The Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law said the rule “creates a false sense that meaningful action has been taken to address gun violence, and detracts from potential prevention efforts targeting actual risks”.
A complete charade.
I cleaned up shit and piss from several mentally ill people who cared more about getting an Egg McMuffin than getting a gun. One of whom alarmed the hell out of me when I found myself trapped between a wall, and him waving a butcher knife as he screamed at someone talking to him from the ceiling.
I have met 2 people who were disarmed by SWAT teams, undiagnosed until their run-ins with law enforcement.
I knew a man who was clearly mentally ill. Had guns until the day he died, was prone to waving them during bouts of road rage. Somehow managed to avoid shooting someone, or trouble with LEO. Had no business with a gun, didn't have a payee.
I knew a man who was a member of Mensa, severely mentally ill, disabled but capable. No reason to believe he was a threat...but if he was, would this law protect society in any way? (think Ted Kaczynski)
I have known several veterans, some disabled/some not, diagnosed and in treatment for mental illness (PTSD). Are the ones disabled and with a payee more of a threat than the ones who aren't?
If the mentally ill are dangerous, should they be allowed to drive? Should they be allowed to walk freely among us?
If guns in the hands of the mentally ill is a threat, shouldn't the focus be on confirming mental stability before allowing someone to get a gun? Is a token gesture on the back-end of any practical use?
Considering the easy availability of guns, is the notion of "allowing" someone to get a gun even realistic? Shall we ban teenagers, toddlers, and reckless idiots from having guns? Will this government that is "protecting" us refrain from gun-walking?
Just some random musings about this whole farce from a mentally ill, pro gun/pro gun regulation individual who, at the age of 10, used to wait for his dad to leave the house so he could play with his .38...