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Bocefish said:
You can have 2 prem it's not as if you would lose one account in order to get the other one straightened out.
This is what I will wind up doing today as I have had enough frustration with this and don't need to be sitting out another shift of my favorite model and friends.

Still no clue what the deal is; I tried a different IP and sent the message from there and even sent a message to the fax number for billing support. I have wasted enough time on it when I could have done other things to earn enough for the tokens that were in the account. I still would like the archives though and whatever other compensation is fair. I'll still keep trying, and I know a few ways to recoup my losses from MFC. :mrgreen:

I'm sure they feel that because they are "one of the most technologically advanced websites on the Internet" they don't need customer support. :lol: Pretty much any other site like this has several support options, including chat, and this would have been taken care of in minutes. MFC knows they have a product that people want, and that they can get away with this pathetic excuse for support because customers like me will wind up buying another account anyway.
Honestly, they're slow. I had my account hacked. I guess I had clicked on one of those "Try this!" spam links on accident. It took a day for them to fix it. Not because it took that long, but it took a while between emails for them to respond.
jebbaz said:
never click on a spam link dude, thats ALWAYS a bad thing.

Oh, I know. I have a weird twitch with my mouse finger, sometimes, and I click where I don't want to.
This just happened to my second account as well.

I had left MFC running on a models page and then put my laptop to sleep for a bit. When I returned, the MFC splashscreen was up and I thought to myself "uh oh". I had to reenter my password and got the same error message.

I have no reason to believe that this is anything but a glitch, but somehow combined with something that prevents my requests for support to get through, whether through the Wiki, email, or even fax. Needless to say I am quite upset (it has been 9 hours on this one) because I hate not having my premium account and I had put about $95 in tokens on this one as well.

I may have a proposition for anyone who can help me at least make contact with MFC a bit later. I will make it worth anyones while if it comes to that.
Try this, use your emails Priority setting at the highest, but first adjust your clock 1 day ahead this will put it at the front of mfcs "inbox"

MyFreeCams Member Support <

don't waffle keep it short

account name , detail etc
nzhere said:
Try this, use your emails Priority setting at the highest, but first adjust your clock 1 day ahead this will put it at the front of mfcs "inbox"

MyFreeCams Member Support <

don't waffle keep it short

account name , detail etc

I will give it a shot but I have a feeling that somehow the one issue steamrolled into several that has prevented any resolution to this. The same thing happened to a basic account of mine now when I logged on with a different machine and IP address soon after logging it off of my usual one. While logged in, the Flash plugin made it impossible to use the site, and then I tried to register a new account and couldn't but they sent 15 confirmation emails anyway. I spent several hours scanning my system for malware and it is clean.

If I do not get an answer quickly I will create a new thread to see if someone with more juice with MFC can help me get some answers and my accounts back. I will try to make it worth their while.
There might be a problem with Flash. Have you tried deleting all your Flash temporary data? If you are using Firefox, the plugin BetterPrivacy allows you to do that easily. With Chrome, you can do it by using the Adobe link at the bottom of the "Clear Browsing Data" window.
Sevrin said:
There might be a problem with Flash. Have you tried deleting all your Flash temporary data? If you are using Firefox, the plugin BetterPrivacy allows you to do that easily. With Chrome, you can do it by using the Adobe link at the bottom of the "Clear Browsing Data" window.

Yep, did that too. I have been using Chrome because it has none of the typing and memory problems that IE or even Firefox had. It seems OK now -- I have another basic account I've been using just to keep up but I have been using it on a virtual machine through a VPN because I suspect that the same problem would happen again on my machine.

Thanks for everyones help -- I never thought it would happen again and I think a simple glitch has somehow turned into a perfect storm of problems. :lol: I'll give them a little more time here and then try something else. I just don't know why I was chosen to have every single thing happen to their account because I know I am generally a pretty nice guy in the models rooms and that I often can get more people to spend tokens than generally would.

(I just saw your offer Bocefish -- I have to run now but if there is no progress by the time I return I will do that :) )
If anyone thinks they get through to MFC support somehow, either through the wiki or via email or PM, please PM me and I will send you the relevant info. I hate to say it, but in order to keep from feeling so frustrated and angry, I am going to wind up getting a third Premium account I suppose. The other accounts have the same error that everyone else received, so because MFC hasn't bothered to fix whatever caused the problem in the first place, it will happen again. I can see how frustrated some of you became because it took a few hours to have the password reset or whatever -- now try to imagine hearing nothing for 16 days on one account, and the account I set up to replace the first one has been unusable for 5 days. Throw in a couple of thousand tokens just sitting there and it just about drives me mad. :banghead:

I've done all I can do -- and I am 100% certain that the problem is not on my end. Even if it were, there is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for not even sending an acknowledgement email to me. I could have walked to wherever their support is by now instead of waiting for their most "technologically advanced website" that "always responds to requests for support within 24 hours" and that maintains that they do what they can to keep the premium members happy. Considering my frustration with this, I am not even sure that 50,000 tokens would appease me at this point.

Sorry to rant again, but :evil: One day, you can feel like everything is going great, and the next you are stuck like I am, with apparantly no end in sight. Once again, if anyone thinks they can get through to someone at MFC who can help and they don't mind spending a few minutes on this, please PM me for the info. I have spent way too much time on this only to be stuck back at square one.
MFC Kraus said:
Sorry to rant again, but :evil: One day, you can feel like everything is going great, and the next you are stuck like I am, with apparantly no end in sight. Once again, if anyone thinks they can get through to someone at MFC who can help and they don't mind spending a few minutes on this, please PM me for the info. I have spent way too much time on this only to be stuck back at square one.
I'd be as pissed as you are in your situation. I've not had any serious account issues, but I do have experience with inquiries being ignored by MFC CS. Plat membership doesn't appear to make a difference in that regard.
It almost happened again. :roll:

I wasn't paying attention and all of a sudden I was logged out of MFC. Then, my memory climbed and climbed to nearly 100% before the browser crashed (Chrome). The problem is definitely the Flash plugin. I fretted over what to do after the browser crashed, so I cleared the cache and cookies and also all of the Flash data. I could log back on to MFC, but the memory began to climb so I logged out. I am not sure what to do next, but I may have to either get rid of my old user data or reinstall Chrome if Flash keeps acting up. I will keep my fingers crossed this account does not suffer the fate of the others.

Oh yeah, almost forgot: 22 days later on one account, and 11 on the other and still no response from MFC "Support". I continue to fill out the Wiki forms and email, but nothing. :evil:

MFC Kraus said:
It almost happened again. :roll:

I wasn't paying attention and all of a sudden I was logged out of MFC. Then, my memory climbed and climbed to nearly 100% before the browser crashed (Chrome). The problem is definitely the Flash plugin. I fretted over what to do after the browser crashed, so I cleared the cache and cookies and also all of the Flash data. I could log back on to MFC, but the memory began to climb so I logged out. I am not sure what to do next, but I may have to either get rid of my old user data or reinstall Chrome if Flash keeps acting up. I will keep my fingers crossed this account does not suffer the fate of the others.

Oh yeah, almost forgot: 22 days later on one account, and 11 on the other and still no response from MFC "Support". I continue to fill out the Wiki forms and email, but nothing. :evil:

I had the memory thing happen with Firefox, so I stopped using it for MFC. You might want to install SRWare Iron and see if you fare any better with that. It's uses the Chromium source code but leaves out some of the statistics gathering that Chrome does.

Sucks donkeys that MFC support are leaving you hanging like that though. :(
It gets even better. :-D
I logged into my current Premium account, but the high CPU usage was killing me so I tried to log out. But first I checked my account, which now said it had 0 tokens. So that's one more thing to contact support about. I have absolutely had it with them. It is to the point where the only solution from my point of view is physical confrontation. I am absolutely dumbfounded by this. :evil:
Sorry :) I should have waited before posting since I knew I'd have to add more.

I did SRWare Iron and every other browser. Uninstalled them, reinstalled them, uninstalled Flash, cleared the cache, etc. The troubling thing is that it seems targeted at my account. If I am not logged in I am OK. But once I log in, it is like it was when my second account went down, that within 2 or 3 minutes, the memory and CPU are up in the 90% range and stay there until the browser crashes. It seems to be targeted because I have used different machines with different browsers that are on different networks, and the exact same thing happens. As of now I haven't had the authentication error but I am sure that is next.

Well, my favorite model and my friends are on in a few minutes. I will see if I can talk to them, or else it is back to being a basic again. As long as my current account still works I am not as concerned about everything else, but this just can't happen again and I will have a hard time handing MFC more money for a 4th Premium account if it comes to that. I enjoy the positive aspects of MFC tremendously, but I have once again gone from being extremely happy to incredibly frustrated in a couple of hours. Because they won't respond to me at all and there are no alternate ways to contact support, there is really no telling what I will do next. All it would have taken is a couple of minutes for someone there to at least respond to me. For their sake, they had better finally respond to my requests for support and fix these issues within the next few hours. They have had enough time and they have wasted countless hours of mine. I have had enough. :evil:
I really should have waited. :lol:

It gets so much better (worse) that I cannot believe it. The same stuff is going on as far as Flash is concerned -- it seems like they are trying to lock me out. I tried to get into my favorite models room and it just wrecked the browser. So I went in as a guest so I could at least chat, and she told me that MFC took away the tokens I had given her for a private session yesterday -- that was 840 tokens. I have no idea what they think I have done, but they don't even bother telling me.

I will admit I get some tokens through the bring a friend thing via some links I post on a couple of forums, but I don't do it and don't know what people do. This just blows my mind, that they don't respond anyway and then do this. She does not deserve this either. You do not want to know how mad I am now -- and now I seriously doubt they will respond. I still do not know what they accuse me of. Fuck MFC. :evil:

ETA Fuck MFC, Fuck MFC, Fuck MFC --- it has taken me from the highest highs to the lowest lows
Sorry, I will have to make a new thread if I have anything new. It just blows my mind what has happened. They are trying to take away over 1200 tokens from my model friend, seem to think that it is better to do something that crashes the Flash Plugin for me instead of actually contacting me, etc.

Not once have I gotten a response.
She received a message indicating that the tokens were being charged back -- no reason given at all which is just great considering that besides the BAF tokens, I paid cash for a Visa Gift Card for the rest so they are not only stealing from me but from her as well. At this point my only concern is writing to them on her behalf so she gets her tokens. I am not optimistic about that either, but I will send her the money if I have to.

I am almost beyond words at this point. They have never said what the problem supposedly is, block accounts, still gave me the BAF tokens if that was the issue, and a million other things. Enough is enough. :evil: One way or another this will be resolved.
One more thing about Flash. Have you tried disabling "Hardware Acceleration"? I had a lot of problems with Flash before disabling it, and now they are much less frequent.

There is obviously more to it than Flash crashing at this point, but this might help with the crashes.
Sevrin said:
One more thing about Flash. Have you tried disabling "Hardware Acceleration"? I had a lot of problems with Flash before disabling it, and now they are much less frequent.

There is obviously more to it than Flash crashing at this point, but this might help with the crashes.

Yes, did that and everything else. ;)

The thing is, the Premium account I had been using (#3) still works as far as logging in. But as soon as I do so, memory and CPU go off the chart and I have only a couple of minutes to get out. I cannot read the chat in any room or PMs but I can enter a line or two in a chat and apparently it shows up. If I go back as a guest, it runs normally and I can see everything. If I go back with even a basic account after using the Premium account, the same problems occur unless I clear the cache and even delete my profile in Chrome / Iron. The problems will occur on any browser I have unless I do that first.

The reason I think that Premium #3 still works is because I do clear everything out before trying again. I have a feeling if I did not take those steps, if I tried logging on then I would get the same "We were unable to authenticate your account" message. This is why I do not understand that they won't respond at all: either they are doing this to that account (which would be highly unethical not to mention probably illegal), or there is a glitch or something that I have a lot of information on. If that is the case, I could actually help them, but I still have no idea as far as what is going on.

As for my model friend, I wrote some letters on her behalf. She knows nothing either, only a message that was sent to her detailing all of the tokens I had given her as Premium #3, saying "Charge Back" for each, and not listing a Reason for Return. It was not only the 842 from a Private session, but a group show and tips too totaling 1,286 tokens. As bad as my problems are, this is worse to me perhaps. I think of a "charge back" as when someone requests one from their credit card for services not rendered or fraud. I had nothing returned to me, and in fact lost most of the tokens in that account too. She knows I will send her the money for those tokens if necessary, but this whole thing is just awful. Now it seems as if they will watch her too, and I really have no idea of what to do with any of this. They won't respond, won't fix those accounts, won't explain anything, and now it seems as if any new account I make will suffer the same fate. Going after my model friend was the last straw, but I really have no cards to play. I have no idea what MFC thinks I did, and I know that, whatever it is, there are far worse people on MFC who get away with things every day. Thanks for everyones help, but, grrrrrr.... I just don't know what else to say.
The end....................

Well, my model friend did get a reply and her tokens back, although they said I "fraudulently" obtained them. I did not, and if something was wrong they could have told me about it when the first account went down. I have yet to hear one word from MFC on this. I have spent too much time on this and endured too much frustration, so I am done. I will never know what happened or what I supposedly did, but quite honestly, I can't take it anymore. If this is how they operate, it astonishes me to think they have gotten this big and generate that kind of income. I won't leave my model friend or other friends, but there is nothing else I can do and I don't know what to do anyway.

It still would have been nice to get a reply or know what I am actually accused of.
......and I was wrong.

It is not over, they did not give her the tokens back.
I suppose they did not even read what I wrote them on her behalf.
Kraus, the random craziness with Flash when you log in makes me wonder about a couple of things.

1- Is your computer clear of any viruses, spyware, etc.?

2- Is the version of Flash on your computer the most recent version?

3- Can you recreate this issue on a different computer outside of your house? Whether you're doing it yourself or having a friend enter your account?
Mikeythegeek said:
Kraus, the random craziness with Flash when you log in makes me wonder about a couple of things.

1- Is your computer clear of any viruses, spyware, etc.?

2- Is the version of Flash on your computer the most recent version?

3- Can you recreate this issue on a different computer outside of your house? Whether you're doing it yourself or having a friend enter your account?

1. Yes

2. Yes

3. Yes -- using a virtual machine through a VPN the same thing happens there as well. For instance, it does it now on Premium account #3 on my machine, the virtual machine, and another computer somewhere else I used. Unless I clear all of the cached Flash data afterwards, it will do it to any account I try logging in with. If the data is cleared, the other accounts will work normally, just not Premium account #3. Of course, now that I have apparently been accused of fraud through a third party, I have no clue what is going on.
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