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MFC Agent ??banned?

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You made my day with that picture, not because I care about her getting banned but just how fitting it is to the context of this thread...

CallMeWilliam said:
nzhere said:
If banned with no payout...

A quick countup hmm 14 days worth of tokens from a top model hmm 350000+ tokens?
Pretty sure that MFC would have to pay her out as long as she satisfied her current contract of work (up to the time she received notice of her being let go). Unless there is a clause in the contract stating refusal of payment due to “XYZ” (which is usually some kind of defraud against the company). Even then there may be grounds for legal action against MFC depending on the contract agreement.

Only a model could say if there is such a clause and due to any NDA a model might have to agree to they may not be able to say anyway.
Yet, on the Rules for Models page it says "And even if your account is re-instated, you will LOSE THE TOKENS that you earned by breaking the rules so there is absolutely no point to breaking these rules." So my guess is that she did lose those tokens. But we won't know for sure until tomorrow since tonight is the end of this pay period.

And Sia Green... that is so much win.
It must have been the pep boys garage show she did the other day.

if you close the thread we'll have to open a new one when she starts fucking with

She should have just gone to SV they wouldnt have any issues with what she did on cam in public...

Ahh fuck... now what are we gonna do.
We have to go find a new 99.
There will be a new
soon enough Paulie.
Mikeythegeek said:
This was just said in Lounge 1000

Stew_: any update on her we dont speak of ??/
Wolvesman1: she has been sucked down to the 7th circle and assumed her dark throne

Bocefish said:
And the only reason I went to webcams was to try and figure out what exactly happened. It's none of your frickin' business anyway, but just wanted to clarify that.

If you don't like a thread, then don't click on it. Nobody is forcing you to read it.

Okay, well since you have a nasty attitude...

It's none of your freakin' business where she went to...especially if you're just gonna run back to this thread to report your findings and talk shit. :roll:

If you don't like a model, then don't go following her on the net...obsessed much?
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Jupiter551 said:
Well happy birthday anyway :)

THANK YOU, Jupiter, for being the decent, reasonable person that you are. I've always liked you. You know how to "agree to disagree" with people without being nasty in your posts. Thank you for that, and for the birthday wishes. :)
Amber's post to this thread, I found to be right on all the way through. Whether or not I approve of her post is wholly irrelevant, except to the degree that it expresses admiration for her point of view, and the articulation thereof. Simply mousing over the thank button, would be the more appropriate action, but I am new to this, and having wondered away from that post to sign in, I can not find my way back. Thank you Amber for saying it so well.
Lydia_Deetz said:
Btw, there is no rule the models we discuss have to be from MFC :roll:

I kind of highly doubt anyone here is wasting their life ranting in this thread. I believe that about as much as her supporters wasting their lives trying to kill this thread.

If that comment and eye roll was directed at me...

I didn't say it was a rule. I was just saying why not be happy with the ban, and focus on the models on there that we DO like. You know...something positive?

And nobody is going out of their way to kill the thread. I agreed with someone else who asked why it's still being talked about (instead of being put to rest), but some people who are Anti-Agent-99 wanna cop an attitude with those of us who dare to express an opinion.
@ Brown_Fox It's obvious you want the thread closed. The only reason I had the attitude was due to the obsessed accusations. You're the one who said she was banned and didn't know why. I tried to find out what happened from the proverbial horse's mouth (pun not initially intended, but it does sorta fit) If you consider that as being obsessed, you need to learn what the word means. If you consider telling the truth as talking shit, again... learn the difference.

Happy Birthday by the way, and I mean that.
The_Brown_Fox said:
Lydia_Deetz said:
Btw, there is no rule the models we discuss have to be from MFC :roll:

I kind of highly doubt anyone here is wasting their life ranting in this thread. I believe that about as much as her supporters wasting their lives trying to kill this thread.

If that comment and eye roll was directed at me...

I didn't say it was a rule. I was just saying why not be happy with the ban, and focus on the models on there that we DO like. You know...something positive?

And nobody is going out of their way to kill the thread. I agreed with someone else who asked why it's still being talked about (instead of being put to rest), but some people who are Anti-Agent-99 wanna cop an attitude with those of us who dare to express an opinion.

No the eye roll was not directed at you but those that think we HAVE to stop posting about Agent just because she is banned.

Personally I love the gossip and am honest about that. Gossiping is like picking your nose, everyone does it but not everyone will admit it.

Even if the thread dies there will be other heated gossip threads and differing opinions. I gotta go do something positive...bai! :mrgreen:
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Lydia_Deetz said:
The_Brown_Fox said:
Lydia_Deetz said:
Btw, there is no rule the models we discuss have to be from MFC :roll:

I kind of highly doubt anyone here is wasting their life ranting in this thread. I believe that about as much as her supporters wasting their lives trying to kill this thread.

If that comment and eye roll was directed at me...

I didn't say it was a rule. I was just saying why not be happy with the ban, and focus on the models on there that we DO like. You know...something positive?

And nobody is going out of their way to kill the thread. I agreed with someone else who asked why it's still being talked about (instead of being put to rest), but some people who are Anti-Agent-99 wanna cop an attitude with those of us who dare to express an opinion.

No the eye roll was not directed at you but those that think we HAVE to stop posting about Agent just because she is banned.

Personally I love the gossip and am honest about that. Gossiping is like picking your nose, everyone does it but not everyone will admit it.

Even if the thread dies there will be other heated gossip threads and differing opinions. I gotta go do something positive...bai! :mrgreen:
This thread is my daily dose of gossip. I get the giggles and laugh my ass off every time I read another post about her being a screwhead and getting herself in trouble or what have you. I think it's hilarious that she's done this to herself. :) I'm all for this thread staying open so I can get my daily lulz. :D :mrgreen: :lol: :thumbleft: :dance:
Bocefish said:
@ Brown_Fox It's obvious you want the thread closed. The only reason I had the attitude was due to the obsessed accusations. You're the one who said she was banned and didn't know why. I tried to find out what happened from the proverbial horse's mouth (pun not initially intended, but it does sorta fit) If you consider that as being obsessed, you need to learn what the word means. If you consider telling the truth as talking shit, again... learn the difference.

Happy Birthday by the way, and I mean that.

When I was speaking of obsession, I was talking about when people (who have repeatedly expressed their dislike for her) keep reporting back with updates on what she's doing right now in chat, etc., and laughing at her. And when I say "talking shit," I'm talking about all the jabs at her age and physical appearance and all.

And yeah, I'm biased, because I've just started to like her as a person, and she's been surprisingly sweet to me (It's not often that I see models with very high cam scores showing love/admiration to us low cam score models). She may come across as a model who "doesn't give a fuck about anything," but I know the comments upset her. She's known about this forum thread long before I started talking to her. I know she's not thrilled that I post on here, but I post on here because I like this forum for sharing opinions (I'm TRYING to get along with people on here) and getting useful information.

I don't condone any of the MFC rule-breaking. I'm not one of these people who worships and kisses ass, as if the person can do no wrong. I wish she had done some things differently, because I thought she was naturally cool and entertaining WHILE following the rules. The whole 'Outdoing yourself each day with risque shows' thing wasn't necessary (I thought she was just naturally cool, without all of that stuff), and I wish she did things a little differently.

The drama that took place on my profile wall (where she and her friend misinterpreted something that Jupiter said to me) happened because she remembered him from this thread, and she and Dee made the wrong assumption and thought he was insulting me, I guess. I explained to her what the meaning behind his post was.

And thanks for the birthday wishes. The Long Island amusement park I was gonna go to closed due to the rain (so disappointed), but my friend just got off work and is picking me up soon to hang out. I'm hungry! I HOPE to go to Six Flags Great Adventure tomorrow...I NEED to go on some rides.

*And sorry for my very long post.*
:clap: :clap: :clap: Lifetime ban i hope, she like others break so much rules! i started to record yesterday each model that were breaking rules, it was amazing, even one model was there with her twin sister doing dirty stuff in public room..., isn't that called incest? i think so... and not allowed....

I think i should make a website with these recorded clips and send the site to MFC admins, cauz i guess they are blind.... about rules breaking..

My :twocents-02cents:
Frank01 said:
:clap: :clap: :clap: Lifetime ban i hope, she like others break so much rules! i started to record yesterday each model that were breaking rules, it was amazing, even one model was there with her twin sister doing dirty stuff in public room..., isn't that called incest? i think so... and not allowed....

I think i should make a website with these recorded clips and send the site to MFC admins, cauz i guess they are blind.... about rules breaking..

My :twocents-02cents:

Good idea, make a public website open to everybody that increases the chances of the whole freakin site getting shut down and destroying the livelihood of thousands of reputable models for the sake of the ones who offend your sense of justice. :woops: :angry4:

The more sensible thing to do is to use the "Hide Model" button when something upsets you. For various reasons I have so many models hidden that there are times I log on to find less than 250 online (It'd probably be even less if I went into 80% of their rooms). These include bad taste, disinterest, incompatible fetishes etc. Hell, I've blocked Asia entirely due to the appalling studio practices that run rampant there and the things models appear to be forced to do.

And you know what? Even with all those models blocked, I still have more great models to hang around with,chat to and/or jerk off to to keep me busy almost all of the time. I also have more I like than I will ever have enough tokens to share with.

Who exactly died and made you admin?

I try not to judge people, but I make an exception for the judgmental - their judging makes me mental.

ps-timbaland, is that you?
Lord_Latex said:
SirLes said:
Just saw this in lounge,
AdminLeo: A99 has an issue with her account, he is not banned
AdminLeo: she*
"issue with her account" = she's been fined and suspended but will be back
If true, damn. But let's hope this gets the message through to her.

I know, I have a better chance at winning the lottery this week and I'm not even playing.
Dazza235 :hand: you got me wrong, i never mention i'll make it public btw... just a place where i will regroup it, and then send the link to the admin.

Cauz i know a lot of models on MFC that does respect rules, and have WAY much less users in their chat room then those that break rules and don't get banned.. and on

my point of view for a model that respect rules that's not fair...
SirLes said:
Just saw this in lounge,
AdminLeo: A99 has an issue with her account, he is not banned
AdminLeo: she*
I've been in lounge nearly all day and night and never saw this. No one in there now seems to have seen it. :think:
SirLes said:
Yeah, I saw you were on and looked to see if you had created a member room to point it out to you but nothing and I can't pm you as .....well you know.
he was also asking other questions of lounge but nothing to report on that really.
Searching the lounge chat archives and still can't find it, lol. Are you referring to lounge1000?
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