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Models Please Help! I need advice!!

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Aug 4, 2012
Hello to all!!!!!!

So for about two weeks I have been researching, and I am DETERMINED to be a webcam model. I do realize that it is ver hard work. I am ready to sign up with MFC but am hesitating right now because I will have to quit the two jobs I am working now and will have $2000 worth of bills to pay a month. Honestly do you all think that it is realistic to make that money in a months time camming? I have a girl next door look with curly brown hair and brown eyes, tan skin and an average body. My boobies are only a full B though. I really am excited and wat this to work but need a little reassurance and advice. Tricks to garuntee money
Totally agree with Shawn.

Do NOT quit your jobs just try to find some time, maybe once a week for few hours, dedicated for camming then go from there. It would depend on so many factors (tokens made per hour, camscore, fans) wether you will make that money or not. Some models make that in a day/few hours, some others don't.

Therefore my advise would definitely be to test it out, read more about it in this forum, and watch both popular and less popular girls. Do not imitate yet try to find your own little thing.

Good Luck :hello2:
Agree with the others, keep your jobs, cam during the evenings etc, camming can either make you a fortune or nothing at all, or it could just steadily trundle along at an average pace. If you have $2000 worth of bills, then you'd need to be making more for living expenses, for me yes that would be doable but I'd have to make sure I don't end up slacking off.

Webcam modelling can be very tiring work both physically and mentally. You're entertaining lots of people whilst you're also still totally alone. So it's very easy to say 'great, I'll come online 7 hours a day and everything will be fine! Doesn't work like that. Just 2/3 hours an evening is very draining/I tend to get super hyped up so can't sleep for hours (thank god for this forum keeping me occupied while I'm still buzzing).

If you still have a normal job try coming online in the evenings for a couple of hours (or daytime if you usually work nights) try being consistent, work out what your average earnings are per hour and work from there. If you're used to being employed you may find that if you aren't working you might start having trouble motivating yourself to be a full time cam girl. If all is going well and your average earnings mean that even you doing minimum time per month you'll still earn enough to pay for yourself then full time camming may be a very good idea! But until then keep your job! I'd recommend keeping a job anyway as you never know if you'll get internet fails etc. Plus jobs keep you sane!!
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Yes, I will. I want to quit them as soon as possible. And devote my time to this. :)

But you, Isabella, make at least 2000 as an experienced model right? I feel like the biggest A-hole even asking something like that but I am super curious!

Thank you guys for looking out for a stranger :-D :-D
There are no tricks to guarantee money. If there were, every model on MFC would be making a livable wage, and I'd guess probably about half don't.

The biggest factors are consistency and schedule. Get on at the same time every day and work as many days a week as you can, and you're on your way to making good money.

Some models log on and do well out of the gate. I feel I did well early on because due to my background, I paid very high attention to the way my feed was running and how I looked on cam (that is, not my physical appearance, but my visual and audio feeds). Even when I still had terrible equipment I focused heavily on my room not being painful to watch. I logged on for the first time three days before the end of the pay period and made $300, which is what I would have made in two weeks at my old job.

Some models, however, log on and things never take off for them. In my opinion, MFC has almost nothing to do with how attractive you are. Even though I am sure you are a lovely lady, that won't be what makes you successful. There are absolutely gorgeous women who are making $5 an hour, and some women whom you would not stereotypically expect to be models or sex workers making $20,000 a month.

I would absolutely not quit your jobs especially if you have two grand a month in bills. I would not quit your jobs after you've made $2k in a month for the first time. Some models find that their earnings are very high the first month and steadily move down. Other people find the opposite. Some people will never make more than minimum wage.

Camming on MFC will never be reliable or consistent. I've been camming for almost a year and two months ago, I had to borrow money to pay rent. Yes, many models know for a fact how much money they can make on average that month based on their experience and fanbase, but many of us do not.

It is great you want to expand in to the fabulous life of a sex worker :p just don't get too excited. I would suggest you work 2-3 months on MFC and then consider replacing one of your jobs with camming and wait several more months before you quit the other one altogether.

However, I jumped in to hasty financial obligations without knowing for sure how much I could make on cam, and it hasn't been totally disastrous.
I quit my job to cam full-time, but I devote my time to MFC, Streamate, Camwhores, both my Clips4Sale stores, extralunchmoney, countless other sites for video uploads/picture uploads on the off-chance that I can make payout without actually camming there often, twitter for advertising and tumblr for networking/advertising.

Some months I do really well, some I struggle and barely make enough to cover utilities. I don't regret my decision, but I didn't quit until I had worked 9 months and built a fan base on all of these sites. (I also had a significant amount in savings to cover my ass in the event that I made nothing or couldn't work.)
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I also agree with everyone in regards to this.. you do not want to quit your jobs until you get established with a fanbase ect..

I started working as a cam model for MFC back in 2009... I worked for about a year and half, then took the last year and a half off as I had a baby. I just recently started back with MFC, and I have been fortunate that some of my old fans have come back to me.. but I am finding that it is exactly like starting over again... and you really never know which way things are going to go.

I hope you make the best choices for yourself and everything goes well for you!!
SweetArielXx said:
Yes, I will. I want to quit them as soon as possible. And devote my time to this. :)

But you, Isabella, make at least 2000 as an experienced model right? I feel like the biggest A-hole even asking something like that but I am super curious!

Thank you guys for looking out for a stranger :-D :-D

Yes I make sure I make at least that, which is 20000 tokens each payday because I get a wire transfer, thats the minimum I need to make each pay out. Honestly, generally it's pretty easy for me and I'm a major major slacker! But I do sometimes come to near my payday time and need to work my arse off as I've slacked so much! I've been lucky.

But.... I'm no top model, but I still do well for myself, I always have even though I threw myself into it with no idea what I was doing, I'm disorganised, lazy etc lol. Not all girls are as lucky as I've been, although many do a lot better! A lot of it is luck! The right person comes into your room at the right time, and it often sorts you out! It's hard to say how much you'll earn. Some girls, gorgeous, cool girls as well, struggle making anything and their camscores drop which makes it worse. Some don't seem like they'd do as well as others, yet they make a fortune! Like with anything, sometimes it's impossible to see why certain things/people do so much better than others! They just do!

When I started or if things are going slow I'll do lots of private shows, more guys are willing to take you in them and they improve your camscore while you're making a fan base. Problem with privates is they can deaden out your room. Having videos to sell is a good thing in the room, as it encourages to tip! Public stuff is good because it increases popularity, room numbers go up etc. You'll find a way! With everyone it's different! If one thing isn't working, try something else!

To make $2000 you'd need to make 2000 tokens 5 days a week, you'll never know how easy/hard this will be until you've tried it :)

Good luck!
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Oh I will also say that when I first started I earned so much for the amount of time, but I was living and camming at my mothers and her boyfriends house, no soundproof, the place was a construction site, I cammed with feck all lighting on a mattress on the floor with a sheet over the window (no guys seemed to ever notice this stuff funnily....) lol. Anyway I knew to make more I needed to move out, so I got a wicked new flat, but didn't anticipate my internet provider would dick me around, and I didn't get internet for 2 months! No job, no camming! Luckily have a very kind mother who lent me money (which I'm still paying back 8 months later) so I still live in my flat.

After that I had internet/routers breaking several times, ummm had an awful flatmate who made camming impossible, my laptop charger broke, I got too ill to cam, there were loads of things that kept going wrong and stopping me coming online, it actually stopped me wanting to come online after a while! And then there are those days, whether time of the month related or just life, when the idea of entertaining a group of men makes you want to stab someone... probably that freeloading basic who says something irritating every time the 'mute basics' comes off!

The above is why you should never quit your day job!! There are so many issues that can stop you coming online other than you might just not make any money out of it!
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