
What he said.
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As someone else said, I have only ever received a couple of thankyou notes. One was for a reasonable sized tip, one for barely anything but It took me aback the next day when i logged on to find that someone had bothered to say thankyou for what many wouldnt.

Its sweet, endearing and going that extra mile which IMO makes fantastic business sense.
My only note of caution is that at some point it may not be the most economic thing in terms of time vs reward if you become "successful" (whatever your own definition of that is, If you are spending hours online then hours writing thankyou notes it could become a little tedious for yourself
One thing you can do, without publicizing it, is to make a private mailing list, and offer to add members who have tipped you to that mailing list. Some members may not prefer not to provide their email addresses, but those who opt in can be rewarded with an occasional update and maybe an exclusive photo. You may want to delete members who have not been back to visit for a fixed time as time goes on, so it would be a kind of personal loyalty rewards program.
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I did it for every tip when I first started, and still send thank yous if the tip (not even being especially large) was given with a sweet note, or helped make a bad night a good one.. I think you have a good attitude and it's a great thing to do, but honestly, it just gets hard to keep up with after a while, unless you're really adamant about it. At least, that's how it is for me.
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Others have touched on it but you have to be careful creating an expectation with members that you then are chained to or face a public meltdown from someone when you forget to send them the note one time.

That being said it's a wonderful gesture and incredibly refreshing from the norm. I hope things go well for you and if I see you on line I will stop by and say hello.
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