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How many hours of sleep do you get??

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I think I have sleep issues. I normally get around 9 hours of sleep. If I get less than that, I always end up taking a nap during the day. Then when I do get enough sleep, I'm still tired and yawning all day. WTF is wrong with me!! HAHA!!

Maybe I'm just lazy... :think:
I need to get better at getting some sleep. I'm up right now and it's 4 am. I've been feeling guilted into staying up later on MFC for various reasons or long private sessions. I have to wait until my boys go to bed to get started and usually don't get on until 11 or so at night. I can't do it during the day, obviously, only my 1-year-old naps. I'm trying to wind down right now, and I'll get to bed around 4:30 or so. Then, the boys are up between 8-9:30 depending on how much they love Mommy. And then I work all day on Medical Transcription. I need to figure out a better way/time to get my camming in.....
5 hours is enough sleep for me! Anything MORE than that tends to make me feel depressed and sluggish when I awake. I'm much more alert with a short amount of sleep overnight and then a short 45 min nap in the afternoon. 8 hours is a no no for my equilibrium.
AlexLady said:
Camming when you have children must be very difficult. Every mother deserves a whole lot of respect for it!

LOL. Yeah it's not the easiest thing to manage.... I just wish they'd nap more consistently. My 2.5 year old almost never naps which sucks because the days he does nap, I've gone on in the afternoon and done great. I log off and have to go from horny mommy to super mommy! LOL

camiliasilf said:
sleep? rest? what are these strange words... i might get 3 to 5 hours a night im good for a few nights then ill try to crash out but keep waking up...

chronic insomniac lmao... id love to sleep for hours on hours

I am also an insomniac. In fact, I was off MFC last night somewhere around 3 a.m. I couldn't fall asleep until 5..... and my 2.5 year old got me up at 7:30. I could barely peel my eyelids open.... I wish I could just sleep for like 12 hours some day. Even when I've had surgeries in the past, I have ALWAYS woken up immediately after the procedure and been raring to go when I should just be resting and relaxing.... Ugh.

This thread is making me want to nap! :sleepy2: My husband keeps asking why I couldn't have found this site back when we didn't have kids yet!
i have always been a night person and struggle with insomnia im doing good to sleep 6-8 hours in a 3 day span although i love my sleep when i get it
I had a couple nights with 4 hours, and then shot up to 10-12. Now I think I'm back down to 9.

Yay random insomnia nights!
That's the one thing I miss about not having kids... Sleep. I haven't had a great night's sleep in 3 years..... :sleepy1:
I sleep when I'm tired and get up when I'm not tired anymore. Sometimes I sleep for 9 hours, sometimes 2 or 3, and sometimes I just cannot sleep at all until the next day.

I tend to be more tired after a full day of university classes though. Probably because of the bike ride there and back and having to sit in 4 hour classes.
I currently (and for the first 14 hours) of my life as a camgirl, have also worked a regular 6 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. job 5 days a week. So other than working 40+ hours a week at my regular "socially acceptable" job, I work as a camgirl at night as much as I can. On nights that I am on cam, I don't sleep. There have been entire weeks where I didn't sleep because I was determined to hit hour/money goals online. This schedule has been hard on me physically and mentally. It is hard to hear your regulars complain that you aren't online enough. Sometimes I have to take 10+ days off because my "normal" life is so busy. I just want to scream at my regulars "I have to sleep sometime don't I!!!" but I don't because that's not good business. :)

Luckily, I hate my full time job and I am quitting it soon enough. I can't wait to be on a regular sleep/workout/MFC/fun schedule. I will be a full-time camgirl in a few weeks. I'm very excited to see if I can make it happen!
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