AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Model acting request - Short (actually none pornographic) video required

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Apr 3, 2017
Hi there I am sorry if this is posted in the wrong section this is my first day here and I wasn't sure where to put this.

I am creating a product video for an adult sex toy and having no luck at all just hiring a model to do a 10 second pose (clothed and nothing weird!) and possibly some more scenes (these are a bit odd just sucking an ice-lolly or lollipop).

As soon as I mention adult-themed in a lot of websites everyone scatters for the hills so I don't really have anyone left to turn to it is pretty frustrating. The video clip would be nothing more than you see on YouTube but obviously I don't want to rip off someones video without paying for it and people I contact are not getting back to me there.

Do you think this is something anyone could help with here? I apologise to the mods if this is inappropriate asking this here so just edit/delete without question if that is the case I certainly did not intend on taking advantage of any rules here.

Many thanks for any replies,

S :)
More information would be helpful: where do you plan EXACTLY to post these video's? How long is the video? If there's more scene's What EXACTLY would they be? *Personally I wouldn't want to be on youtube* so maybe that is your issue or maybe your not paying enough? For having a video of me scattered all over the internet I'd want a lot (I'm assuming most other girls would too) this is probably another reason. Do you have references? Because I would never work with someone with no references in the adult industry (no models to back them up etc).
I think your problem kinda lies in how vague you're being and how unprofessional you're sounding... Sorry but that was my first impression of your post *shrug*
Really good points thank you and yes I apologise if this does sound unprofessional I am new to all this so this is new ground for me. The video is for an upcoming crowdfunding project for a sex toy that I am creating and that is what the video is for, that promotion. The product simulates oral sex so the visual representation of a girl sucking on an ice lolly or lollipop will just represent the act (without being pornographic for that audience as that is banned on that particular crowdfunding website).

I need a short 10 second clip in side profile of a female figure getting down in to a pose, to demonstrate how the toy is intended to be used. The clip of the lolly sucking can be disguised with sunglasses or maybe just the mouth shot etc.

Sorry by the way I don't mean to offend if this is upsetting any one it is an honest query.
clothed and nothing weird
Honestly, this phrasing irks me. Rather than focusing on how it's "not pornographic", just... Describe what you need. The average model would see this vague request with all the reassurances and probably assume it's a porn shoot trying to pass itself off as something innocent.

Furthermore, you're currently on a forum where some of the models make money from videos where they burp, sneeze, blow bubbles, shrink men down and eat them, and all kinds of random things. We don't need reassurances that something is "not weird".
Would it be a female or male model - you don't say? Would the video involve other people, and if not, would a model have to visit your studio or could it be done by sending the adult toy and then filmed on her/his own premises.

Oh it is for a female model between 20-40, single person in the movie and could be filmed in their own location. The only additional needs would be a good HD camera for the recording and a few ice lollies :)
More information would be helpful: where do you plan EXACTLY to post these video's? How long is the video?.
Would it be a female or male model - you don't say? Would the video involve other people, and if not, would a model have to visit your studio or could it be done by sending the adult toy and then filmed on her/his own premises.
Oh it is for a female model between 20-40, single person in the movie and could be filmed in their own location. The only additional needs would be a good HD camera for the recording and a few ice lollies :)
Good lighting, uncluttered background scene, good sound etc, stuff that cam models are generally quite good at.
Seems quite do-able. Are you aware of the site
Really good points thank you and yes I apologise if this does sound unprofessional I am new to all this so this is new ground for me. The video is for an upcoming crowdfunding project for a sex toy that I am creating and that is what the video is for, that promotion. The product simulates oral sex so the visual representation of a girl sucking on an ice lolly or lollipop will just represent the act (without being pornographic for that audience as that is banned on that particular crowdfunding website).

I need a short 10 second clip in side profile of a female figure getting down in to a pose, to demonstrate how the toy is intended to be used. The clip of the lolly sucking can be disguised with sunglasses or maybe just the mouth shot etc.

Sorry by the way I don't mean to offend if this is upsetting any one it is an honest query.

And what are you paying? Also you never answered where the video would be posted.
Good lighting, uncluttered background scene, good sound etc, stuff that cam models are generally quite good at.
Seems quite do-able. Are you aware of the site

White uncluttered background would be ideal, the 'getting down to position' pose could be a quartering away shot basically shot from the rear quarter so the face would be covered by the back of the head and hair for anonymity. Also as I say the lolly sucking clip could be disguised with dark glasses or cut off below the eyes etc. The sound is not really important.

I was not aware of that website but thank you I will check it out I haven't clicked it yet I will after these replies cheers!
And what are you paying? Also you never answered where the video would be posted.

I wasn't sure what to suggest for payment as this is my first time doing any of this. So far everyone has run off before I even get to that stage, as soon as 'adult themed' is mentioned that's the conversation over. I guess I could have been sly and not disclosed what it was for but I am trying to be transparent due to the nature of the product.

I didn't want to mention the particular crowdfunding website as I wasn't sure of your forum policy on advertising, it's Kickstarter.
I guess I could have been sly and not disclosed what it was for but I am trying to be transparent due to the nature of the product.

Please don't be sly and shady because you would probably end up in trouble. Especially when you seem to advestie your business using models. Producers generally have a contract about what they plan to do with the contents. You should have a list of what you want for your video and say upfront what it is that you need instead of squeaking in hope that you'd get them.

I'm not really comfortable listing sites you can use to hire models because I don't understand your plan.

I 100% believe that you should pay models if they are promoting your items. It's easy to look up how much you want to pay via google or simply ask their rate.
Good lighting, uncluttered background scene, good sound etc, stuff that cam models are generally quite good at.
Seems quite do-able. Are you aware of the site

Just an FYI you need to tell these girls you are selling there clips because girls who produce customs like ^^^ are not going to want there custom video all over the internet. I'm honestly not sure if you will get anyone to help if you don't have a budget in mind, have references, and can give more info where exactly these videos are going to be posted.

earlier you mentioned youtube, Most girls have families/friends they don't want seeing them and advertising on youtube is a no no for a lot of girls. You need to be way more specific
Just an FYI you need to tell these girls you are selling there clips because girls who produce customs like ^^^ are not going to want there custom video all over the internet. I'm honestly not sure if you will get anyone to help if you don't have a budget in mind, have references, and can give more info where exactly these videos are going to be posted.

earlier you mentioned youtube, Most girls have families/friends they don't want seeing them and advertising on youtube is a no no for a lot of girls. You need to be way more specific

Good advice again thanks, yes I will make sure they know they will be posted online and not kept private. References will be a problem as this is a first crowdfunded product and the whole market is new to me. As far as budget goes I am looking between $100-$200 possibly more for about 30 seconds of footage.
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Good advice again thanks, yes I will make sure they know they will be posted online and not kept private. References will be a problem as this is a first crowdfunded product and the whole market is new to me. As far as budget goes I am looking between $100-$200 possibly more for about 30 seconds of footage.

I think your budget needs to be raised by A LOT, your using a females image all over the internet. This industry is a luxury and your rates are laughable at best. You probably should have done WAY more research.

Would you hire someone with NO references?? Because I wouldn't, think about that. This is your issue, you want a female in this industry to trust you when you have 0 references. That is a HUGE red flag AND you want to pay us $200 for OUR image to be plastered all over the internet. Licking Lolli pops and doing implied sexual things.

huge face palm dude.

I'm not really comfortable listing sites you can use to hire models because I don't understand your plan.


Hi can you just explain which part of the plan was unclear please? I have included details in my replies above I don't think there is much left to explain as far as the videos go.
I think your budget needs to be raised by A LOT, your using a females image all over the internet. This industry is a luxury and your rates are laughable at best.

Ah that is interesting to hear ok thanks, I have no idea what to expect. When you say a lot is that from experience? What budget do you think would raise it above the 'laughable' rate?
Ah that is interesting to hear ok thanks, I have no idea what to expect. When you say a lot is that from experience? What budget do you think would raise it above the 'laughable' rate?

Im not going to help with pricing that should be something you need to figure out, this is your project not mine. You have no idea what to even pay a female adult model so I think you should do more research and come back here when you can provide references and a more reasonable rate because no girl is going to work with you
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Ah that is interesting to hear ok thanks, I have no idea what to expect. When you say a lot is that from experience? What budget do you think would raise it above the 'laughable' rate?

In my opinion the problem is you are treating this as a "custom" clip when what you really are looking for is a model who will shoot a video for you for commercial use. Your second problem is calling it "adult content" off the bat without explaining the actual project first. When people hear "adult content" they tend to imagine the worst case scenario, they might think you want them to participate in an anal gang-bang with 10 well endowed men.

My advice is to go somewhere like Model Mayhem... look for a model there that is okay with doing nudity or suggestive work (there are PLENTY) and then tell them about your project without mentioning the word "adult content". Simply tell them that you have a kickstarter project, that you need a video of a woman licking a lollipop or an ice lolly suggestively, and that the project is for a sex toy. Tell them where their work will appear other than kickstarter too. See what they tell you.

Avoid clipsites because clipsites are mostly aimed at men who have specific fetishes and are looking to add new things to their private fap collection. Not for commercial use. Clipsite models are not the crowd you need as, like many said in this thread, they value they privacy a great deal. A commercial model who does suggestive work is a better match for you.

And if I was a commercial model and interested in this sort of work I wouldn't do this for less than $1000 considering you will profit from it.
Hi can you just explain which part of the plan was unclear please? I have included details in my replies above I don't think there is much left to explain as far as the videos go.

There's just so many informations that is missing and you wasn't really upfront about what you were using it for until asked repeatedly. The only thing I understood was you needing some clips to market your product.

The vibe you're giving me is that you're hoping that we would be nice and say, "Oh! Those people are silly because licking lollipop is so innocent and vanilla. You're doing the right thing by coming to us. Here's a short clips I threw together for you with no charge."

I also don't understand why you can't just take pictures of the product itself and market it.
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In my opinion the problem is you are treating this as a "custom" clip when what you really are looking for is a model who will shoot a video for you for commercial use. Your second problem is calling it "adult content" off the bat without explaining the actual project first. When people hear "adult content" they tend to imagine the worst case scenario, they might think you want them to participate in an anal gang-bang with 10 well endowed men.

My advice is to go somewhere like Model Mayhem... look for a model there that is okay with doing nudity or suggestive work (there are PLENTY) and then tell them about your project without mentioning the word "adult content". Simply tell them that you have a kickstarter project, that you need a video of a woman licking a lollipop or an ice lolly suggestively, and that the project is for a sex toy. Tell them where their work will appear other than kickstarter too. See what they tell you.

Avoid clipsites because clipsites are mostly aimed at men who have specific fetishes and are looking to add new things to their private fap collection. Not for commercial use. Clipsite models are not the crowd you need as, like many said in this thread, they value they privacy a great deal. A commercial model who does suggestive work is a better match for you.

And if I was a commercial model and interested in this sort of work I wouldn't do this for less than $1000 considering you will profit from it.

Wow thank you very sound advice, really appreciate that cheers! I was hoping to scale the payment rate with the success of the crowdfunding so that might make sense.

Thanks to all of you for your help I am really impressed with the seriousness and defensiveness in many replies I get the feeling this is a very safe, protective community.
Wow thank you very sound advice, really appreciate that cheers! I was hoping to scale the payment rate with the success of the crowdfunding so that might make sense.

Thanks to all of you for your help I am really impressed with the seriousness and defensiveness in many replies I get the feeling this is a very safe, protective community.

Scaling the payment is a good idea, make sure you communicate it in detail to the model so there is no confusion.

Don't take the tone of some replies personally... keep in mind many models are used to dealing with guys who just want to scam them day in and day out. Good luck with your project.
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Scaling the payment is a good idea, make sure you communicate it in detail to the model so there is no confusion.

Don't take the tone of some replies personally... keep in mind many models are used to dealing with guys who just want to scam them day in and day out. Good luck with your project.

No I don't take it personally of course, it is really nice to see and as I say it makes me feel extremely confident anyone working here has people looking out for their best interests.
And if I was a commercial model and interested in this sort of work I wouldn't do this for less than $1000 considering you will profit from it.

THIS SHOULD BE YOUR BUDGET ^ Scaling your budget (paying the model what you think you will make) will not work. This is why I said you really need to do your research you have $100 budget for a 1k project. No girl (even commercial) is going to do this for $200.. 1k is more like it, Your using HER images, you need to understand that. Whether it's a clip maker, a model, we are all protective of our image.

I would also charge around this price as well
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THIS SHOULD BE YOUR BUDGET ^ Scaling your budget (paying the model what you think you will make) will not work. This is why I said you really need to do your research you have $100 budget for a 1k project. No girl (even commercial) is going to do this for $200.. 1k is more like it, Your using HER images, you need to understand that. Whether it's a clip maker, a model, we are all protective of our image.

I thought he meant he would pay her more the more success the project gets... I think that is reasonable. Maybe pay her a basis of 300-500 and then the rest depends on whether the project is a success. I am sure there is room for negotiation.
Hi there I am sorry if this is posted in the wrong section this is my first day here and I wasn't sure where to put this.

I am creating a product video for an adult sex toy and having no luck at all just hiring a model to do a 10 second pose (clothed and nothing weird!) and possibly some more scenes (these are a bit odd just sucking an ice-lolly or lollipop).

As soon as I mention adult-themed in a lot of websites everyone scatters for the hills so I don't really have anyone left to turn to it is pretty frustrating. The video clip would be nothing more than you see on YouTube but obviously I don't want to rip off someones video without paying for it and people I contact are not getting back to me there.

Do you think this is something anyone could help with here? I apologise to the mods if this is inappropriate asking this here so just edit/delete without question if that is the case I certainly did not intend on taking advantage of any rules here.

Many thanks for any replies,

S :)

Have you tried ModelMayhem?
Have you tried ModelMayhem?

Hi yes I registered but I found I couldn't message any of the models there. It wanted me to set up an advert that would only appear in one city in the UK and it was looking like they were charging just for placing the advert. Is this what normally happens on that website? I had to register as an agent I guess that was correct.
Hi yes I registered but I found I couldn't message any of the models there. It wanted me to set up an advert that would only appear in one city in the UK and it was looking like they were charging just for placing the advert. Is this what normally happens on that website? I had to register as an agent I guess that was correct.
Of course they would charge, bandwidth doesn't grow on trees. You would have to register as a talent recruiter.
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