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I hope your boycotting the xbox one

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I haven't posted recently, hopefully will be back soon!
Inactive Cam Model
May 21, 2013
I feel the need to spread this as it kills our rights and does a lot of creepy stuff that a gaming console shouldn't do


The Xbox One is a game changer for all the wrong reasons.

While gamers have always enjoyed true ownership of their games, being able to share them with friends, sell them on and play them wherever they are, this is all about to change.

Microsoft, if unchallenged, is about to lock down games. Here's how:

Your console needs to check in with Microsoft's servers at least every 24 hours
If you can't check in, your games simply won't work
Even single player games
And if you're signed in, using someone else's box, it needs to connect every hour
You don't own games, you license them
Games are installed to the console, discs become redundant after first install
And the disc will be useless to anyone else
You can't lend games
You won't be able to rent games
Pre-owned is controlled by publishers
They decide if you can trade in the game or not, and how much you pay
Potentially resale could be restricted until games are a certain age...
...Or simply never enabled at all
Only "participating retailers" can accept used games
With more control and less competiton, you will pay more for used games...
...And will be offered less for your old games, with no alternative way to sell
Smaller 'indie' retailers could be killed off if left out
Selling games is practically impossible
You can only give games to people who have been on your friends list for at least 30 days
Games can only be given once
So people you sell to, cannot sell the game on
Think about this.

Think about how different this is from what you can do now.

Right now, you can take your console anywhere, and play any of the games, without fear of being locked out because there's no internet connection.

Right now, you can take your games round your friends' houses and play, and let your friend keep it for the weekend.

Right now, you have the freedom to choose to shop around for the best trade-in price or simply sell on eBay.

And right now, you know that in years to come, playing old games is as simple as dusting off your console and putting in the disc

Microsoft is putting an end to these basic rights. And if we accept this, more rights will follow. Gaming is about to get very expensive. We cannot afford to let this happen.

If you want gaming to remain as it is now, pledge now, to shun the Xbox One until these restrictions are dropped. Sign our petition and let Microsoft know you care to much about your hobby to have them control it.

All it takes is for as many people as possible to genuinely shun the Xbox One, and Microsoft will have to give in. We do not have to just put up with it. Ultimately, we are in control - we just need to be tough enough to stand our ground.

It will be tough, especially as the new games are announed, but we must be strong. Don't let Microsoft buy you. If we give in now, the cost will be huge in the long run.

Join the Xbox Shun - and mean it. Together we can win
Well I'm pretty much PC only for games but I wish you luck, I don't think you'll win though. I suspect Sony will just do something functionally the same with the PS4 and gamers, without an obvious alternative (unless you consider Nintendo one), will just go with whatever they want to play.

I agree with all of your points btw, but don't underestimate the sneakiness of the corporate fatcats.
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lexistar said:
I feel the need to spread this as it kills our rights and does a lot of creepy stuff that a gaming console shouldn't do


The Xbox One is a game changer for all the wrong reasons.

While gamers have always enjoyed true ownership of their games, being able to share them with friends, sell them on and play them wherever they are, this is all about to change.

Microsoft, if unchallenged, is about to lock down games. Here's how:

Your console needs to check in with Microsoft's servers at least every 24 hours
If you can't check in, your games simply won't work
Even single player games
And if you're signed in, using someone else's box, it needs to connect every hour
You don't own games, you license them
Games are installed to the console, discs become redundant after first install
And the disc will be useless to anyone else

This is largely what blizzard has done with diablo 3 and are now doing with starcraft 2. Good luck with retaining control, but short of going to PC, I don't like your chances.
They are also enabling Kinect to be able to spy on you. I'm not a gamer but my son is, and one of my friends who is a massive game geek had a rant about all of this on facebook the other day. They registered a patent a while ago for technology that enables them to spy on anybody via their new consoles. Really quite disturbing stuff IMO. George Orwell really wasn't far off the mark was he?
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I'm not a gamer, but the whole Xbox One thing is really rustling my jimmies.
The "disc becomes useless after first install" thing is just stupid. Why make the thing in the first place especially in the day and age of the internet where you can just download games instantly? Idk. Just seems like a waste of a disc to me.
Also, from what I understand, the reason for making games pretty much non-resellable is to give more money to the companies that make the games. Once you release a game, people will buy it new for a while. Then in about a month or so, the gamer has beaten the game and goes to resell it at Gamestop or whatever. After that, the company that made the game makes no money and they don't like this. I remeber watching a video where it was said that eventually they want to eliminate used games once and for all, which is stupid.
Also, the whole big brother thing is stupid. And creepy.

All of this is coming from a person who plays Mario Kart on the Wii, maybe some TF2 every once in a while, and Wii Fit (using cheat codes)

I am no gamer
Kokoro said:
Wii Fit (using cheat codes)

I am no gamer
What's the point of doing Wii Fit with cheat codes? Isn't it to help you get in shape? :)

(I have no idea what cheat codes do, this was just my first thought.)
I think game studios are hella happy with the xBox one's security features. Meh. These things will not affect me at all. I don't let people borrow my games. I don't buy used games... You know, game companies have no way of tracking those sales or getting any kind of credit for them... GameStop buys the games for a small fraction of what they sell them for... It's stupid any way. :/

I'm not boycotting the xBox One. The only thing standing between me and it is the release date.

I'm the kind of person who doesn't mind paying very little for many hours of entertainment. An average video game is $60 and 8 hours of entertainment.

That's only $7.50/hour that you pay to be entertained. You can't even get that price at the movie theater! :) And surely not on any cam site I know of, lol.
Kokoro said:
I'm not a gamer, but the whole Xbox One thing is really rustling my jimmies.
The "disc becomes useless after first install" thing is just stupid. Why make the thing in the first place especially in the day and age of the internet where you can just download games instantly? Idk. Just seems like a waste of a disc to me.
Also, from what I understand, the reason for making games pretty much non-resellable is to give more money to the companies that make the games. Once you release a game, people will buy it new for a while. Then in about a month or so, the gamer has beaten the game and goes to resell it at Gamestop or whatever. After that, the company that made the game makes no money and they don't like this. I remeber watching a video where it was said that eventually they want to eliminate used games once and for all, which is stupid.
Also, the whole big brother thing is stupid. And creepy.

All of this is coming from a person who plays Mario Kart on the Wii, maybe some TF2 every once in a while, and Wii Fit (using cheat codes)

I am no gamer

Kind of takes Gamefly out of the xbox market. All my guy friends in hs were all about gamefly and buying selling used games at gamestop.

I'm no gamer, but if I couldn't play my friends guitar hero on my ps3 when she'd spend the night, I would never use that thing except to watch movies. Never needed an xbox, so I guess I never will.
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Will be buying at launch. I don't buy used or sell my games and the always on doesn't bother me. Dead Rising 3 as a launch title is gonna be sweet.
I'm not saying don't get it just to wait a little bit

The idea of a "gaming" console that requires a camera to function is odd
the idea that the only way to cut the camera off is to unplug the system is odd
not to mention this will be the end of gamefly redbox and blockbuster
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I think the Xbone will come in a respectable second place to the PS4. Most of the people protesting will run out and buy it on launch day, the same way people complaining how bad a movie will be run out to watch it on opening day. I think what Microsoft is doing is super stupid, but fanboys will never change for some reason.
I shudder at it's already awful nickname of Xbone.

x bone.

AmberCutie said:
I shudder at it's already awful nickname of Xbone.

x bone.


didn't even think of it, so many many bad experiences coming to mind now......
SerenaMoon said:
AmberCutie said:
I shudder at it's already awful nickname of Xbone.

x bone.


didn't even think of it, so many many bad experiences coming to mind now......

Don't be hating boners. :(

Anyway, I have no problem boycotting Xbones. But then again, I've boycotted every console ever sold. :p
About half of my games were bought used. Even a lot of the 'new' ones were bought a few months after release, once the price had dropped a bit. What can I say, I like saving money.
I really disagree with what MS is doing here. I think I made the right choice a few years ago when I went with a PS3 instead of a 360. :D
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I like my 360 (and just bought it at Christmas so I wouldn't be upgrading anyway). But none of the new features appeal to me at all. I like used games and being able to borrow a game from a friend before I buy it. About half of my game collection is games that I borrowed for a weekend, enjoyed, and then bought my own copies of. I like that my roommate can play my games on her account without paying extra.

Microsoft already cash grabs so much with Xbox Live - I bought a game the other day that required me to spend MORE money just to be able to play system link/co-op. I hate it :(

My next console would definitely be Playstation or hopeully ill eventually get a PC. But I do expect the Xbox One to do better than the general reaction would let us believe. People will rant and rave all the way to the cash register, but they'll buy it.
Jillybean said:
genxoxo said:
hopeully ill eventually get a PC.

And play what? Steam games? It has basically the same content protection rules. ;)

And no GameStop I know of will take PC games on trade.

You're right, but the main difference there is that PC games (especially those bought through Steam) are a fraction of the price X-BoxONE games are going to be. I've heard £60 for AAA titles (Call of Duty, FIFA, Need For Speed etc.) mentioned (I work in a store that sells games and consoles). That's almost $100 for a game! No doubt those prices will go down soon after launch but that's still about four times the amount you'd expect to pay on Steam for the same game.
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I have had Xboxes since their inception, i'm not as much of a gamer as I was, In fact I find I hardly have the time so play a couple of games and then only really online but this has me a bit uneasy, it probably wont effect me all that much but its the principle

I do however hate PS controllers, they are so dainty! :lol:
sweetiebatman said:
I have had Xboxes since their inception, i'm not as much of a gamer as I was, In fact I find I hardly have the time so play a couple of games and then only really online but this has me a bit uneasy, it probably wont effect me all that much but its the principle

I do however hate PS controllers, they are so dainty! :lol:

you people must have massive meat hooks for hands lol
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Jillybean said:
genxoxo said:
hopeully ill eventually get a PC.

And play what? Steam games? It has basically the same content protection rules. ;)

And no GameStop I know of will take PC games on trade.

Steam sales, yo! Those games are always like, dirt cheap. I don't mind content protection but for the price of a game, I like to be able to share it. Also, sometimes I buy games directly on my Xbox but for games I really like, I like to have a hard copy that I could lend out and stuff. I guess you can't do that with Steam but for the price that seems okay to me.

Also all my friends play PC games as I sadly play Left 4 Dead alone on my Xbox :p
SerenaMoon said:
sweetiebatman said:
I have had Xboxes since their inception, i'm not as much of a gamer as I was, In fact I find I hardly have the time so play a couple of games and then only really online but this has me a bit uneasy, it probably wont effect me all that much but its the principle

I do however hate PS controllers, they are so dainty! :lol:

you people must have massive meat hooks for hands lol

I'm a pretty short person, and I have relatively small hands. I find the 360 controller fits in my hands quite nicely.
SerenaMoon said:
sweetiebatman said:
I have had Xboxes since their inception, i'm not as much of a gamer as I was, In fact I find I hardly have the time so play a couple of games and then only really online but this has me a bit uneasy, it probably wont effect me all that much but its the principle

I do however hate PS controllers, they are so dainty! :lol:

you people must have massive meat hooks for hands lol

The controllers for ps3 are so light as to feel almost nonexistent. I do hope the ps4 controller, if not slightly bigger in the grips, at least is a smidge weightier. Doesn't matter, though, as ps4 is preordered already.
Xbox controllers are too big for my tiny paws.
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the PC world is moving in the same direction with shit like Diablo or the latest SimCity. Always online? NONSENSE. But it's got such a big backlash, I'm really hoping it scares developers from the online-only world for a while.

I suspect it'll just make them push DLC even more, to make up for their perceived losses.
SerenaMoon said:
AmberCutie said:
Xbox controllers are too big for my tiny paws.

I knew I could not possibly be alone. :h:

If I didn't know better, I'd think you two were using original Xbox controllers or something.
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