I haven't been on sites for very long and can't say I'm any sort of expert, but isn't this what the "whale" thing is really about -- at least in part? I mean, people are criticizing this guy for his condescending, pitying, saviour attitude but yeah, there is also a huge ego showing and seems
that is a often part of the motivation with so-called whales. It's largely dudes with a lot of money, seeking to impress not just a model but other dudes, while often at the same time trying to "help" or "support" the model... (I'm sure there's not a model here who wants to turn that down, right?) But at the same time, it's still some dude using economic imbalance to have power and influence and buy affection, attention, gratitude, or whatever. What I always wonder about most proverbial whales is what the interaction would look like in real life between them and a beautiful, wealthy woman who didn't need money and didn't have any motivation to ingratiate herself.
I've gone off on a tangent but just wondered about whether what this guy is saying is really all that different than a main element of a lot of "whales" -- except he's probably hiding the other parts (like wanting to feel like a savior, or even just wanting to date the model, or whatever less noble intentions he isn't saying).