AmberCutie's Forum
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My First Ban :)

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Sep 19, 2010
I THINK, coz I've never been banned before, I have received my first ban :) and I can only imagine it was because of something I said on this forum because I've never said anything much in her room and defo nothing offensive.

I tried to get in her room and got a message saying I wasn't allowed in coz I wasn't invited or I'd been banned. I sort of hope it's the ban. Like a badge of honour.

For reference, it's not a model I'm arsed about nor widely discussed on this forum in any way.
Yeah that's banned...once I was banned for I guess like 60 days from a room I'd never been in (prior to trying and finding I was banned) and I did wonder if a model bans someone it can catch similar IPs - I'd never even talked about or visited this chick, and after a couple months went by I checked and the ban was lifted so yeah, dunno

I always just get banned for making jokes...yesterday a chick had one of those annoying cam banners right across her stomach and I joked she could sell advertising space "this orgasm brought to you by pepsi" -- ban.
In fairness to all parties, despite being hot, she did fuck all and I never tipped so both parties come away with no regrets and no losses.
I have accidentally banned premiums before, inadvertently clicking on the wrong parties name because they had the dubious distinction of being the name above or below the actual offending premium. Perhaps you were caught in the crossfires of a model as blind as I am!? To rectify my oversight I always unban and produce titties though, lol, and inform the room that they better watch their shit or I might ban them, and then apologize, and then produce titties. They seem fine with it.
I seem to get banned quite alot from new models for not tipping, even though i have a fancy font and everything!
But more often than not my jokes don't sit well with some models and they just ban me...quoting dexter doesn't go down too well with some models either :shock:
My first ban came from FrankieChemical, which contributes to me not changing my name as often as I'd want. The comedy stylings of SweepTheLeg is appreciated and enjoyed, but for some reason the same jokes from ButtHoleSlips- not so much.

The only other times I have been banned has been when I wasn't talking at all. Its been when I've been multi tasking, I want to clean my place while looking at titties at the same time. Makes sense to me and then BOOM banned. So the moral of the story is I can never stop talking ever.
SweepTheLeg said:
My first ban came from FrankieChemical, which contributes to me not changing my name as often as I'd want. The comedy stylings of SweepTheLeg is appreciated and enjoyed, but for some reason the same jokes from ButtHoleSlips- not so much.

The only other times I have been banned has been when I wasn't talking at all. Its been when I've been multi tasking, I want to clean my place while looking at titties at the same time. Makes sense to me and then BOOM banned. So the moral of the story is I can never stop talking ever.

LOL yeah I've also noticed if I change my name suddenly some models don't find me as amusing anymore...
Be a bit of a coincidence if I mention her on here in a slightly bad light (really nothing bad I have to say) then the next day, without being in her room, I'm banned.
Jupiter551 said:
SweepTheLeg said:
My first ban came from FrankieChemical, which contributes to me not changing my name as often as I'd want. The comedy stylings of SweepTheLeg is appreciated and enjoyed, but for some reason the same jokes from ButtHoleSlips- not so much.

The only other times I have been banned has been when I wasn't talking at all. Its been when I've been multi tasking, I want to clean my place while looking at titties at the same time. Makes sense to me and then BOOM banned. So the moral of the story is I can never stop talking ever.

LOL yeah I've also noticed if I change my name suddenly some models don't find me as amusing anymore...

RegularsNameIKnow: LOL YOU SLUT! <- not banned as I know this is a joke
The reason why you banned me was because someone who did know it was me thought it would be funny to tell you I was trolling. But even when it happened I was laughing and enjoy looking back on it that the lady that made me go premium is the same lady who banned me for the first time. While I never have called you a slut, I know i am guilty of calling you a hot mess.
SweepTheLeg said:
The reason why you banned me was because someone who did know it was me thought it would be funny to tell you I was trolling. But even when it happened I was laughing and enjoy looking back on it that the lady that made me go premium is the same lady who banned me for the first time. While I never have called you a slut, I know i am guilty of calling you a hot mess.

a.) I'm known for random bans (usually on accident) & being ban happy in the past. I own it, lol I know I'm a ditz & often times a little absent minded. It's part of my charm.
b.) That must have happened AWHILE ago.
3.) Ya, I know you never took it so far as the slut thing. It was the only thing I could think to use as an example because I don't even remembered how you were "trollin'"
Over a year ago, but i have the memory of an elephant- I never forget (dramatic pause) to kill.
SweepTheLeg said:
Over a year ago, but i have the memory of an elephant- I never forget (dramatic pause) to kill.


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i;ve been on mfc about a week, and banned two people so far. First one was my first day and he starts saying how OLD I was and being kinda nasty. banned. Last night i had one come on that just did emoticon after emoticon after emoticon, Tried to draw him out and join the conversation, made some jokes, he just didnt stop. so, the ban hammer came down. I dont like to ban.
When I used to surf around rooms, I got the odd ban for being silent for a few minutes. I was silent, as the wiki suggestions, to get a feel for the room - the vibe etc.
I viewed the bans as favours...prevented me from spending my money, and what "vibe" would you get where the model spends most of her time banning people for looking at her fully clothed whilst seeing what chat is going on! :)
If she's that paranoid about "freeloaders" she shouldn't be at MFC (as logically she's banning all guests and basics too...if she isn't, then like fuck am I spending money on such a selective banning policy! I'd feel like I had to tip every few minutes to avoid a ban, or make crap convo and tip - what a HIDEOUS atmosphere - a room to avoid at all costs).
I have a friend who cams on mfc and she gets super mad about the silent viewers. I get that rooms can be quiet and lame but theres no need to ban people for being silent... to each their own.. maybe that person is shy or doesn't have anything to say. I know that I've pervy perved in rooms a few times the room was going and I tried to put some input but I'm ignored/they dont see it or it's totally lame.

ive never been baned before... but i kind of want to just to see what its like... hmmmmm....
Had my first ever ban as guest last week. Somebody linked a girl getting licked by a dog in the lounge, so I went into her room as a guest for a better screen cap and she banned me as a guest. Dunno if she does that to all guests... but I didn't say a word and was in there less than a minute.

I managed to get banned by a top model for laughing at her in Lounge1000 -- she was in her room complaining about coming 6th in MissMFC that month.

Some snitch must have told her people were laughing about it and she got even more upset. So I went to her room to speak to her directly ... instantly banned.

banning is my last resort. So, last night early on was a bad night for the nasties. I had 3 or 4 within 40 min or so be mean. Other members jumped on them right away and told me ban ban. But, this is what I do: "awww, Im sorry you feel that way, but you do realize you do not have to stay here and watch if you think I am so old, or ugly or... Unless maybe hurling insults is what really turns you on? Are you hard right now because being mean gets you off?" If I respond that way, they are usually gone pretty quick. Was very disappointed that one of them turned out to be a premium, the rest were basics.
Hahaha I used to ban people - on the regular. But now I just use them to create lulz in my room. Go along with their random nonsense and eventually they learn that I am more mean {in a sarcastic tone ofc :) } than they can be :) & they leave to never return....or if they do they keep their fingers off the keyboard.

Sometimes I would turn the cam towards my screen, go to their profile, post some trollish comments of my own, then make jokes about being on their Dads account cause they are obviously too young to even have deccent troll skillz, then I ban em. LOL
Never been banned. The most I've ever been done to is a model took me off of her friends list so I couldn't PM her- I really did deserve the reasoning after thinking about it.
I think seeing being banned as a badge of honor is an odd bit of human nature. Some people are proud of the times they've been arrested, as well. I understand it and don't understand it at the same time.
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