Yes, they are strict and that's ok
But also, regular users profite of better prices : the price per token decreases with the amount from
for 100tk bought = 10.99USD/100 tk
down to 39% bonus for 2025tk bought = 159.99USD (makes 7.90USD for 100 tk)
It appears to work like that :
You can make at most 5 transactions per day.
And in example ('cause i don't remember exactly...) you have choice when being 'beginner' to buy 100, 200, 500 tk in one transaction.
Being a bit more regular, you can have these other choices : 750, 1000 tk
Being a more more regular you discover these other choice : 1255 tk
later (few months ? buying regulary) : 2025 tk
much later : 4050 tk
4050 seems the very higher amount possible to buy with a credit card.
To increase that limit of buying, there are other possibilities than using a credit card, but the corresponding fees can be huge (direct wiring or else...)
It seems also that these values can decrease to follow the average amounts used by the viewer and conform with his habits of purchasing.
During this time, an 'expend limit' evolves at the same time, but it does not correspond to the 5 transactions of the maximum you can choice (that would make 5 x 4050 = 20 050 tk for a big tipper). This limit seems really to be a big secret that the support refuses to disclose even to the user himself.
It's amusing to note that even if the viewer had choice to buy 4050 tk, when he preferred to buy 5 times 100 tk today, he is limited by the number of transaction after having bought 500 tokens only today ^^