poking around on this forum is really making me think about a lot of things I hadn't before. i feel like it might be awkward to end up relying on one or two big tippers to meet your goals. i've seen a few girls gripe/whine when no one is tipping, and be pretty bitchy (like reach one goal, start - let's say - an oil show, set a new topic for a cum show, and hardcore rag on people for not tipping), then a few of their regular big tippers make up for it. one of the many reasons i want to cam (and this may sound silly, considering) is i want to rely on myself - my work - to make money. i certainly won't reduce myself to begging and whining, i find it unattractive on others... but i suppose some people enjoy it? i've certainly seen some big tips get dropped after a model nearly starts crying because no one's helping out. soo... like i said, i don't want to have to rely on one person for big tips. if a big tipper suddenly stopped tipping for whatever reason, i don't think i'd take really care. i'd still be just as nice to them if they wanted to chat (especially if they'd been paying a large chunk of my bills/adding to my savings) but conversation is conversation. and if they stopped coming around altogether - their loss?