Sex workers (and women in general) are not taken seriously, mistreated, unsupported, and are considered second class citizens.
Camgirls are a dime a dozen and cam sites are not liable if anything happens to us, we are just free money makers for them.
Exotic dancers are treated the same at clubs, some dude tries to stick something up your who ha and she yells at him or hits him they buy him a free cocktail and apologize for you. they MIGHT kick him out but you don't get to press charges and he can come back in the next day.
Prostitutes (callgirls, service providers) are treated like they are asking to be raped by doing their profession. which is bullshit, a prostitute obviously consents to having sex for money (unless she is being trafficked) and very well knows the difference between what she wants to do and what she doesn't for money. In the court of law they are told "well you should have been having sex for money in the first place, so it doesn't matter if he raped or assaulted you"
Street walkers are more afraid of cops than johns or pimps. They have no where to turn cause cops rob, beat, and rape them too.
There are organisations that just go out and inform streetwalkers of how to protect themselves from STI's, give them free condoms, safe place to talk, naloxone (nasal inhalant or EpiPen to stop an overdose), job opportunities, no service lists (johns' not to serve cause of they have hurt robbed or rapped another service provider) I GIVE A BIG SHOUT OUT TO THESE ORGANISATIONS FOR HELPING THESE WOMEN. ALL WOMEN DESERVE HELP AND RESPECT NO MATTER WHAT POSITION IN LIFE THEY ARE IN!
These are not just sex worker problems. These are women problems before they are sex worker problems. We have plenty of women blasting social media in hopes that people can come together and stop these abusers and punish them properly. These woman are demanding we change our societies ideas that "oh these things happen" "she shouldn't have been wearing a short skirt" "she was asking for it" "she said no but she meant yes" "i didn't mean to i was drunk" "don't let one LITTLE mistake ruin my future". All women, sex workers or not are considered by society as "blowing things out of proportion" when we speak up of an injustice. Every man and woman who stands with these women are standing up for human rights, before we are women we are human.
I do not believe everything I said in a one dimensional way, there is so much more to this subject but I can only just say what is on my mind in this moment.
nor am I saying all police officers act that way, plenty of police officers are awesome
nor am I a ManHater, I have plenty of beautiful amazing men in my life
nor do I think this is only a female sex workers issues.
nor am I saying all sex workers have these issues
if you dont agree thats ok with me
obviously there are more kinds of sexworkers out these and have issues that should as well be spoken about, please feel free to add on!
I am an advocate for legalizing sex work in all forms. hopefully it could be regulated and more safe for everyone involved.