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I've been turned down by better looking women than you

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Sep 19, 2010
I use this phrase when getting turned down by women (get's used a lot)

How do you deal with getting spurned?
I dont deal with rejection well... :crybaby: chalk it up to being raised a spoiled brat i guess...

Usually when a woman turns me down, I just smile and pretend to move on ...but deep down.. I hurt... and usually leads me to drink my pain away... :violin:
JerMajesty said:
I dont deal with rejection well... :crybaby: chalk it up to being raised a spoiled brat i guess...

Usually when a woman turns me down, I just smile and pretend to move on ...but deep down.. I hurt... and usually leads me to drink my pain away... :violin:
Aaaaand that's why you're on MFC paying girls to try meeting you like you said in another thread. You're the exact type that MFC models rely on. You have issues with women IRL so you go on MFC because it's more "safe" for you emotionally.

MrRodry said:
Hit "Next Model".
That's pretty much how it is IRL. If a woman turns you down IRL just feel rejected in your mind for 5 seconds, brush it off and move onto the next one. Simple as that. Women think they're so special like they're some catch. When in reality there's millions who are better in every way. OP is lame for needing a line to try getting back at women who turn him down. That's exactly why the women rejecting him feel like she can be prissy and reject him with or without reason. Don't feel rejected, don't be sore over rejection and don't show you feel stupid for being rejected and the woman will jump off the high horse and maybe respect you for being a man. When guys use lines to cover up them feeling whack for being rejected the women feel like they're better than what they actually are.

Be a man not a fail.
Wow, the responses on this are making me feel pretty sad about men in general. Have any of you posters been rejected by 5 people in the same day? Not online, in real life. You suck it up, move on, tell them "alright thanks", smile and walk away. There's billions of people so it's not like you're missing out when one or two people turn you down. For all you know they're already taken and they didn't want to lead you on or just maybe they felt intimidated by you. Guys it's just dating. Getting rejected has nothing to do with you as person it's about the person rejecting you. Just my :twocents-02cents: . It sucks, move on and learn from it.
"I'm not the best looking man here, but I'm the only one talking to you"

"How would you like to gain 200 pounds for about six minutes?"
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analbleaching said:
JerMajesty said:
I dont deal with rejection well... :crybaby: chalk it up to being raised a spoiled brat i guess...

Usually when a woman turns me down, I just smile and pretend to move on ...but deep down.. I hurt... and usually leads me to drink my pain away... :violin:Aaaaand that's why you're on MFC paying girls to try meeting you like you said in another thread. You're the exact type that MFC models rely on. You have issues with women IRL so you go on MFC because it's more "safe" for you emotionally.

dude when did i try to pay someone to meet me lol... if youre talking about that rant thread i had asked locked... i just crashed a party... got upset i got tossed out.. got over it by hitting up gothic bars and breakfast at hotel thats all :-D


anyways yes im an emotionally damaged guy ...what can i say, im not gonna deny that... always bored and looking for something new to do..
Aw! Just wanna hug you all, but I can't.

Rejection? It used to hurt, but I did not experience it much because I was fucking fugly and couldn't even get a guy to talk to me, so what was there to reject? I think it was my Sophomore year before anyone asked me out...but fuck them. I found the internet, a genius to be with, and I prance around on the internet having orgasms and pretending to be a umicorm while expressing my undying love for my kitties.

I dealt with rejection by crying, but my brain is wired to react that way. I like that Blackrose said:

For all you know they're already taken and they didn't want to lead you on or just maybe they felt intimidated by you.

Who knows what they're thinking indeed!

I was going to go into the biochemical makeup of the brain and the sociocultural triggers, but fuck that. My brain is fucking sexy, but my tits have a certain je ne sais quoi that is more acceptable here.
Shit man this wasn't meant to be a bawww thread.

If I've invested real time and effort to get a girl I really like being rejected hurts,

In a pub/club it's water off a ducks back.
I've intruded on your evening to get my dick wet, so being told to fuck off is probably fair enough - next Model - which btw MrRodry, made me laugh my balls off, thank you.
JerMajesty said:
anyways yes im an emotionally damaged guy ...what can i say, im not gonna deny that... always bored and looking for something new to do..
No point letting it get to you like you explained. You have to get over that. Either be "damaged" for years not letting your life advance on so many levels + losing out on much time of your life. Or realize you need to stop feeling bad like an emo over past shit and take it as a life experience to mature and move on. Once you do that then you won't be so bothered by women you get turned down by. You'll find better quality women who will actually talk/respect you.

Just_mark__ said:
In a pub/club it's water off a ducks back.
I've intruded on your evening to get my dick wet, so being told to fuck off is probably fair enough.
True, but they want their night being intruded on (attention, free drinks). Mainly they want the attention. You know how many girls' I've had at clubs try getting my attention? Putting their hands through my hair while they dance on stage and what not? I'll just look at them, smile to acknowledge them and go back to my business. That makes them try again or they get literally angry. It's all a game from both sides really. But saying some line even on a woman away from the club/bar scene just because she rejected you is bad sport. That just makes most ladies treat guys like crap when approaching her in general.
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lordmagellan said:
Remember the good ol' days when you could just club a bitch over the head and drag her back to your cave?

I miss clubbin'.....
Why wasn't I aware of this happening? Guess that explains why BJ and I never dated. We just keep bonking each other on the head still.... :S
Yeah, Jupe, I agree. Plus, I think that each poster has a different take on the circumstances of "rejection." To me, being turned down by a perfect stranger in a club or laundromat isn't really rejection. When I think about rejection, it's when you've invested time, heart and soul in someone over a substantial period of time--dates, promises, fun, arguments, joy, shared moments--then suddenly GTFO! lol Anyone who doesn't feel a twinge for even a moment is emotionally dead. :D

But yeah, after a suitable mourning period, you move on. Don't try to recapture what you've lost--it's gone. Don't stalk someone who doesn't need or want you--just GTFO. :)
blackxrose said:
Wow, the responses on this are making me feel pretty sad about men in general. Have any of you posters been rejected by 5 people in the same day? Not online, in real life. You suck it up, move on, tell them "alright thanks", smile and walk away. There's billions of people so it's not like you're missing out when one or two people turn you down. For all you know they're already taken and they didn't want to lead you on or just maybe they felt intimidated by you. Guys it's just dating. Getting rejected has nothing to do with you as person it's about the person rejecting you. Just my :twocents-02cents: . It sucks, move on and learn from it.

Yes, agree with that. We have to believe in ourselves first and foremost... if someone turns us away... its their loss. We have to learn by experiencing a bit of rejection in life, so that we can appreciate better those times when things go right and we don't get rejected. We have to learn that when we get knocked down, to just pick ourselves up, dust ourselves down and try again. We deal with it. Its part of life's great learning curve. Sure it sucks, is both embarrassing and frustrating, but we learn from it. If we don't we just keep on making the same mistakes.

Nordling said:
Yeah, Jupe, I agree. Plus, I think that each poster has a different take on the circumstances of "rejection." To me, being turned down by a perfect stranger in a club or laundromat isn't really rejection. When I think about rejection, it's when you've invested time, heart and soul in someone over a substantial period of time--dates, promises, fun, arguments, joy, shared moments--then suddenly GTFO! lol Anyone who doesn't feel a twinge for even a moment is emotionally dead. :D

But yeah, after a suitable mourning period, you move on. Don't try to recapture what you've lost--it's gone. Don't stalk someone who doesn't need or want you--just GTFO. :)

Agreed... we can't be hurt unless we cared after all, but we have to learn where to draw the line and stop pouring any more emotional resources into something which is not gonna work. Take the time, analyse in your head where it all went wrong (but not OVER analyse) and move on. Whether its a dating request rebuffed or a long term relationship which has soured will dictate how you feel about the rejection... its depth and impact... sure. For example, being given the Spanish archer by someone in a bar or club is totally different from being rejected by someone with whom you have shared your life for 5 years. The emotional investment is different, so you have to learn to be appropriate in how you deal with the loss, but at the end of the day you have to learn that moving on is the only way to go. We get to stay happier in the long run as a result. Leave the past where it belongs... in the past. :)
lordmagellan said:
Remember the good ol' days when you could just club a bitch over the head and drag her back to your cave?

I miss clubbin'.....

Now I am very aroused. :la:
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I shrug it off and just figure the girls a lesbian, but then I look around and realize I've walked into the wrong bar.
? Rejection? In what way? If you have no tokens getting rejected is gonna happen...If you have tokens and get 'rejected' spend them on another model...I don't really understand the question, how do you get rejected on MFC? If we're talking about 'real' life then just put it down to experience & look for someone who'll not reject you...
Just_mark__ said:
I use this phrase when getting turned down by women (get's used a lot)

How do you deal with getting spurned?

"I've been turned down by better looking women than you" seems like a really pathetic and petty thing to say, just because someone isn't interested in you. Even if you do really like them. But then, why would you still really like them in that way if they're not interested?

When girls rejected my advances in the past I simply forgot about them and looked for the next one. Life is too short to be emo or be a dick about it.
Okay... For anyone who wants a good burn to use when you've been burned (on the occasion that fighting fire with fire is appropriate) I'm going to bring back a quote from the cult classic "Suburbia". I've used this in nightclubs and bars when the fella was being a total wad, overbearing and rude. It has sent them sulking, tuck-tailed 100% of the time.

Setting: crowded, grimy, underground punk club with loud grinding music playing

Random Punk (in a hushed voice): I'd really like to fu*k your brains out.
Clueless Preppy Girl: Whaaaat?
Random Punk (now yelling): I said, "I'd really like to fu*k your brains out!" But, I don't think you have any!

Epic burn!
I hope everyone enjoys the mental image.
ScatheFlesh said:
Okay... For anyone who wants a good burn to use when you've been burned (on the occasion that fighting fire with fire is appropriate) I'm going to bring back a quote from the cult classic "Suburbia". I've used this in nightclubs and bars when the fella was being a total wad, overbearing and rude. It has sent them sulking, tuck-tailed 100% of the time.

Setting: crowded, grimy, underground punk club with loud grinding music playing

Random Punk (in a hushed voice): I'd really like to fu*k your brains out.
Clueless Preppy Girl: Whaaaat?
Random Punk (now yelling): I said, "I'd really like to fu*k your brains out!" But, I don't think you have any!

Epic burn!
I hope everyone enjoys the mental image.
Ha! I was at the bar in TGIF a number of years ago with a lady friend from work and this guy kept trying to hit on her. Finally, he said, "Why don't you like me?"

She replied, "because you have butt-breath."

He sulked off.
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JerMajesty said:
I dont deal with rejection well... :crybaby: chalk it up to being raised a spoiled brat i guess...

Usually when a woman turns me down, I just smile and pretend to move on ...but deep down.. I hurt... and usually leads me to drink my pain away... :violin:

I appreciate this guys honesty!

Well I'm assuming we're talking real life rejection here, I would say I've never had some sort of come back line or anything, I just accept it and move on, but of course it sucks. If it's just someone you meet one night it's not that big of a deal, but someone who you really have an interest in, that hurts. The most challenging thing is not letting it affect your future attempts, which of course is the worst thing you can do. As someone once told me, it's like baseball, if you're batting .300 you're doing good.
I just dust off my shoulders and move on. If the girl doesn't want to take the time to get to know a guy then that guy is better off looking else where. I'm been rejected plenty of times, but each time I just move on. There's plenty of fish in the sea, you just have to have the right lure ;D XD (and by lure I mean personality)
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