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Hi, I need help and advice

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I did bad things, privileges revoked!
In the Dog House
Mar 6, 2017
My story is typical, I am sure everyone heard it a thousand times on MFC. Met a model, started being a regular in her room. We talked a lot, twitter, viber, snapchat, skype. She started saying she loved me and wanted to meet. I fell for it. She even gave me her real address and sent me things and I sent her things. Long story short, it got ugly, she accused me of tipping other models. I just couldn't afford to tip her or anyone since my money was locked in my divorce proceedings. All that aside, she is now posting my personal information all over twitter. PM's we had, things about my medical condition, my real name and location, viber conversations, screenshots. I blocked her everywhere, but now her guys are going after me too and they won't stop with the harassment. Twitter said they are looking at it, but they said this for the last few months she has been doing this. MFC will not even reply to my complaints even though she is posting MFC PM's from me on Twitter. I am trying to get away from this situation, but she keeps on posting more things. I just want her to delete everything and leave me alone.
I'm not really sure how, but you may have to take legal action in a way. Especially if it's causing as many problems as it seems. Divorces cost a lot and I'm sorry for what you're going through. I havn't been modeling very long but even so, in my eyes that's pretty messed up. Some models can be pretty nasty. For the models guys to be trying to come after you, kind of seems like she may have them by the testies as well. I feel like what she's doing is illegal but for all I know it may not be I'm not sure. Either way it's harassment and effed up. Try to look into legal action though.
I am at a moral tipping point. After being ignored by mfc and twitter, would I be the "bad guy" if I posted HER information for all to see? It's not fair she posted mine and we both know where the other lives. Well, I moved so she doesn't anymore, but still. I just don't want to be "that guy". I'm a Pisces, I'm really not bad and I care.
Today someone told her to Just stop it and move on, she posted several things accusing them of being me. I don't even know who he was.
I'm not really sure how, but you may have to take legal action in a way. Especially if it's causing as many problems as it seems. Divorces cost a lot and I'm sorry for what you're going through. I havn't been modeling very long but even so, in my eyes that's pretty messed up. Some models can be pretty nasty. For the models guys to be trying to come after you, kind of seems like she may have them by the testies as well. I feel like what she's doing is illegal but for all I know it may not be I'm not sure. Either way it's harassment and effed up. Try to look into legal action though.
I wish I could, she lives in Romania and I'm in the US. I can't afford a lawyer, I'm trying to get on my feet as it is. I just don't understand why she won't leave me alone. It's been three months now. It's really dragging me down and I am so depressed now. I don't want her in my life, I want peace.
I am at a moral tipping point. After being ignored by mfc and twitter, would I be the "bad guy" if I posted HER information for all to see? It's not fair she posted mine and we both know where the other lives. Well, I moved so she doesn't anymore, but still. I just don't want to be "that guy". I'm a Pisces, I'm really not bad and I care.

Do not post her information. It's a shitty thing she did to you--no one will argue on that but posting her info will only escalate things and make your situation worse. Imagine the backlash you would get if you leaked her info and say, an mfc stalker showed up at her house or something like that. idea and would give her members even more ammo to harass you so..

How are guys harassing you? email? twitter? I'd just change or delete any of the platforms they are doing it from so they can no longer reach you and lock down any personal social media you have.

MFC can't do anything about a model reposting private messages it's not illegal or required for them to take any action regarding that. It's going to take a lot of self control but the best thing to do is step away from the whole camming community, not look at her twitter and make every online presence of you secure/private/or delete it.
But she posted my name and information. Now every one of her guys knows who I am. I know it will escalate the situation, but that is why I need help. I don't know what to do. I am thinking I don't care what happens anymore if a stalker does show up at her house. What if one of her guys shows up at mine? There are more of her guys in my country than there are of hers. And she has members that live an hour away from me.
I guess my question is, why are models protected at least morally from this, but not the members? Why is it "ok" or overlooked that she is putting me at risk? One guy wants to start a group to go after me. But Twitter doesn't care about that. No one does. I could have been the biggest jerk she ever met, but do I deserve this when I have been trying to walk away?
I'm not a bad guy. I'm an artist, I'm a sculptor, I love to cook, I'm a romantic. My 50th birthday is in 2 days. I am going to spend it alone feeling like shit because of all this. My wife, even though we parted on good terms, got all of our friends because they don't understand that we just grew apart. I blocked my family who thought I was making a mistake with this model, now the bridges there are burned. I didn't contest the divorce, I let my wife have the house, the furniture, our dogs, everything because I just wanted to start a new life and move on, and now I don't even want to live. This is supposed to be a good time in my life starting over but I take extra Ambien so I can sleep all day and night. I can't take it anymore.
Break all contact with her. Block her everywhere. And ignore it. I suspect the only reason she keeps doing it is because you've kept up contact after she started. Break it off and it will die down. No one is going to show up at your house. If they do, don't answer the door.

Also let this be a lesson. Don't be sharing info over the internet with anyone.
I blocked her everywhere, but her guys are going on her tweets to go after me. I blocked them too but here are more every day. I shared my address because she shared her's also, but I have not told anyone it yet. She has over 10,000 followers on Twitter, it just does not stop.
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You sound like you're just looking for somebody to tell you it's okay for you to exact revenge. It's not. If this ever turned into legal action, you taking steps to expose her would be just as bad as her doing so to you.

Lock your twitter account down, forget about cam stuff for a while. No attention from you means it will settle down soon. If you get any contact at your address, go to the police. But stop looking at her twitter and stop trying to find a way to "make it fair." It doesn't even have to do with endangering her, you're looking for justified revenge and setting yourself up for legal issues just as much as she is.

Take the high road here. It's not okay what she's doing, but retaliating will only make things much worse. Also, we don't know the model or what you might have said. For all we know, you might have come across as threatening and we're just hearing your side of the story.
Lock everything down. Change account names and profile pics.
Do not engage!

If a member starts harassing you report them on whatever platform it happens on, but still do not engage.

Keep reporting the harassment on twitter. But do not escalate. You don't gain anything that way.
AerynShade and CharlotteLace, thanks. It's the kind of wisdom I was looking for. Since she tags me in posts, if I change account names it would follow and she'll still identify it from her previous posts. I do keep reporting to twitter, some they close, others they ask for ID and more information - those I never hear back from. No, you only know my side, but here is what happened. I really think we were very close. This guy she banned in May swore revenge on me, he blammed his ban on me. He created an account called soyperdido and used it to tip models, then he can back and tipped her huge and said this guy was me. She was furious and jealous because we were a thing. There was a huge fight, I had no clue what was happening. The fight was bad, very bad. Eventually he admitted that he was soyperdido all along, but the damage was done. She hated me so much she let him stay regardless of what he did. I tried to apologize, work things out, sent her flowers. We had an awesome friendship, he convinced her what I was doing was stalking her. I blocked her almost everywhere and only occasionally tried reaching out through viber. Finally, she said to stop so I did and blocked her there. I must point out that when things were great, this soyperdido guy flew to her city and spent 10 days looking for her to "smash her face in". The guy she cried to me about. Was terrified of. Now her best friend. Once I blocked her on viber she went off the deep end with her accusations and postings. Every guy that says the wrong thing is suddenly me on a fake account. She posts old fight conversations like they just happened. Damn I loved her deep, I was going to move there, I bought a language program and she was helping teach me. Now, the crazy is just so intense. I really don't understand it. I just want peace. What we had is long gone if there ever was anything. I can't even enjoy those memories. Our Skype dates weren't sex, we cooked together. She cooked her dish, I cooked mine, then we sat in front of laptops and had dinner together 5000 miles away and talked about camping and having kids, a little girl named Maria.
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Lock down your account. And nobody's interested in the details. Maybe delete your twitter then. It's clear you need to step away and drop this. Move the fuck on, don't interact. Get off the internet, go outside, meet a woman in your city.

For your own good, drop this shit and forget it. No more pining for her or shit like that.
Seriously, what everyone else said. Stop looking at Twitter. My heart breaks every time I see some kid in the news who committed suicide because they were bullied on the internet. If their parents had been the least bit aware they would have pulled the plug on all internet activity. Life is big and long, and all things will pass. You're an adult, this conversation should be easier.
I made my twitter protected and blocked any mutual friends we had. Zero people in common now. I'm hoping I didn't friend the fake account she spies on me through, I don't think I did and I always check out who friends me. No egg Avis. But I did go through most of my friends and blocked a lot of unknowns. Going to try to sleep and hope I don't wake to another nightmare.
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Oh and I'm not pining for her, I lost that feeling months ago. I'm just tired of waking to new tweets from strange people coming off of hers to berate me. But setting protected mode should stop that. Oh and I am trying to get out and meet local people, and dating apps. But Tinder is a whole different fail story.
Oh, and the children thing, that was part of her game. My wife and I tried and failed to have kids. She just could not carry. $50k invitro. It put us too much in a hole to adopt and also drove us apart. We ended on good terms though, still friends, still text. We went shopping the day after our court signing to finalize the divorce and I helped her mail Xmas boxes. But this girl dangled having kids in front of me a lot. Anyways, it's past and over. I don't want to turn back and I won't. I know her now.
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I wish I could, she lives in Romania and I'm in the US. I can't afford a lawyer, I'm trying to get on my feet as it is. I just don't understand why she won't leave me alone. It's been three months now. It's really dragging me down and I am so depressed now. I don't want her in my life, I want peace.

I was gonna ask if she is Romanian lol. Its a well known tactic of studio managers in Romania, so they make the guy - you- tip her more or send her money. I think you should just ignore the whole thing. The more attention you give, the uglier it gets. just IGNORE the shit out of her. Blackmail is not legal anywhere in the world. I know it breaks your heart to hear this, but what she had with you , she had with probably other 100 guys before you. For them is just a game they keep playing. When people will understand what MFC is for, they wont get hurt like this anymore.
Yeah, she's Romanian but I am 100% positive she isn't working for a studio. That much I'm sure of. She's this cruel on her own without any manager to help her.
Oh and I am trying to get out and meet local people, and dating apps. But Tinder is a whole different fail story.

In my locale, Tinder is pretty much just for players/fuck-boys and girls who love-hate fuck-boys (i.e., go for the guys who pull out the cliche player talk, and then whine about only ever meeting players on there). If yours is anything like ours, then if you have no game, don't waste your time with it, it'll just disappoint you. People are a lot more...people...if you just meet them IRL.
I dont know if its members fault or models really. Lot of models take advantage of lonely and sad guys just to get some tokens. Plus lot of them do date them in real life. So, once they hear some of us do this , they try it with everyone? I dont know....
Lot of models take advantage of lonely and sad guys just to get some tokens.
any more than guys 'take advantage' of poor and desperate models, though? you go to a place of exchange flaunting what the other person wants... are you really taken advantage of, whichever side you're on? there must be a fair element of self-delusion involved in some of these encounters.

Plus lot of them do date them in real life. So, once they hear some of us do this , they try it with everyone?
good to know all the paranoia about stalkers and stuff is only one side of the story.
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Twitter finally responded that they will not take action even though my private information is clear in the photos she posted. I have no choice now but to respond in kind.
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