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My fail cams

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Inactive Cam Model
Mar 8, 2010
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So, I was just kicked off camera and told my password was wrong. And now I can't log in to anything anywhere... *goes to try the premium account*
Sounds similar to what happened to me this week. I logged in one morning and everything was cool. When I got back from work and tried to log in, it told me to fuck off. I filled out their form on the Contact Us page and got a response about 2-3 hours later.
My model account is completely broke, but my premium account is working fine. I'm trying to email them, so far all they've done is tell me to restart my computer and clear the cache.

I don't think they've gotten that I can't even log in through the program that we use to get on camera. Hope this last email I sent them finally gets that through to them. If I can't get on camera, how can I earn them any money? (j/k)
any update on this?! it happened to me while i was on cam and i'm a bit worried right now. Did they restore the account or what?
Man, I freaked out for a second because I apparently got logged out and my password wasn't working. Fortunately I still have the account creation e-mail and my password was wrong. So I was just being a dumb ass and fixed the problem.
If only all things were so easy.
Bocefish said:
Over two hours now with no response from MFC. So much for for being a preferred platinum member. :roll:

Yeah, I sent them an e-mail three hours ago. And another one about an hour ago with screen shots showing what was going on. I'm pretty sure some of my regulars also hopped in and emailed them. I'm glad it's not just me though, I couldn't think of why I got banned for the life of me. :/ MFC kills me sometimes! grrr
this happened to me once on my model acct but i was friends with princessleia at that time and she actually was talking with mfc admins through messenger and they had to go in and change my password for me so i could get back in... so hopefully everything works out
camiliasilf said:
this happened to me once on my model acct but i was friends with princessleia at that time and she actually was talking with mfc admins through messenger and they had to go in and change my password for me so i could get back in... so hopefully everything works out

yeah, i'm really worried. they still haven't gotten back with me. apparently in the lounge people are saying i had sex with someone on cam, i had a stalker, i typed in the wrong password, and i'm underage. LOLOLOL. i just wanna get this settled so there's no more speculating going on! I'm getting pretty impatient, though. it's been like 4 hours now. JEeez.
Oh, lovely. Wonder how long it's going to take them to assign me a new password.
:roll: mfc needs to do work! lol
They sent me an email around 7pm US Est telling me my account was fixed. I checked around 8:30, sure enough, back to how it was before.

Which, I actually thought I might've caused it by complaining about not being able to edit my profile in firefox. It's just editing my profile, not the adding pics, newsfeed, or any of the other stuff I can look at in the model admin area. And only firefox. Which means I now have to use IE to edit my profile. grrr
After the morning coffee I checked mail...Still have NOT received a reply e-mail from MFC :evil: so I tried to log in and this time instead of getting the authentication error, I got the wrong password error. So I enter my pwd and again get the pwd error. WTF!?

So.......I use the *Forgot Password* option and low and behold THEY changed my password AGAIN!

Without notification!

No e-mail notification whatsoever or a reply from my previous e-mails...they just change my friggin' pwd and expect me to figure it out.

Platinum membership, supposedly:
you will receive our highest possible level of customer support. If you ever need anything at all, please contact us and we are at your disposal.

What wonderful customer service they have..........NOT!

Very few businesses could stay in business operating in such a fucktarded way!

Not only was my password changed, but some of my settings were too. WTF!?? :think:
As a MFC member and lurker to this forum, this probably isn't the greatest introduction, but it is hard to find MFC related forums such as this. I am a premium member who has had this problem for the past 28 hours, with this page coming up when I login:
We were unable to authenticate your account. Contact us for assistance. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I contacted support through the Wiki as I have before, and repeated as there was no response. As I am at the end of my rope, I emailed support and even PMd a couple of the admins through a Basic account I set up so I could let people know what happened.

Obviously MFC support is almost non-existant, however my favorite model and my friends will be on in a few hours and I was wondering if anyone more in the know knew of another avenue to try. I am sure this message is due to a glitch and nothing that I did, but I had a lot of tokens ready and I don't know what else to do at this point. Quite honestly, I don't know what I will do if this isn't resolved by then and my optimism is waning quickly. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Once again, sorry to introduce myself like this but I know others have been frustrated by similar situations as well. I have things to add to some of the other threads here but I need to figure this out first. :)
It took several hours for them to fix mine as you can see above. The only suggestion I have, if you have exhausted all your prior proven techniques of contacting them and followed the wiki fixes, is to make sure their reply is not in your spam folder.
Bocefish said:
It took several hours for them to fix mine as you can see above. The only suggestion I have, if you have exhausted all your prior proven techniques of contacting them and followed the wiki fixes, is to make sure their reply is not in your spam folder.
Thank you Bocefish; it's up to about 30 hours and no response so I am pretty much resigned to waiting at this point. It seems to me that if nothing else, MFC support should have a drop-down menu on the support form that indicates the type of problem. Issues that prevent a model or member from logging on should be a higher priority than a more cosmetic issue such as the way a page displays or a profile. I have used support before -- for a billing issue and a problem with a private show -- and the wait was a matter of hours each time. I'm still hoping I hear a response tonight, but the longer it goes the more it seems like it was lost in the pile.
I've found support to be hit or miss, but I expect that they may have had a lot of account issues come up due the crash we had last night.
Yeah, I realize they have had several other issues lately and some of it is the timing -- my favorite model who hasn't been on in a few days is on in half an hour for a double shift. Mostly the posts here have at least given me hope :-D that it is simply a glitch, at first I thought that I had done something wrong or been hacked.
-- otherwise still waiting though :-x
Also discovered that some Basic accounts were also upgraded to Premium without purchase of tokens and without BAF. Be on the lookout for a bunch of "annoying" Premiums. :lol:

Another thing, token transfers were locked. I transferred tokens to an account and it did not show until 6 hours later.

Maybe MFC is doing upgrades :pray:

I have noticed several other bugs on the site but nothing new as far as my account is concerned -- 48 hours and counting. It is more frustrating than anything else -- in the room I usually spend most of my time in I am afraid I may have taken it out a bit on them, although they do understand. :)

Otherwise I will keep trying the account and waiting -- that is about all I can do. It is the same error message as everyone else had and I am sure there is nothing else wrong -- I am just not optimistic about the wait time at this point.
OK, I won't keep posting in here until they actually respond or fix the problem but it is up to nearly 60 hours since this issue began for me and I contacted support. I am aware of other issues with MFC at the moment but this is absolutely unacceptable as far as customer service goes. At this point I am beginning to think I will never hear a response or have the login fixed. It is more frustrating than anything, as besides the support wiki and e-mail, I really don't know what else to do.
Sorry -- didn't want to add another post, didn't want to add another post, didn't want to add another post... :-D
but-- it is now up to over 4 days, about 98 hours since I first received the error message:
We were unable to authenticate your account. Contact us for assistance. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I have done everything: different browsers, different IP addresses, sent messages to the support wiki and the 2 support email addresses I could locate, and even sent messages from the basic account I set up to use this week. Still no response or solution.

I would not have been so frustrated but I'd have to say I am hooked a bit on my favorite model and essentially missed 3 of her shifts this week and would really like to have my premium account back by her next shift Sunday. I have dealt with MFC customer service before, but never had to wait for more than a few hours for a response. Seeing the level of activity on MFC, there is no way that they have that many people waiting in front of me. Quite honestly, it seems as though they will never respond and will take my account and tokens with them. Sorry to rant, but this has gotten ridiculous, and as I said in the support form, one reason I am so frustrated is because of the good features of the site, that I really have friends there.

Well enough, but I am at wits end with this. :banghead: I am almost tempted to ask someone with more Reward Points to try contacting them to see if that will help and if anyone has any other ideas feel free to share them. I have never heard of anyone waiting nearly this long for even a response and not being able to login is a serious issue. I was optimistic when I saw that this issue was a glitch that had been resolved in no more than a few hours for everyone else, but now I am absolutely lost as to what I should do because of the way this has gone so far.

Sorry to rant again but I think most of you understand and would feel the same in my shoes. :)
Bocefish said:
Doooood...that is way excessive, even for MFC! I suspect the problem is on your end and you are NOT receiving their response for some reason. :think:
I thought that too but if I press the "Forgot Password" link and send it to that email address it is there in seconds. I also sent regular emails too so I really have no clue at this point.

There is also the possibility that someone tried to get into my account because there is one guy who really wanted to know about a certain models private sessions, but I don't think that I would be receiving that error message if that were the case. Honestly, I have no clue at this point and will try a few more things such as using a different IP address again. A couple of people said I should just get another premium account but I don't exactly feel like rewarding MFC with their cut of the tokens I purchase for this. (I also don't want to lose the tokens or archives from the other account).
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