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Healthy eating lifestyle

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May 4, 2015
For the new year I decided to find a way to have more vitality to do things.

My inspiration was a BBC programme called Doctor in the house.

The doctor in the programme is Dr Ragan Chatterjee

What I'm doing?
Following the guidance at 16:00-19:00 in the above video. Which is to eat less processed foods, especially those with added sugar and salt. The rule of thumb is to only buy foods that have five or less ingredients.

It's only been a few weeks, but so far the results in my aliveness have been encouraging.
I can see why following the rule of eating something with 5 ingredients or less sounds like a good idea, and I actually used to follow it for a while a couple years ago. Then I had an epiphany; all natural fruits that haven't been tampered with have dozens of natural ingredients. Does that mean fruits are bad? Check out the attached picture and see :)

Another point is it made me very paranoid when eating any sort of foods, and instead of enjoying it, you just end up fretting about those 5 ingredients that ARE in there. Who knows if eventually you want to make it even lower and restrict even more foods?

But if it works out for you and you see my points then good on you. It's always inspiring to see people who want to make positive changes to their lives :shame:


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I think he meant ingredients on a label, not the natural components in a whole food that makes it what it is. If a banana was on a nutrition label as an ingredient, it would count as one ingredient - banana.

My strategy is to cook most of my food ahead of time ("meal prepping"). I buy fresh ingredients and spend a night meal prepping healthy meals for 3 days. When I want them, I just pull them out of the fridge and eat! No more ordering take-out because it's convenient and you don't feel like cooking.

I actually do all my meal prepping on cam on Monday nights, if you ever go on myfreecams and want some recipe/ healthy eating inspiration.
My diet is pretty poor and one of my resolutions this year is to quit drinking soda. I'm not very concerned about my weight but diabetes sounds terrifying and I consume way too much sugar! I think the soda will be easier for me to quit than candy because I can replace the caffeine with black tea, which I like brewed strong and unsweetened. I also recently got a new pair of running shoes and I plan on starting once it gets above freezing here. Don't forget that exercise is just as important as eating healthy.
I think he meant ingredients on a label, not the natural components in a whole food that makes it what it is. If a banana was on a nutrition label as an ingredient, it would count as one ingredient - banana.

My strategy is to cook most of my food ahead of time ("meal prepping"). I buy fresh ingredients and spend a night meal prepping healthy meals for 3 days. When I want them, I just pull them out of the fridge and eat! No more ordering take-out because it's convenient and you don't feel like cooking.

I actually do all my meal prepping on cam on Monday nights, if you ever go on myfreecams and want some recipe/ healthy eating inspiration.

YES MEAL PREPPING can REALLY help you stop eating crap! I'm horrible half the time && I get too hungry which leads to me eating things I shouldn't be eating. When I meal prep, it takes all the guesswork out of that! Also, TRACK your Macros. :) That can really help if you set up Macros before, && start tracking them because you can tweak your Macros etc to whatever goal you are trying to attain :).

I used to LOVE Meal Prepping on cam! I WRITE MY FOOD OFF WHEN I DO THIS. Which can get niceeeeee && expensive, lol. =P. But it's a lovely way to double up on something that needs to be done, make it more fun for you [not everyone enjoys cooking/meal prepping] && hang out, bullshit, laugh && make some $$ while you do it. I always had SO much fun meal prepping on cam but since I have roomies now it's proven to be difficult lol.
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As someone born with poor blood circulation and anemia, i'm forced to eat healthy. I've become a label reader when it comes to foods. On top of that, i did a ton a reading on peripheral stuff dealing with food, such as using pyrex glass to store foods instead of plastics (e.g. tupperware) or styrofoam, use stainless steal to cook instead of nonstick coating, etc, etc.

On a tangent note, i've met a plenty of people who absolute HATE vegetables, like they rather deal with a clogged artery than to eat a single veggie. I notice how these folks tend to have spoiled taste buds who load up on super sugary or salty foods. That makes sense considering their taste buds crave the high sugar or salt content, a vegetable is utlra bland by comparison. I kinda wonder how their bodies manage to sustain without the proper nutrition. I guess their bodies adapt.
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As someone born with poor blood circulation and anemia, i'm forced to eat healthy. I've become a label reader when it comes to foods. On top of that, i did a ton a reading on peripheral stuff dealing with food, such as using pyrex glass to store foods instead of plastics (e.g. tupperware) or styrofoam, use stainless steal to cook instead of nonstick coating, etc, etc.

On a tangent note, i've met a plenty of people who absolute HATE vegetables, like they rather deal with a clogged artery than to eat a single veggie. I notice how these folks tend to have spoiled taste buds who load up on super sugary or salty foods. That makes sense considering their taste buds crave the high sugar or salt content, a vegetable is utlra bland by comparison. I kinda wonder how their bodies manage to sustain without the proper nutrition. I guess their bodies adapt.

- raises hand... I FUCKING HATE VEGETABLES. Most of them legit, make me gag, then I puke. Ever since I was a little kid. I would end up sitting at the dinner table for HOURS upon hours because I wouldn't eat my salad, broccoli, or cauliflower... I have an issue with texture. If the texture is wonky for me - nope can't do it.

I used to be like that, && I def take some precautions, but I used to spend too much of my life literally OBSESSING over everything like that, that I had to sort of put myself in check, because it was starting to lead me back to some very unhealthy habits.

A lot of people think that eating healthy means eating clean 24/7. It doesn't. You can still eat healthy && not make your diet consist of 50% veggies [example]
I'm working on maintaining energy throughout the day and I am learning to eat things to help fuel the body!

I got done with this bad boy earlier this month and it has "rules" (more like guidelines, using the term rules is a more serious term IMO) to help make good everyday meal choices. Michael Pollan's In Defense of Food and The Omnivore's Dilemma were also a few reads of his that I thoroughly enjoyed about the adaptation and evolution of food from our ancestors to now.


A few takeaways that I did take from Food Rules are...
  • Use a small plate to serve yourself food
  • Chew slowly, enjoy every bite
  • Don't eat everything on your plate (this has helped out a lot when I'm dining out, I take half home)
  • Eat till you are satiated NOT full
  • Ask myself when I think I'm hungry, would I eat an apple? If not it's a craving not hunger
  • Water, water, water, but not chugging, drink it to be satisfied
  • Eat foods that you can pronounce the ingredients
I'm currently reading Soul-full Eating: A (delicious!) Path to Higher Consciousness by Maureen White and just passed the section which described how when we try to change the way we eat we try to go cold turkey. In the book she suggests that we make healthy additions first, then subtract and substitute healthy nutritious options in the process, which for me kind of just blew my mind cause I never even though of doing that, lol.

I'd love to hear an update from you following the program!
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I feel like with Veggies, so much has to do with how you cook them. My favorite way to cook them is on the stove and all in the same pan. My standard veggie medley, that I'm actually munching on right now, is squash, brussel sprouts, mushrooms, kale and tomato all cooked in some coconut oil and seasoned with a mixture of dried herbs. I put that over some brown rice and throw a piece of pan seared fish on the top and boom, one mega healthy and super delish meal. When you cook the veggies together, they take on the favors of each other so they don't taste bland at all. I highly recommend giving that a try! Yum yum!
I feel like with Veggies, so much has to do with how you cook them. My favorite way to cook them is on the stove and all in the same pan. My standard veggie medley, that I'm actually munching on right now, is squash, brussel sprouts, mushrooms, kale and tomato all cooked in some coconut oil and seasoned with a mixture of dried herbs. I put that over some brown rice and throw a piece of pan seared fish on the top and boom, one mega healthy and super delish meal. When you cook the veggies together, they take on the favors of each other so they don't taste bland at all. I highly recommend giving that a try! Yum yum!

This is how I feel about roasting! Roasting makes pretty much every veggie delicious. Roasted broccoli, zucchini, carrots, brussel sprouts, squash, sweet potatoes, etc - it's super easy and so good.
Interesting program. I watched most of it. It's so important to eat good quality food. I'm a big fan of that food blogger & activist the Food Babe. If you haven't seen her blog, definitely check out
Best tbing i ever did was completely remove all animal products from my diet. Slowly added in more types of vegetables, fruits, nuts etc that i's never bothered with before, then added in green smoothies with some sort of vegan protein powder every day, and now i'm working on cutting down on sugar. Feel great :D before you do anything else, consider dropping meat and dairy, they're horrendously unhealthy and just clog up your system. Fasting intermittently (2 days a month) is a great way to boost and clean your system too x
If this method helps you then by all means do it! I'm a vegan which cuts out a lot of junk food automatically. Restricting myself any further than that gives me a whole load of unhealthy food thoughts.
Prioritising yourself and your energy levels is a worthwhile goal. Best of luck!

You must be a really good vegan! lol I'm vegan as well, but sometimes it feels like I'm surviving off of Oreos and vegan Frito Pie lol

But seriously, OP, having a plant-based diet is definitely the healthiest thing you could do, but good luck with however you decide to reach your health goals! :)
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I started to eat much healthier 2 years ago to lose some body fat (and turn it into muscle instead ;). I eat unprocessed food, and still enjoy meat and dairy product.

The app MyFitnessPal was of HUGE help for that. You have to enter everything you eat, which is a bit burdensome, but you learn so much in return. It lets you know how many calories you need per day and most importantly which macro and nutrients/vitamins you need to healthily function.

Good luck ;)
If I eat out I have no problem eating meat. McDonalds burgers, Chinese buffet... But I don't buy a lot of meat for home cooking. For hamburger alone I think less than 10 pounds total in the last 6 years.

Growing up we always had big gardens with most every vegetable you can think of. Mom use to just take a paring knife with her when she was weeding. She'd peel vegetables as she went and have a snack while she was working. So I tend to eat a lot of raw vegetables today. Fresh peas right out of the pod picked fresh are the best. And I'm about the only person I know who likes raw potatoes. Sliced up with a bit of salt they're great. Pretty much anything that is in season I can get I like. And I'll quite often stock up when stuff is cheap and pickle half gallon jars full for later. I just wish Kohlrabi was around more often.
Here's two articles I read today that I thought I would share with you guys!

First one is about why non-fat yogurt (really dairy in general I think) may be worse for you that than dairy with fat in it.

Second one is about how long you cook your pasta/grains changes how high it's Glycemic Index will be.

Interesting and quick reads! Enjoy!
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