I don't broadcast on mfc, so excuse the question. All of this happened for a price of 1,000 $ (which is cool) and a virtual crown? Jesus, whoever at mfc came up with that competition idea hopefully got an "employee of the month" trophy.
Obviously it's not for the cash prize, it's for the notoriety and sense of competition you can use to drive more tokens for any given month.I don't broadcast on mfc, so excuse the question. All of this happened for a price of 1,000 $ (which is cool) and a virtual crown? Jesus, whoever at mfc came up with that competition idea hopefully got an "employee of the month" trophy.
I don't broadcast on mfc, so excuse the question. All of this happened for a price of 1,000 $ (which is cool) and a virtual crown? Jesus, whoever at mfc came up with that competition idea hopefully got an "employee of the month" trophy.
But MFC only sends the jewelry to US based models, so Mary isn't getting hers.Well don't forget there is jewelry involved. We all know how crazy girls go over diamonds. (or so DeBeers tell us.)![]()
I liked your post and in many ways it is fair comment. In many ways it would take a stellar effort and many fans to counter such massive tips.Maybe they should rename the contest Mr MFC and give out a belt buckle like the rodeo
This is the kind of misinformation and bitterness that makes me facepalm so hard.
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I think she may have been the one to lead the brigade on MFC's twitter asking for an answer about it a couple days before end of month. Tweets like this always get people fired up and throwing around assumptions in the replies.After reading kickaz twitter guess she is bitter too.
Understandably more, since that's, you know, mainstream.I'm pretty sure there was a lot more snark after the election and frankly any big competition (American Idol for instance
Please explain to me how it is snarky, bitter or whatever term you want to use when I or someone else questions the bending of the rules for certain models on MFC. I have no horse in this race, so my interest in this is strictly what the site did, not what these models did or didn't do.
I'm also not a regular in any of these ladies rooms but I have been in their rooms before. Just as I've been in Amber's room and I'm sure several other ladies rooms on this forum. So the models involved in this make no matter to me. It's the principle and ethics of what the site did that I have a problem with. I would be having these same issues if EB got the million dollar token tip instead of the girls that did, less than 48 hours and on the weekend the month ended on.
1st Issue:
Like I told Amber on Twitter, the maximum everyone has and has is 466,500 tokens. Not long after I joined (in 2009) I went through the verification process so I could use the wire transfer option because I had all my credit cards linked with my business and I didn't want token charges on my business account..I then asked (out of curiosity) if I could go over the credit card maximum that was posted on the site. My thinking was that I could drop a big amount on my member account and have tokens when I was away from home on business for sometimes a month at a time. Well, they told me no. Everyone has the same maximum and the maximum will not be changed for anyone. If this has changed, I want to know when it was changed. The way I see it, if it had been changed this before this past week to an unlimited purchase of tokens, why has no one ever tipped a million token tip in the history of MFC before? You all know just as well as I, with the funds that some of these members have, they would have tipped a million way before now if it was possible. There are several members that I "know" and have seen, drop six figure tips like candy. I have no doubts if they had no limit, they would have tipped more than six figures before now. That being said, the first and second time someone tipped millions, just so happened to be on the same day to the number,s two and three on the rankings, just hours before the end of the month? Yea, ok. I was born at night, but not last Friday night.
2nd Issue:
The use of anon on the tip and the lack of chatter from the models about the tip. You are telling me that someone that just spent around $100,000 on a tip, doesn't want anyone to know who it is? Members have many many reasons to tip huge tips, but anonymity is not one of them. Also, the models don't mention anything about the tips on either profile, topics, news feeds, twitter or any other form of social media they use, the remainder of the weekend? How many profiles have you seen that only have screenshots of their high tips as there only pics in their albums? Some will post a 1000 tip but you are telling me these girls are going to stay silent over a million token tip? Sorry, I'm not buying it.
3rd Issue
The timing of it all of this is really hinky. As you all know, you can not get a wire transfer to happen overnight. We all know the response time for MFC is as fast as a snail in the winter on ice, getting wire transfers are no better. With such a large tip amount, if the model that got jumped over, or her people wanted to recover from their adversary's leap up in rank, they would have to use the wire transfer option to catch back up, but you can't do that option because you can't make a bank transfer on a Saturday or Sunday. What a coincidence. The only option they have is the credit card option which limits you to 46,650 a day or 93,300 tokens for the weekend. It would take twelve more members to do exactly the same thing to even collectively come close to matching the million token tip.
(Even then it would be 13 tips of 93,300 not the 1.2 million tip)
3rd Issue:
Posted token amounts don't add up to ranking changes. If you have a moment, go to Kickaz's profile and look at the raffle she had posted for the month. There you will see raffle tickets that have been tipped for in the month of April..It also lists the member's name and how many tickets they have tipped for. Well I grabbed my calculator and added up the top 20 raffle ticket tipper's totals and came up with 5,872 tickets. At 1,111 a ticket, that comes to 6,523,792 tokens. Keep in mind that is just 20 members that got raffle tickets. That's not counting all the other members that tipped her for the rest of the raffle tickets or all the tips she got the rest of the month. I'm no math professor but I can see that it would take several of those million token tips to even come close to what Kickaz made just off 20 of her raffle ticket tippers. The usual retort to that would be that the other models had much more tokens throughout the rest of the month that they didn't need but one of the million token tips to go ahead. My answer to that is, if they had that many tokens that they only needed a million to win, they would have already been ahead of her before last week. Do you follow what I'm saying? Short answer, if number two got a million token tip, she wouldn't come close to what model one already had in the bank (way more than the 6.5 that is already accounted for) to jump over her. It just doesn't add up.
The most common response I have gotten the last few days is, why do you care, it's not your money. Well, my wanting to get to the bottom of this and to see what actually happened is bigger than just a couple tips. In my opinion it goes to the integrity and principle of the site as a whole and the models that work there. I like MFC very much, I have more friends that I talk to regularly on there than I do in real life and I don't want the site to have the reputation of having questionable behavior towards its models and members. If that falls, not only will members start to find other cam sites to visit and the tips will get even worse for the girls that don't have the wealthy bomb throwers that those in the top 20 have. I can not tell you how many times in April I heard model friends tell me that this was the worst month they have had in a very long time. When you have several weeks in a row of lower than average earnings, it of course puts the models in a sour mood, which then translates to a somber room. Which is even worse for trying to get more tips to come in. It's a vicious cycle, but I don't need to tell you all that. The whole purpose of coming to a site like MFC is to have fun, laugh and fap. Sadly, that is decreasing each week as the member numbers per night keep dropping. When the lounge is constantly in the top five most viewed rooms, the site has a big problem.
I also want to apologize for having such a long reply. I've been wanting to voice my opinion on this forum for a long time but I wanted it to be on something that I could voice my views on several things at one time. So if you took the time to read all that, thanks.
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That has been proven to be a fake years ago, it never happenedLots of stuff here, but as for the 466K limit being exceeded:
This was in 2015.
The 999,999 tip that Loca supposedly got by an anon tipper (sound familiar) has been proven to be a fake years ago. It was promoted by one of her regulars that made up a fake screenshot of the "record breaking tip" and spread it to anyone with the internet. Notice you don't see the screenshot around anymore? Now you know why. The tip never happened. But when has the truth ever stopped anything on the internet?Lots of stuff here, but as for the 466K limit being exceeded:
This was in 2015.
Furst off Dis like you demand of everyone else wheres this fucking proof your so religiously behind that 999,999 was a fake tip!?! Bc its from the same person all tips! And why is it so important for you to know who this person is? How about its none your god damn buisness!!!! Where were you guys two years ago!? Noone complained then! Whether you like to believe it is real all 3 !!! And where r you getting #1 got a milliom tip? All that shit was hearsay and marys tipper running his mouth in lounge if u watched youd know it wasnt tipped! Marys room helps her alot!! I mean where were u two years ago! 1.2 million happened ita real whether you like it or not! All this whiney kickaz shit needs to stop! Yeh im team loca! But u know that girl had more class than any of them! She lost and said please go tip mary congratulate her! Here we got kickaz and her boys being unclassy sore losers! Im over this shit! But damn you have some pent up anger dis !!!That has been proven to be a fake years ago, it never happened
Please explain to me how it is snarky, bitter or whatever term you want to use when I or someone else questions the bending of the rules for certain models on MFC.
I have no horse in this race, so my interest in this is strictly what the site did, not what these models did or didn't do.
It's the principle and ethics of what the site did that I have a problem with.
I want to know when it was changed. The way I see it, if it had been changed this before this past week to an unlimited purchase of tokens, why has no one ever tipped a million token tip in the history of MFC before? You all know just as well as I, with the funds that some of these members have, they would have tipped a million way before now if it was possible.
2nd Issue:
The use of anon on the tip and the lack of chatter from the models about the tip. You are telling me that someone that just spent around $100,000 on a tip, doesn't want anyone to know who it is? Members have many many reasons to tip huge tips, but anonymity is not one of them. Also, the models don't mention anything about the tips on either profile, topics, news feeds, twitter or any other form of social media they use, the remainder of the weekend? How many profiles have you seen that only have screenshots of their high tips as there only pics in their albums? Some will post a 1000 tip but you are telling me these girls are going to stay silent over a million token tip? Sorry, I'm not buying it.
3rd Issue
The timing of it all of this is really hinky. As you all know, you can not get a wire transfer to happen overnight. We all know the response time for MFC is as fast as a snail in the winter on ice, getting wire transfers are no better. With such a large tip amount, if the model that got jumped over, or her people wanted to recover from their adversary's leap up in rank, they would have to use the wire transfer option to catch back up, but you can't do that option because you can't make a bank transfer on a Saturday or Sunday. What a coincidence. The only option they have is the credit card option which limits you to 46,650 a day or 93,300 tokens for the weekend. It would take twelve more members to do exactly the same thing to even collectively come close to matching the million token tip.
(Even then it would be 13 tips of 93,300 not the 1.2 million tip)
Posted token amounts don't add up to ranking changes. If you have a moment, go to Kickaz's profile and look at the raffle she had posted for the month. There you will see raffle tickets that have been tipped for in the month of April..It also lists the member's name and how many tickets they have tipped for. Well I grabbed my calculator and added up the top 20 raffle ticket tipper's totals and came up with 5,872 tickets. At 1,111 a ticket, that comes to 6,523,792 tokens. Keep in mind that is just 20 members that got raffle tickets. That's not counting all the other members that tipped her for the rest of the raffle tickets or all the tips she got the rest of the month. I'm no math professor but I can see that it would take several of those million token tips to even come close to what Kickaz made just off 20 of her raffle ticket tippers. The usual retort to that would be that the other models had much more tokens throughout the rest of the month that they didn't need but one of the million token tips to go ahead. My answer to that is, if they had that many tokens that they only needed a million to win, they would have already been ahead of her before last week. Do you follow what I'm saying? Short answer, if number two got a million token tip, she wouldn't come close to what model one already had in the bank (way more than the 6.5 that is already accounted for) to jump over her. It just doesn't add up.
Well, my wanting to get to the bottom of this and to see what actually happened is bigger than just a couple tips. In my opinion it goes to the integrity and principle of the site as a whole and the models that work there
So much for editing, this is what I wanted to say after I thought about it.
The 999,999 tip that Loca supposedly got by an anon tipper (sound familiar) has been proven to be a fake years ago. It was promoted by one of her regulars that made up a fake screenshot of the "record breaking tip" and spread it to anyone with the internet. Notice you don't see the screenshot around anymore? Now you know why. The tip never happened. But when has the truth ever stopped anything on the internet?
The 500,000 tip to Kendra is real. That is still the highest tip recorded on MFC
Kendra's tip is the only tip that has been over the stated max for all members. They used the 466,500 in storage with the daily max of 46,650 to have 513,150 tokens to tip. I don't have $100K to see if this theory will work, maybe one the fine people of this forum will tip a 500K or better tip to prove me wrong.
I hope someone can prove me wrong. I'll eat every word i've said on this subject if someone can show me where I am mistaken. I know what MFC told me 7'ish years ago and it doesn't match what is being said about the tips this past weekend. I hope I am wrong, I don't want it to know that MFC is rigging the MissMFC contest but as it stands right now, it looks like they are.
Because kickaz comment was sarcastic. And as explained member limits were clearly raised back in 2015. Again you make the accusation rules were bent for a model.
A member queenie says quite the opposite and your a die hard kickaz fanboy.
Again non-stop accusing mfc, again why did you not question this back in 2015 ?
Are you seriously telling me you didn't know loca got tipped 999,999 tokens in October 2015 ? Oh sorry thats not a million token tip
loca's big tips have always been anon ever since I have known about her, 7 years. Well when the tip hit, all 3 lounges were fully aware of it. How it spreads after that is not in anyone's control. As localoca_ and crazym_ are not social media users with twitter why would they post ? Also neither models posts screenshots on their profiles. It's not a crime or suspicious to not post tips.
Yeh if he ever was in Locas room he would probably know of "anon" and yes he tips anon too!!! And i tried telling Dis same Loca isnt one to post tips she never has never will! And loca has no social media! And she definetly isnt telling other models!
The tip for loca was made early on thursday 27th practically a full 4 days before missmfc ended, and ?
I see you are now blatantly accusing loca of faking the 999,999 tip as i write here so I will digress a little, I know of one guy at least that was in the room when that 999,999 tip was made and he said verbally it was real and it was not a photoshop job. You say it was proved to be fake yet provide zero evidence.
He doesnt care! I actually spoke with the guy who tipped them! And dis rants wants proof! As ive told him its none of his god damn buisness who tipped it!
I'll ask this of you did you see all the tips for the raffle and can confirm their legality as posted on the wall ? Your making a lot of assumptions.
Well for someone who don't care much you really seem to have a bee in your bonnet over it, even coming into L10k and insulting people who don't agree with you.
I was surprised by her tweets. Personally I was hoping for another number 2 finish, even though I know her fans were expecting number 1 this month (and for good reason).After reading kickaz twitter guess she is bitter too.
Exactly. And he added up raffle ticket tips from a profile graphic to figure out token income. Silly tactics.Clearly "Disillusioned" is working off very outdated info and for some reason thinks his encounter in 2009/10 with customer service is still valid. Its Not.
Exactly. And he added up raffle ticket tips from a profile graphic to figure out token income. Silly tactics.
Posted token amounts don't add up to ranking changes. If you have a moment, go to Kickaz's profile and look at the raffle she had posted for the month. There you will see raffle tickets that have been tipped for in the month of April..It also lists the member's name and how many tickets they have tipped for. Well I grabbed my calculator and added up the top 20 raffle ticket tipper's totals and came up with 5,872 tickets. At 1,111 a ticket, that comes to 6,523,792 tokens. Keep in mind that is just 20 members that got raffle tickets. That's not counting all the other members that tipped her for the rest of the raffle tickets or all the tips she got the rest of the month. I'm no math professor but I can see that it would take several of those million token tips to even come close to what Kickaz made just off 20 of her raffle ticket tippers. The usual retort to that would be that the other models had much more tokens throughout the rest of the month that they didn't need but one of the million token tips to go ahead. My answer to that is, if they had that many tokens that they only needed a million to win, they would have already been ahead of her before last week. Do you follow what I'm saying? Short answer, if number two got a million token tip, she wouldn't come close to what model one already had in the bank (way more than the 6.5 that is already accounted for) to jump over her. It just doesn't add up.
I like the way you're questioning other's tips, but not questioning the idea a single guy spent 1,720,000 tokens tipping for a "Meet in an amusement park".
Are none of those double tickets? Pretty sure 'double tuckets' is a regular thing in Kickland.3rd Issue:
Posted token amounts don't add up to ranking changes. If you have a moment, go to Kickaz's profile and look at the raffle she had posted for the month. There you will see raffle tickets that have been tipped for in the month of April..It also lists the member's name and how many tickets they have tipped for. Well I grabbed my calculator and added up the top 20 raffle ticket tipper's totals and came up with 5,872 tickets. At 1,111 a ticket, that comes to 6,523,792 tokens.