Evvie said:
GemmaMarie said:
I think it was trashy and tasteless, IMO. So is the video but at least in a video it's appropriate. I think younger crowds also watch the VMAs and people need to remember that. It is definitely geared more toward an adult audience, but even 12/13 year olds don't need to be exposed to that train wreck massacre, not that anyone else should be either!!! lol.
I wonder how old everyone here was when they started seeing this kind of thing. I was watching porn when I was that age and having lame cybersex and I think we would all probably agree that's a whole lot "worse." I'm not sure how much damage the VMAs are really going to do to young teenagers and how scarred or polluted young minds will become when they see an adult woman rub her bottom on an adult man. I don't think I agree with the argument that, "it's made for adults but kids might see it so we should make it for kids."
Young people do imitate what they see, but isn't Youtube full of sexualized dancing videos that most teenagers have free access to? It's tough for me to see how a televised event is any more widespread or worse than what can be found on non-porno sites by anybody.
I just feel that most adults were exposed to this kind of thing at a young age and the world is still turning. When most kids these days start watching pornography at 11-13 years old I find it hard to believe that a sexy video award performance is going to do any harm.
I actually quite agree. My post was more like from the thoughts of a parent to quite young kids, I do realize VMA performances tend to be wacked out, & I think when my kids hit that age I'm sure my views will probably be a little more "well it's not the worse they've seen!" It's really easy for me to be all "MY KIDS WILL NEVER BE EXPOSED TO SUCH THINGS!" now :lol: Real life will bitch slap me later!
& I also don't think the VMAs are the "worse thing ever" or anything. YouTube definitely exposes youth to massive amounts of WTF. I just implied that I believe performers should be more conscious of their audiences. It's real easy to be like fuck it I don't care & most do, it just leaves a very small percentage of people left for our up and coming youth to actually look up. I could name a million celebrities my kids know about that I wish they didn't and very few who I would say are good role models. I am sure it's always been like this and just now, being on the parent end of it, am I noticing it.
It's 100% my responsibilty to monitor my kids as much as I can to ensure their watching appropriate things and forming healthy ideals about the world. That doesn't mean I can't wish that more people would step up to be someone who my kids could enjoy and look up to instead of all the train wrecks & mass amounts of sexuality (& typically not the SEXY kind either) we're seeing lately.