AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Honest question

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HonestQuestion said:
I am back to say that it has unfortunately ended. I came forward today and over the phone expressed my growing feelings for her. It was a good talk and It once again didn't give me a definite answer. Lots of run around talking, I get not wanting to hurt someone that you care about, but I guess I got my answer indirectly. I have since let her know it would be too difficult to stay in the room and continue the way we were. She sounded like she was tearing up over the phone but I couldn't be sure. I feel terrible for doing this but it felt like it was the right thing to do for everyone. To anyone who believed that I was just a typist in a dark room somewhere you were wrong, if you believe that I was in love with a perfect poster image you were wrong, if you believed that I didn't see the good and bad and make my own decisions you were wrong
Honestquestion has now left camland
Well, thankyou at least for returning to let us know.
HonestQuestion said:
I am back to say that it has unfortunately ended. I came forward today and over the phone expressed my growing feelings for her. It was a good talk and It once again didn't give me a definite answer. Lots of run around talking, I get not wanting to hurt someone that you care about, but I guess I got my answer indirectly. I have since let her know it would be too difficult to stay in the room and continue the way we were. She sounded like she was tearing up over the phone but I couldn't be sure. I feel terrible for doing this but it felt like it was the right thing to do for everyone. To anyone who believed that I was just a typist in a dark room somewhere you were wrong, if you believe that I was in love with a perfect poster image you were wrong, if you believed that I didn't see the good and bad and make my own decisions you were wrong
Honestquestion has now left camland

Maybe she was tearing up because the tipping was ending. Lost income makes me cry too.
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Swirl said:
Maybe she was tearing up because the tipping was ending. Lost income makes me cry too.

Thanked because that made me laugh!

Lol although when members I like decide to leave me there is an element of being upset/worried about losing the income, if I'm going to be upset about it as a work thing it's more because of the community/contributions to my room. As a cam model you also get used to a certain atmosphere that someone in the room provides, especially when all the regulars know each other and chat, when one regular leaves it can change the balance.

Losing a regular is often losing a friend and a part of your life. It is not the same as losing a real life friend, but it can be very difficult. Having someone there who helps make camming a safe and fun atmosphere is something you care about a lot, to think/know that you've hurt that person/they don't want to visit you anymore is upsetting, especially as you can do nothing about it. So I would say that she may well have been tearing up/getting upset, but it would have been for lots of different reasons, some selfish, some not selfish, some feelings you'd like her to have, and some not so much. As far as tips.... mmm I don't tend to worry too much about it anymore when one regular leaves. It sucks, but usually another regular will replace the lost. Unless the reg was tipping like 20-30k+ tokens a month chances are you'll make up for the lost income.
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