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[quote="AmeliaArcana"I wonder if it would be a major put-off to a premium member if I asked him to chat in my room with me instead of the PMs. What would you do if you PMed a model who had a silent room and she asked you to move the conversation to chat instead? Is that offensive? I'm totally curious.[/quote]

For me? Not at all. But then again, I'm not going to PM with stuff that can be said in public chat. I generally don't use the PM function, unless for things that really require a PM conversation.

With that being said, there is one model that I PM quite a bit, we have discussed it and she is very adept at keeping the room conversation going while answering PMs. And it's mostly we are making fun of the things members are saying in public chat.

To circle back and answer you question, yes, I think it would be off-putting for some members to ask them chat in the room. But those are going to be the narcissistic members who thinks you are there only to succumb to their every whimsy.
So, here's the thing. I talk quite a bit in models rooms when there's nothing else going on. Due to current circumstances, though, I'm unable to tip. I have been known to leave suddenly, but I usually have reasons.
If it's to see another model (Yes, that happens too), I sometimes say something like "One of my friends just popped online, but I'll be back. :)". And usually, I do come back.
If it's because I'm getting off the computer, I'll usually say that I'm going to sleep (because I usually am.)

There are 3 main reasons for me leaving without saying anything.
1) If I start feeling bad for not having any tokens.
2) If a show starts that I didn't contribute anything to, I will almost always leave.
3) If my viewing suddenly comes to a stop due to external forces, like a crash or getting walked by. In that case, though, I usually come back and apologize.
RogueWarrior said:
[quote="AmeliaArcana"I wonder if it would be a major put-off to a premium member if I asked him to chat in my room with me instead of the PMs. What would you do if you PMed a model who had a silent room and she asked you to move the conversation to chat instead? Is that offensive? I'm totally curious.

I keep my Pms open.

when people pm me 'just to chat'
stuff like 'hello'
'ur gorgeous'
'how are you'

i politely (or not so politely depending on the content of their pms) explain that because my pms are open i get a lot! I'd love to chat but its hard to keep up so can they chat in the main chat room? Anything truly pvt can be of course pmed.

It weeds out the timewasters.

As far as regulars, it depends on the person. There are a few tippers who are truly shy and prefer to stay in pm and I respect that. however there are also many guys that really seem to like to be 'helpful' so when my room is quiet or the conversation is going ways i don't like it to I absolutely will ask them to chat in public and help me out. They seem to like being asked to help.
I try to always leave on my PM's, and call people out verbally when they pop in my room.

And by calling them out, I don't mean it rude or any other way, I mean I like to be oh Hey are you. Or Thank you for dropping by.

It is really hard to get people to chat in my room, and b/c of that I leave my PM's open. I'll occasionally get people talking in there, but I usually get people talking b/c I'll just PM them first and say Hey.

With that being said, I agree a room with a chatty, smiling, laughing, happy model is best! Thank you all for ideas and replies. I love yours Ms.Lolli about weeding out people who are trolling/wasting time.

I look forward to trying a few suggestions out tonight.
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