@Goddess Amina Bordeaux and
Great and helpful points.
Overall this has been a good reminder and learning experience for me.
I'm usually really good with boundaries. Well the enforce part. I think I just got a bit tired, and kinda didn't notice, or take seriously stuff I should have. Now I'm paying the price for that, and I'm sure he's not.
As usually happens with these guys (the type that have these needs).
They go on their Merry way, leaving destruction in their wake (which is now officially over).
This is seriously year 1 stuff, that I learned a long time ago. I feel so stupid for having to go through it again, but atleast it's just one guy, and not a whole bushel of them.
So Pavlovian in the end.
Relearned my fucking lesson - once more.
@AussieCosplay Boundaries was my hugest thing too. I've come really far with it though.
I mean he was a worthy adversary, at least it wasn't to some meat head.