AmberCutie's Forum
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If people are going to act like this...

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Mar 1, 2010
AmberLand (Seattle, WA)
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... then I don't want them here anyway.
This is an automated message from the server. Anonymous tipped you with 20 tokens while you were offline.Anonymous also left this message with the tip: You are a fucking cunt for letting a troll on your site. I hope it becomes over-ran with trolls, and maybe they can replace the friends you lost.

I have a few guesses to who this is, too scared to use their name. How childish and cowardly.
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PS: Thanks for the $1. I'll go get a hello kitty miniature out of the egg machine with it.
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can i just say, what a fucking douche!!!!!
i think its entertaining he made it a point to TIP with the insult......
YAY!!! Amber got an offline tip! :thumbleft: :thumbleft:

see the above? not feeding the trolls ;)
daisydelight said:
can i just say, what a fucking douche!!!!!
i think its entertaining he made it a point to TIP with the insult......
Hey chickeydoodle... if that's really you pop me a quick MFC mail and I'll upgrade you. :)
Someone needs to shit in his shoes. Maybe pee in his kool-aid.

What a fuckbag. Least he tipped along with it.
LaLaLand_xD said:
AmberCutie said:
PS: Thanks for the $1. I'll go get a hello kitty miniature out of the egg machine with it.

They really charge $1 just for a Hello Kitty miniature?!
Yep, lol.
Skulliee said:
I love those egg machine things.
I get excited about them like I'm a little girl again. It's great to still have silly little fun things in life that make you giggle.
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What's wrong with some people..oh...I forgot it's the internet and people think because they are anonymous they can say whatever the fuck they want on the internet. But in rl, they would never say this to your face. Also, ain't they trolling to complain about trolling..just saying...
AmberCutie said:
Skulliee said:
I love those egg machine things.
I get excited about them like I'm a little girl again. It's great to still have silly little fun things in life that make you giggle.

I love them too, but at 21 years of age I feel old looking at how the prices have gone up. I remember just using a quarter or getting a whole big handful of candies for fifty cent.

...I feel old...might celebrate this with some wine or a lot.
Bocefish said:
Whoever wrote that sounds like they're 12, kinda like the last nastygram you got and posted. Not very creative, but at least they sent a tip. :lol:
And honestly I'll just come out and say it, I might as well:It better not be Jebbaz. I would assume after knowing Jebbie for so long that he'd not be such a douchenuckle about it.

LaLaLand_xD said:
AmberCutie said:
Skulliee said:
I love those egg machine things.
I get excited about them like I'm a little girl again. It's great to still have silly little fun things in life that make you giggle.

I love them too, but at 21 years of age I feel old looking at how the prices have gone up. I remember just using a quarter or getting a whole big handful of candies for fifty cent.

...I feel old...might celebrate this with some wine or a lot.
I feel old for how tired I am after walking laps around the mall and to numerous stores around town today. I'm celebrating with some Vodka and fizzy cranberry juice. BTW: Did you know how much sugar is in juice? Holy cowbells.
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No one who calls you a "fucking cunt" over something like this was ever a friend. That kind of thing is never called for.

You can't please everyone, so you might as well please yourself. Some changes we like, and some we don't. Some changes we can live with, and some we can't. Sometimes we move on, but there's no need to burn bridges.

Sevrin said:
No one who calls you a "fucking cunt" over something like this was ever a friend. That kind of thing is never called for.

You can't please everyone, so you might as well please yourself. Some changes we like, and some we don't. Some changes we can live with, and some we can't. Sometimes we move on, but there's no need to burn bridges.

Thanks, Sev. :)

I honestly don't understand why some people are being so selfish. As I've said in some other thread somewhere "my diplomacy goes both ways". When I don't ban somebody the instant they've upset one or a couple people, I'm being a "fucking cunt" and "losing friends."
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Damned if ya do and damned if ya don't sometimes. Caring people will understand as much.

AmberCutie said:
Did you know how much sugar is in juice? Holy cowbells.

Yeppers and there's something like 9 tspns of sugar in a can of regular coke, just found that out recently too. Then you have the shockingly copious amounts of salt in chicken noodle soup. All the crap I like is not very good for ya. Maybe I'll just go an a beer diet like the monks did.
AmberCutie said:
Skulliee said:
I love those egg machine things.
I get excited about them like I'm a little girl again. It's great to still have silly little fun things in life that make you giggle.
Tiny egg machines FTW! :dance: I have so many great memories of rings that turned our fingers green, temporary tattoos, and other made-in-china-plastic-fetishes from my teenage years. Yay!

And while the tip message isn't exactly public, I'm a huge believer in the Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory. If we could just find a way to enforce the tipping aspect on the trolls, we would all be the next Mark Zuckerberg...
AmberCutie said:
... then I don't want them here anyway.
This is an automated message from the server. Anonymous tipped you with 20 tokens while you were offline.Anonymous also left this message with the tip: You are a fucking cunt for letting a troll on your site. I hope it becomes over-ran with trolls, and maybe they can replace the friends you lost.

Just to be clear, you're objecting to the nature of the message and not the tip :think: (can't see a suitable giggle emote).

You're obviously not seeking advice, but the worst thing for anyone (that means everyone here) to do is start worrying about whom or jumping to conclusions...
After all, what's to say the person isn't hoping it'll result in a witch hunt of your friends (or suspicion), when it has nothing to do with any of them. Sort of divide and conquer type thing.

I always used to ignore anon feedback that seemed unduly disruptive or aggravating because, more often than not, it was someone stirring.
If you didn't want people anonymously calling you a cunt, you could always, you know...


  • stop-bein-a-cunt.jpg
    15.6 KB · Views: 414
AmberCutie said:
... then I don't want them here anyway.
This is an automated message from the server. Anonymous tipped you with 20 tokens while you were offline.Anonymous also left this message with the tip: You are a fucking cunt for letting a troll on your site. I hope it becomes over-ran with trolls, and maybe they can replace the friends you lost.

I have a few guesses to who this is, too scared to use their name. How childish and cowardly.
You know some thing is wrong when you let a troll away from MFC ruin your wank! :lol: Internet is serious what? :dance: I wonder what kind of raging would happen if I actually joined Amber's room for longer then 5-10 seconds. People mad over nothing when I barely use MFC. lol Who ever tipped thanks for tipping her in my honor. I'm sincerely flattered!

If people are going to get hurt feelings because of how you run your own site maybe they should make their own? There are tons of free forums out there. Then they can have their own rules and who ever they want on their little island.

Not going to lie I thought it was jebbaz too after reading the OP.

bawksy said:
If you didn't want people anonymously calling you a cunt, you could always, you know...
Nerdy_Boy said:
What's wrong with some people..oh...I forgot it's the internet and people think because they are anonymous they can say whatever the fuck they want on the internet. But in rl, they would never say this to your face. Also, ain't they trolling to complain about trolling..just saying...

Actually, that's less and less true. The problem is the dickery online IS translating to real life. There was a kid that was insulting a musician(comedian? something) and so the guy met him face to face and basically the kid still said "well I won't say it to your face, but I stand behind telling you to fuck off and die." Which basically is saying it to his face.
Urgh, sadly the first person I thought of when I read this starts with 'J'. I hope it's not. But whoever it is, what a dickhead for sending a tip with such an insult!!!! :lol:

People need to grow the fuck up. But YAY for $1!! :dance: Those egg machine things are $2 over here, what a rip off! :eek:
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