AmberCutie's Forum
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Me again - Public or Privats?

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sure all agree with u, i guess thats the wrong board for that.

Here are models who like ther work, and fanboys who like the girls.
No offence, but when i would post this on a "normal" board, all would says omething different then u, who "protect" that work.

But yes, u are right, there are only a view opinions - and i offer her some solutions she can choose, if she dont want to make any choose, i gues thats it then.

And yes, u are right, i actually behaving now like a men with ballz made of steel, but i was that long time ago and now iam pretty hurt and broken about all that, so i cant stand that anymoire and i hate how iam turning too.. and if u read above, i dont blame HER for all that, i know its me who make troubles, since if i would be able to accept that all simply, we wouldnt have ANY problems, but i honestly simply cant and i never can...
Have you faced up to the fact that maybe you shouldn't be with her if you cant deal?
BrandonHeat said:
sure all agree with u, i guess thats the wrong board for that.

Here are models who like ther work, and fanboys who like the girls.
No offence, but when i would post this on a "normal" board, all would says omething different then u, who "protect" that work.

But yes, u are right, there are only a view opinions - and i offer her some solutions she can choose, if she dont want to make any choose, i gues thats it then.

And yes, u are right, i actually behaving now like a men with ballz made of steel, but i was that long time ago and now iam pretty hurt and broken about all that, so i cant stand that anymoire and i hate how iam turning too.. and if u read above, i dont blame HER for all that, i know its me who make troubles, since if i would be able to accept that all simply, we wouldnt have ANY problems, but i honestly simply cant and i never can...
This is a good post. I like it, bravo! :clap:
i will go to sleep now, maybe the world will look differet again tomorrow.

btw, sheis not here, we only did talk at phone. She cancelt talk and turned of her phone...

good night
Brandon, not sure who your girl is, or if she really enjoys her job or not, not up to me one way or the other. If she is doing this kind of job and secretly loves it, that is HER decision and she will open up more to YOU if she is secure in her relationship with you. It is apparent that you do not like this job that she has decided to do or actually support her in said job but you will find that it can build her respect for you if you do find peace with it.

And as far as her being sore after so much playing with her dildo, maybe if she gets a few different ones of different sizes she may not be as sore from playing so much if she changes up to different ones for general play and invest in more lube.
Given that we know Brandon is Russian, we can assume his girlfriend is Russian, and with the context he's given us, we know it must be one of the top models he claims to date, leaving only 3-4 girls it could be. Just sayin'. If you want to keep that bit a secret you might wanna stop giving us info Brandon.
Even if, if u ask her, she never will say that she got a boyfriend or something.

We still didnt talked yet, i dont know...
jesus christ......urfoeuwhiufhweiuhfiudhiudhouf.

either get over it or leave her... simple as that. if you cant deal with her job, you have to walk away in my opinion.

i have started talking to guys since i have been a cam girl, i would tell them what i did, that i enjoy swinging, that im bi. if they started freaking out it was done, i wasnt going to waste my time with someone who was going to give me a hard time about the life i enjoy leading.. sorry! :naughty:
Cassidy Nicole said:
jesus christ......urfoeuwhiufhweiuhfiudhiudhouf.

either get over it or leave her... simple as that. if you cant deal with her job, you have to walk away in my opinion.

i have started talking to guys since i have been a cam girl, i would tell them what i did, that i enjoy swinging, that im bi. if they started freaking out it was done, i wasnt going to waste my time with someone who was going to give me a hard time about the life i enjoy leading.. sorry! :naughty:

U all forget the fact, that she DONT LIKE HER JOB.

If she would like and tell me, sure i wouildnt stay. Becaus iam not made for this.
But she say she dont and i try to support her in her burden, but since now she prefer to denie me, its a big problem for me.

THATS the problem and that stuff which u wrote is not usefull, since all "think" she likes her job, like u girls here do....
Cassidy Nicole said:
so she has to suck it up because she cant quit? if that is the case... so should you.

IN her words yes, she cant stop now. But i believe her, that she say she dont like it. But this now changes, becaus she wants to do pivats anyway and i dont understand that simply, thats my problem now... Well, i try to talk with her about that :///


What i need are tips, how i could agree with that or how to agurment with that or how to support or to accept and everything, not blaming
You obviously are here to either get a pat on the back or sympathy,or your here to be a TROLL... yet most of us think you need to be a man and make a damn decision. Stop dragging this all over the forums because you have already, on EVERY thread you have posted said that our opinions don't count "cause we are all enjoying camming or protecting others" YOU AREN'T listening or learning....JUST STOP. PLEASE FOR FUCKS SAKE!

a. you decide she really doesn't like her job but has to do it. You comfort her when she's home, but still allow her to do what she needs/wants to do to excel during her job, no questions asked
b. you decide she's just saying she doesn't like it because she either recently changed her mind or doesn't want to hurt you, and you leave or allow her to do what she wants/need to do to excel during her job, no questions asked

p.s. I take back my bravo, you're goin' back down hill fast :(
PinUpKittie said:
p.s. I take back my bravo, you're goin' back down hill fast :(

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
these posts about your gf drive me nuts
she is clearly a lovely and tolerant person for putting up with this level of disrespect and paranoia..
to put it bluntly i would have totally been outta there by now. she makes great money doing something that is just human nature and if you cant afford to support her as well as she supports herself then you should probably be quiet about it.
Dude... we've given you a boat load of tips and advice on the matter and you wont listen.
its not like i dont want to listne, just i dont like them lol

hahha, well - sure u are right, i cant accept and stfu and be quitly like a mouse. And all problems gone. But i cant, so we have to find a agreement, but she dont want to take any agreement with me.

All i want is, that she try it 5 days longer and if it will not work, i will never say a word again about no privats. But in this time, where she didnt, she had her best earnings... So i cant understand why decide to make privats.. She told me, becaus she promised a fanboy to do..

So for me, it means that a fanboy means more for her, then i do. Thats how i see this....
BrandonHeat said:
its not like i dont want to listne, just i dont like them lol

hahha, well - sure u are right, i cant accept and stfu and be quitly like a mouse. And all problems gone. But i cant, so we have to find a agreement, but she dont want to take any agreement with me.

All i want is, that she try it 5 days longer and if it will not work, i will never say a word again about no privats. But in this time, where she didnt, she had her best earnings... So i cant understand why decide to make privats.. She told me, becaus she promised a fanboy to do..

So for me, it means that a fanboy means more for her, then i do. Thats how i see this....
Did you ignore my post where I said that she'd probably lose a lot of income by denying privates with her regulars? Sometimes, people only tip big if you also do privates with them. So if the private show is gone, so is their tips.

So sure, she may not LIKE doing privates, but she probably realizes her losses will affect her if she doesn't do at least some private shows.

As for tips for you on how to deal with it? I think most people have already given you tips, but as you said you don't like the tips they give. Sometimes, the best advice is facing doing something you don't like. It's part of life, you know.

The tips:
*Break up with her and get over it. Find a woman who will accept your money instead of making her own.
*Stop asking her about work and don't think about it. Keep work at work and home life home life.

As far as your comments on this forum vs. a regular forum: We are probably the most open minded people you'll find, therefore, we have the best advice. "Other" forums may be full of people who are unaccepting of things. They'll give you a shoulder to cry on but will only enable your shortcomings as a confident man.
dude, there is no helping you. You have no hope in this situation. She's not gonna quit an extremely well paying job for a crazy suspicious boyfriend, not if she has any sense to her at least.
Cassidy Nicole said:
wow, are you her boss? noooo!!!! you are not! let her decide to work the way she wants! she doesnt want to make an agreement with you for a reason... let it gooooooooooooooooo
Iam not her boss, but iam her boyfriend.
And there is a reason for a agreement, which is me. Since she should care, becaus she know she hurts me with that.

The same way, i accept that iam not allowed to come to her work anymore and write with her in PM. the same way i take regard on this and the same way i take regard on that we wont talk about work when she is at home (only after her work with phone, not at home), the same way she should take regard on my question and atlast try it 5 days longer. She say money is just money and nothing so important.. And now she prefer money then my happiness, i dont get that

Edit: I never asked her to quit her job and never will ask that. All i ask her for is to TRY to do no privats, but she WONT even try...
BrandonHeat said:
Edit: I never asked her to quit her job and never will ask that. All i ask her for is to TRY to do no privats, but she WONT even try...
Please read my post above.
AmberCutie said:
BrandonHeat said:
Edit: I never asked her to quit her job and never will ask that. All i ask her for is to TRY to do no privats, but she WONT even try...
Please read my post above.

i did amber, thanks.

I can imaging that, but why atlast not try it a few days ? i mean if they really wont tip and she earn less, i will not say anything against that privats, becaus then its NEEDED. But my problem is, that she dont even want to try for me... :(
BrandonHeat said:
AmberCutie said:
BrandonHeat said:
Edit: I never asked her to quit her job and never will ask that. All i ask her for is to TRY to do no privats, but she WONT even try...
Please read my post above.

i did amber, thanks.

I can imaging that, but why atlast not try it a few days ? i mean if they really wont tip and she earn less, i will not say anything against that privats, becaus then its NEEDED. But my problem is, that she dont even want to try for me... :(
I know it seems like she's being mean to YOU by not at least trying, but as a girl who has obviously worked the site for a while, she probably knows well enough that it would be a bad move.
BrandonHeat said:
i did amber, thanks.

I can imaging that, but why atlast not try it a few days ? i mean if they really wont tip and she earn less, i will not say anything against that privats, becaus then its NEEDED. But my problem is, that she dont even want to try for me... :(
That is because it is a crazy request founded upon distrust and jealousy!
You swear up and down that you love her, but you sure as hell dont trust her like you do.

I have no idea what you look like, but I've a pretty good idea of who your lady is and if thats the case, I'm going out on limb here and I'm gonna say you probably never thought you could get yourself such a good looking woman, and now that you have one you are crazy defensive and jealous and suspicious cuz you dont know if you could find someone else on her level.

That is the image I have of you after all your posts, and no its not a great way to be viewed by anybody.
Its not a relationship if there isn't any trust or compromise. She DID compromise, and then you changed the terms again. You say she doesn't want to try things your way, but your so fragile and judgmental and stupid that you keep changing what you want her to do, cause she tries to do them, and it proves that her way worked better. And yes, your are being STUPID. Ignorance is not knowing something. Stupid is knowing something and choosing to not listen. You have information to make your decision, and if you and her had ANY kind of relationship you wouldn't be HERE fighting with us about OUR OPINIONS and trying to prove the world wrong when you can't even speak to your girlfriend. Things like this are to be hashed out with YOU and YOUR GIRLFRIEND not the entire world. But since you have NO BALLS to talk to her with some sense and respect, you come here looking for pity which obviously you are NOT getting because you have no respect for yourself or her, and no trust with your relationship. Be a mouse, as you put it...or be a GROWN MAN....I am going to regard your posts from now on as trolling, UNLESS you can find something intelligent or intellectual to speak about that might warrant a better response from me other than reaching thru the internet and slapping you back into reality, which is what SOMEONE really REALLY needs to do. :banghead: :stfu: :angry-nono: :violent1: :violence-stickwhack:

Sorry Amber if I am out of line. I will take verbal lashings with my gaze to the floor if I am :shifty:
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