AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

My First Ban :)

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Kchrpm said:
I think seeing being banned as a badge of honor is an odd bit of human nature. Some people are proud of the times they've been arrested, as well. I understand it and don't understand it at the same time.
I've always hated how being seen as a bad-ass gets more respect than being a nice person. I also hate how buying something gets less respect than stealing it. i.e. how people shit-talk me for buying my music and movies instead of torrenting everything.
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As silly as it sounds, I have a hard time enjoying mob movies for similar reasons. How am I supposed to feel bad when someone who steals, threatens and kills for a living gets robbed, threatened and killed?

Sometimes I think people feel like they're sticking it to the man, the same man that is holding them down and preventing them from being successful.

But a fascinating experiment is giving a game like Animal Crossing to a non-gamer. My mother and a friend of mine, upon being dropped into my Animal Crossing city, both did the same thing: run around and trample flowers. It is the easiest thing to do that has an immediate effect on the world, with a visual component to it. Since it doesn't hurt anything "real" they don't have any connection to it or understanding of it, it's like they're reliving their childhood.

Fast forward a month or so and my mother has gone out and bought her own Gamecube, has multiple cities and characters with themes/personalities for all of them.

It's very interesting to see that process, that progress from a child that knows only shiny colors and loud noises to an adult that appreciates and influences their place in the greater scheme of things.
AmberCutie said:
Kchrpm said:
I think seeing being banned as a badge of honor is an odd bit of human nature. Some people are proud of the times they've been arrested, as well. I understand it and don't understand it at the same time.
I've always hated how being seen as a bad-ass gets more respect than being a nice person. I also hate how buying something gets less respect than stealing it. i.e. how people shit-talk me for buying my music and movies instead of torrenting everything.

The only things I have ever "stolen" are a few CDs that I've checked out from the library and loaded on to my iPod (so I could try out their music) and torrents of Top Gear, so I could see episodes they never show in the US and so I could see parts of episodes they do show, but edit out (which they've stopped doing as of last year). Everything else I pay for.
AshaSnow said:
I don't start banning people if the room is quiet....I YELL REALLY LOUD! :D

I will say 'WAKE UP'. Kind of freaks some folks out, but I find it funny. Does that make me a troll O.O
maybe i should try this...even the crickets are silent in my room XD
Mikeythegeek said:
AmberCutie said:
Kchrpm said:
I think seeing being banned as a badge of honor is an odd bit of human nature. Some people are proud of the times they've been arrested, as well. I understand it and don't understand it at the same time.
I've always hated how being seen as a bad-ass gets more respect than being a nice person. I also hate how buying something gets less respect than stealing it. i.e. how people shit-talk me for buying my music and movies instead of torrenting everything.

The only things I have ever "stolen" are a few CDs that I've checked out from the library and loaded on to my iPod (so I could try out their music) and torrents of Top Gear, so I could see episodes they never show in the US and so I could see parts of episodes they do show, but edit out (which they've stopped doing as of last year). Everything else I pay for.

I applaud both of you. One of these days, I'll be able to do that... Master was all "What? Why?" When I said I wanted to pay for all my music someday. Now he's trying to go as legal as possible with everything. Next thing you know, he's gonna start using manners :p
AmberCutie said:
I've always hated how being seen as a bad-ass gets more respect than being a nice person. I also hate how buying something gets less respect than stealing it. i.e. how people shit-talk me for buying my music and movies instead of torrenting everything.
Thank you for that, Amber!

For the record, one of my badges of honor is that I don't get banned from models' rooms. It pays to be nice. (I never have understood this primal need for shit-stirring that's been so common on the Internet since its inception in Al Gore's basement so many decades ago.)

The one time I've been kicked from a room, I really didn't do anything that warranted it. I was quiet for the first 90 seconds I was in some model's room in one Firefox tab, because I was busy finishing up something in another tab and had half-forgot I'd opened her room up, so crazy model kicks me. I tried to go back in a moment later to apologize for being quiet and actually talk to her, and she kicked me before I could even type "Hello". I could have been vindictive and come back under some other account name and given her shit, or I could have run to site admins to complain (under that site's rules, she could have been disciplined/fined/etc for this), but what was the point? Her actions made it clear she had no interest in me nor any potential revenue she might earn from me, and her actions made it clear she didn't have the kind of personality I was interested in, so I moved on. In other words, *I* (the member) banned *her* (the model). Then got on with my life! Plenty of other mermaids in the camsea.
The only time I've been banned was when I fell asleep in a model's room. She already didn't like me because she had talked shit about MFC at her previous site, about how she wouldn't take commands for tips like a puppet etc and I was never in the group of people that kissed her ass at the previous site. Every time I went in her room, no matter how full it was, she made a point of saying something to me within the first minute. I don't know if she thought I was spying on her or what, but since I was asleep and didn't reply I was banned and get banned again whenever I join her room after the ban is up.
Point should be made that most of the bans in this thread appear to be through misunderstanding or unintentional offense rather than malicious trolling - so while not wearing it as a badge of pride, since more than half my 4 or 5 bans have resulted from poorly timed one-liners I can laugh about them here :p
I've been banned a few times, it doesn't hurt if it's not a model friend I'll shrug my shoulders & see it as a good excuse to have a look somewhere else. But if it's a model I really like (i.e. on my friends list) then I'm so happy I don't go on MFC until the following day. Generally I've been unbanned & forgiven. Usually bans come about by either being rude or giving advice :woops:
In the "WTF, but so what..." category....
Back erlier this year when that Russian studio was churning all those bogus girls with top spot scores.... I had bans 1 thru 3 for saying 'Hi. you're new huh? nice big cam score you have..." Bam ! :icon-lol: :icon-lol: :icon-lol: ..
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