Wow. Breathe girl. I know this thread is getting a bit old, but this one made my eyes (and my heart) hurt!
You are spiraling. You need to get your shit together. That has to be the #1 priority. Fuck the money. Fuck the responsibilities. You need to take care of yourself FIRST.
1. Dump husband. Remove yourself from that home - either he leaves, or you do. That environment is too toxic for anyone to keep sane in. Bullshit you don't have the money for divorce. It doesn't take a penny to walk out the damn door and not look back. The legal part is irrelevant right now. But it DOES take self respect. Been there, done that.
2. Your attitude sucks. Be proud of yourself! Again, I say, breathe. Really, it's important for your health to do deep breathing every day! You're feeling shitty because you are burned out. But it's making you see things all backwards. No big deal if sex work isn't for you. But, let me tell you something, I have TWO Masters degrees, and a DOCTORATE. And I'm camming. And I've been homeless 3 times, one of which was recently. So STFU with the failure talk. Each of these is a comeback story, a survival story I'm PROUD of. I didn't fail. I SURVIVED. You are surviving too. You will be alright. Your brain is what gets you there. But also, it's what makes you feel down sometimes, because you can see stuff around you, and you have potential. It's hard not to take stuff seriously. You will always be ok, if you value yourself, and if you breathe. Take a week off to do nothing but yoga and meditation. For real, you're not making any money anyway, what's the difference if you spend the time at a pretend spa in your head? You need a break! You're no good to yourself right now like this. You've lost the ability to take care of yourself.
3. You sound like you're in the States. You can go to a shelter if things get bad. You can also check yourself into a psychiatric hospital if you are a risk to yourself. They'll have to hold you for I think at least 3 days for evaluation, so you won't be out on the street during that time even without insurance, and you can just sit still and get some rest. Baby steps. Survival and self care is #1 right now. You can also probably walk in and out of free therapy almost 24 hours in your town, by visiting various 12-step groups, for support and a place to talk. Or just to listen to a person whose life is worse than yours. Overeaters, Al-Anon, AA, Sex addicts... I mean, they're often going on every hour somewhere, and you don't even have to talk to be there and get a free donut and kind look your way or whatever. Better than nothing if you can't afford therapy, and don't have a free clinic or community center in your town.
4. Expectations, similar to the attitude thing, are messing you up. Your looks have virtually nothing to do with camming success. People pay the most for niche market stuff - beautiful girls who will take their tops off are a dime a dozen in this world. Which is literally why you're making that much. You have unique skills. USE them. Or don't. But don't attach your self worth to the money you make by strangers throwing pennies at your naked body. Have a good time, fuck those guys (didn't mean literally, lol! I meant like ignore them), and do what you do in your shows that you would do for free - so the money is just icing. Likewise, don't pin your self worth to shitty real-world jobs. They're not hiring you at the local fast food joint because you're coming off as over-qualified, and they're not wrong that the drug addict they hired is likely to stick around for years if they don't die, whereas as soon as you do well and get your life together you're likely to bolt out the door forever. I got turned down from something like 300 jobs one year when I was homeless, and it made me want to kill myself... but it all boiled down to me actually trying TOO hard, and seeming TOO professional. I actually had some people interviewing me arguing with me that I don't actually want this job, things can't be that bad, I'm too good for this, I can't be that desperate. And I was like, are you kidding me, I AM - just give me the job!!! PLEASE, I'm begging you!!!! In the end, they were right, and I'm glad they shut the door in my face... the next year I got my dream job for a few years, and made WAY more money than I ever could have with the crummy job I tried to convince them to give me. Just breathe, it will come around. But you have to treat yourself well, and have some standards for how others treat you, to have good in your life. Right now, it seems like you're feeling so low you are letting any people, treat you any kind of which way they feel like. And then you're blaming yourself that you're not worth better. Not so! You are worth a lot, and it will just take some time for the world to see it. Set the example by making your own needs a priority over other people's. Give up the expectation, which is unrealistic, that people will treat you like gold when you feel like you are worth less than shit. Give up the expectation that what other people see is the sum of your value. Believe in yourself because you have inherent worth as a human being - not because other people give you permission to. Stop waiting around for them to tell you if you are wonderful and beautiful and smart and worthy or not. Just start every day knowing that you ARE, and one day they will just have to catch up. Live your life, enjoy your moments, without waiting for them. And don't give anybody the time of day who does not treat you as though you are worthwhile. Like, your husband, your in-laws, potential employers, potential cam customers, etc..... Expect only love from yourself - you can't control anybody else, or anything on this Earth. Anybody who does not respect you, drop like a bad habit - cuz that's all they are.
I could go on forever, but I am avoiding my own sleep, and my own needs, so need to head off to bed.
I just feel for you, cuz I've been there. But you have to find joy in your life again, and in everything you've described, you seem to be trying to find it in external people and things, rather than inside yourself. Rather than loving YOURSELF. Who gives a flying fuck about other people's validation and what they think? What about what YOU think?
Some of these ideas, aside from the suicide lines and therapy and all that for just basic survival, are good. Like the online English camming classes for Chinese kids - some companies are legit. Local tutoring is also generally good pay, especially if you can get yourself to a rich neighborhood and be reliable with your transportation. You seem to know how to class it up. Teaching community college is shit pay, but you might be qualified, and it might raise your self esteem in the meantime. Like, it won't be worse than McDonald's. You can make artwork and sell it online. You can try Fiverr. There are 1,001 things to to try, it just depends on your passion, and your particular skill set. One thing I will tell you though, people don't want to pay you to sit and watch you be miserable. They can feel it! If you truly love what you do, you are doing a good thing for your health! And sooner or later, people will want to pay you for it, because watching you, or hearing you, or being around the thing you made or wrote, makes them happy because your good vibes ooze off onto them. You feel joy, so they feel joy!
This may sound nuts, because you're broke, but also if you can, start volunteering an hour or two a week at a cause you care about. You really need a reality check that your life is not the worst on the planet. You need to feel value again. You need to get out of your head. And you're not making money anyway, so what's the difference? You might make new friends who share your interests, and who are also giving people instead of the selfish a-holes you seem to be surrounded by. You also have a great shot of getting an in for a job through one of the people you meet, if you make a good impression.
But I repeat, you need to get your shit together first. You need to breathe. You can't fix anything, while you're busy thinking about suicide and heroin and how you somehow are a failure as a whore. That kind of bad vibe is not going to wear off, it stinks around you and people can smell it a mile away! You need some sleep first, and a clear head!

You need to cry it out, and then smile a bit. Write out 5 things you're grateful for, no matter how tiny, every single day. Don't ever stop. Take a deep breath, and start life over.
Maybe one day you will make a funny book, or movie, or TV show about this experience. Maybe you will counsel others out of this headspace. Better days are just around the corner. But you need to live to see them.
I have been where you are, so I'm speaking from experience. These are things that helped me. Life is rough. But it also very rich. If you open your eyes wider, you will start to be able to see the beautiful things all around you, and the hope that is right in front of you.
I wish you peace, and profound love for yourself. You do deserve it.