LuvlyJubbley said:
Hello. I am dating a cam girl. We have known each other for a long time but started dating a few months back. I have always known that she was a cam girl and had no problem with it. When we started dating we both made sacrifices to try and make a relationship work. She does not do public shows and rarely gets naked. I like that she did that for me. But recently she has been doing very well at work and is sometimes the most popular room on her site and gets a lot of tips for videos she made a while ago. She has not broken her promises to me and i appreciate that, but im still feeling uncomfortable. I support her with her job and i am grateful she has made sacrifices for me. But i still cant help feeling uncomfortable with the whole thing.
What do i do? do i mention it to her or do i just shut up and get on with it? im scared that if i mention it to her she will get annoyed. we both love each other and have plans to move in together so i want this to work. thank you.
First I want you to look at how much money she is able to make per hour/month. Then think about other job options open to her at this time and phase in her life. Is she going to school, have obligations to children, other family (financially), etc? What would your combined household expenses be? etc. You have to look at it from all angles.
Reality, if you love her, you will let it go. She's already made compromises and considering what you posted there aren't really any more compromises she can made without completely killing her income. She is working up the ranks on her site (i.e. huge promotion in camgirl world) and you coming to her with this is basically telling her "I don't like the fact that you are successful and I want to hold you back because I have jealousy issues" (disclaimer: I am not saying they are jealousy issues, I am not saying you don't want her to be successful, it just tends to be how that line of thinking is perceived from camgirl end of things).
I personally make about $25-$50 an hour. I would never find that anywhere here. Even in my field I start out at approximately twelve dollars an hour which isn't really much at all in comparison and I would have to work hellafied hours in order to make what I already do planning out a month of shows.
Long Story Short: If you can't live with it, now is the time to cut it off. Do not prolong a relationship you know wouldn't work in the long run, thus hurting not only her but yourself by getting too attached.
Suck it up and support her. If she runs raffles or games, help her plan them or implement them, fill out raffle tickets, help her shop for supplies, etc. Just a little support goes a long way to helping you both feel better about everything. Mr. Man often helps me plan out my month, creates graphics, helps come up with contests, etc. It takes some stress off of me and allows him to be part of my success.