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Had to report a model...for illegal solicitation

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Nov 28, 2011
I was checking out a models profile and one of her tags said "very young ki d". Exactly like I typed it. I sent her a PM asking if she had another girl for Private she said, 12... one 18...and I play with dog.

I had no choice but to report her. I have been on MFC for 5 years now, and this is the first time I have ever seen any sort of soliciting of a minor.

Needless to say, it made me sick to my stomach,
Very sad.

Wish my first post could have been about anything else but this.

I hope you reported her to someone besides mfc... indeed messed up but that doesn't begin to describe child .. involvement.
TrustMe said:
I was checking out a models profile and one of her tags said "very young ki d". Exactly like I typed it. I sent her a PM asking if she had another girl for Private she said, 12... one 18...and I play with dog.

I had no choice but to report her.

You did the right thing.
Did you take her private? I don't mean to perve on her, but to get screen shots/proof of what was going on and to make sure that what she was saying was actually well, what it absolutely sounds like she was saying! In situations like these I just would really hope that it's something lost in translation.

Ugh this is horrible though! What country did she live in? Also if you don't mind saying what was her model name?

I've never seen anything like this on Mfc, has anyone else seen anything similar on Mfc or other sites? I know that on streamate especially there seem to be a lot of pedos lurking around looking for young looking women, and Mfc does have it's share, although it does seem to be less. Fortunately figure wise I'm pretty over developed and womanly, I'd actually prefer to have a slimmer more slight figure but it does mean I never get these kinds of guys.
I'd like the model's name too please, to check it out for myself and confirm this is actually real. I searched for the tag and found nothing. Honestly this smells like a troll post to me. :p Or a clever way to get some horrible revenge on some model you don't like.
Kickaz said:
As much as having evidence is good. He might get charged with watching child pornography himself if he took a private and she showed the kids.

He could at least give us her name. For evidence, all he needs is proof that she said she has a 12 year old to offer.
Mayaaaaa said:
Kickaz said:
As much as having evidence is good. He might get charged with watching child pornography himself if he took a private and she showed the kids.

He could at least give us her name. For evidence, all he needs is proof that she said she has a 12 year old to offer.

I'm not sure if you would get charged, if you go onto a website and see child pornography or something suggesting it and click on it and immediately report it with screen shots showing evidence then I don't think you would be, so long as you didn't stay for long and as soon as you got the evidence you closed it. Obviously if you stuck around and asked to see the kids etc then that'd be different. But clicking on a private and seeing kids then immediately reporting it? Mmm I think it's a grey area.

There are people who monitor the internet for a living looking for and reporting child pornography, I watched a program where the father was one, and well, the story was about him sexually touching his 8 year old daughter and how the family coped with it etc. But yeah, you kind of think... the kinds of guys who choose to do that for a living... I mean a normal person doing that would probably be scarred for life just doing it for a month. I'm still haunted by the time one time I stupidly decided to look at motherless. That was over a year ago and all I looked at were the forums.
Kickaz said:
As much as having evidence is good. He might get charged with watching child pornography himself if he took a private and she showed the kids.

Yeah, I've seen plenty of Law and Order SVU episodes where the detectives went into the suspect's home and searched his computer for recent activity.
yummybrownfox said:
Kickaz said:
As much as having evidence is good. He might get charged with watching child pornography himself if he took a private and she showed the kids.

Yeah, I've seen plenty of Law and Order SVU episodes where the detectives went into the suspect's home and searched his computer for recent activity.

Could be. That site is dark. It's also kind of like a train crash, or some horrible video or horror movie. You know you're going to hate it, you know you'll regret it, but you kind of want to just have a quick look anyway. That was how I got sucked onto the forums. I read things a person should never read. I wanted to rescue every single daughter and child in the universe. Curiosity definitely killed this cat. This cat has learned.
You did right in reporting it.
Accepting her offer of a private show could have had disastrous consequences. How does one prove that their intentions were only to gather evidence?
I think the profile and PM log should be sufficient to get an investigation started. Let MFC and the police do their jobs from there.
And please... don't mention the model's name here. You never know what sicko might be reading this thread & actually want something like that. :(
I'm not sure why people are suggesting to report her to places other than MFC. It's not like you can report her to the FBI when you only have her model name and nothing else.
MFC has her real info - they'll take care of it.

But, yeah. What a ghastly thing to do.
LilyMarie said:
I'm not sure why people are suggesting to report her to places other than MFC. It's not like you can report her to the FBI when you only have her model name and nothing else.
MFC has her real info - they'll take care of it.

But, yeah. What a ghastly thing to do.

In cases like this, I don't think there's anything wrong with going all-out.
I'm not saying that MFC won't deal with it appropriately, but just in case it somehow falls through the cracks, reporting it to law enforcement can't hurt.
There's always the chance that the model was part of some kind of investigation herself, maybe the private would wind up being Chris Hansen. The best thing is you reported it, you did something, something we all hope everyone would do. You may want to follow up with MFC, you might need to expect to be contacted by the authorities if they are going all out like they should, you are a witness and MFC has your personal info and would have to surrender that if asked.
Trying to take her private to "gather evidence" would be the dumb thing to do. That's not something you want on your computer. Yes, you can try to explain it away and yes, they MIGHT buy your story, but unless you want to deal with it for months or even years trying to wash that shit away, don't. Report what you saw and let the proper people handle investigations. You've done your civic duty and not placed yourself in harm's way.

Guys are doing time for accidental downloads when trying to watch some regular porn. Because some asshat decided to slip in some pictures of underage girls with the files of "huge tit college girls" some poor schmuck now has to register as a sex offender. Don't put yourself in harm's way. Just report and move on.

I notice the OP didn't say what nationality the model was and it makes me wonder what other authorities he could contact. Surly, jurisdiction would be questioned.
Good morning everyone. Thanks for the replies. First off, no I didn't take her Private. I only asked because of her tag that was suggestive in nature. I basically baited her into telling me what I needed to know in order to report her. And this is recorded in my PM archives. I haven't heard from MFC, but i'm assuming her account has been suspended.

For those of you wanting her model name, it was DirtyGame00_. But like I said, her account is no where to be found. I wish I would have screen capped her profile, but the only proof I have is the PM that we had so I have screen capped it.


  • Proof.jpg
    277 KB · Views: 384
I have heard of other stories of mothers forcing their underage daughters to become mfc models. (Part of the reasons they closed the Asian part of mfc)
This makes me sick to the stomach!
I hope this woman doesn't start working on other sites now or isn't already doing it. She is robbing the youth and life out of those kids. And the dog... Wtf! I respect people that are into fetishes but that's fucked!

As for taking her private.. It still looks like he paid for child pornography on paper if he did take her private. I think you did the right thing in reporting it and moving on....

Btw she's a new model and has only cammed for few hours. Glad that wasnt going on for too long. Unless she had another account
I think the reason for contacting the authorities would be so they could pressure mfc into helping them take action. As it is Mfc will have banned her and I doubt more than that. She's off their hands now. She'll just move to another site and continue, or if that fails move to something worse. Btw I don't think it would actually be a good idea to have taken her private, was more curious if you did. Just kind of wish there'd been more information. Now she's lost in the wind to continue what she's doing. It's never actually a good idea to play internet detective though.
LilyMarie said:
MFC has her real info - they'll take care of it.
That's not really how the world works. MFC is very unlikely to call up this woman's local police and report that she's been streaming kiddie porn and bestiality from their website. They're much more likely to ban her, wash their hands and move on as Isabella said. One person being proactive and contacting the right people with this information might save these kids (and dogs) from further abuse. It doesn't take a lot of effort to screenshot her profile and call your local non-emergency police to see what can be done. Kudos to the OP for trying.
I would have assumed MFC would have taken some serious action. We're talking about kids here, and MFC are the only ones who have her name etc., after all.
I cannot imagine them not doing anything in addition to banning her, that would be messed up. :shock: But I guess the authorities that the OP contacted will contact MFC and find out the model's identification that way?..
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