AmberCutie's Forum
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Guys who scam

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Aug 13, 2010
Hello everyone, this is my first time posting anything on this website, as I just discovered it. I was wondering if any other models have had a similar experience:

It was my third night camming (in mid-May) and a guy sent me a PM offering me $150 in tokens to do a 1/2 hour yahoo show. I was hesitant, but also desperate for money, so I eventually gave in and agreed after he repeatedly reassured me that he was legit. He said that he would tip me half of the money at the 15 min. point, and the rest at the end.

I did the show. He was rude to me, asking me to do things that I don't normally do (I'm not really into anal, and he made me stick my finger in my ass) and disregarded my feelings. He was gross. It was horrible, but I kept thinking about the money so I felt that it was worth it. After the show I noticed that he had not tipped me yet, so I sent him a polite message requesting payment. He said that he needed to buy more tokens, which he was doing at that moment, but in the meantime would tip me what he had. 38 tokens (less than $2!!!) And that's all I got. I sent him an angry message a few days later.

Hilariously, about 6 weeks later I saw him in my chatroom. He sent me a nice PM and was very kind and friendly, obviously not remembering who I was. I really enjoyed tearing into him. He kept telling me that I had the wrong guy, that it wasn't him that screwed me out of this money, that I must be mistaken. But his tip is still in my tip archive. What an asshole.

I have no idea why he did this to me. I can only guess that it's because I was a new model, so he thought that I would be an easy target. I didn't listen to my gut and got screwed over. Now I know better! I was just wondering if anyone had any similar experiences.
1) Dont do anything for free
2) He didnt "make" you do anything. You did it at his insistence. If you feel uncomfortable about any part of a show, its time to stop. There are others out there that will tip you, not just that guy.
Well, like I said, I had just started doing this when it happened. I would never fall for something like this now. I know the tricks. I just find it astonishing that someone would be such an asshole. Though in retrospect, I should have expected it.

Oh, and his name is guidoguy.
PallasAthene said:
Well, like I said, I had just started doing this when it happened. I would never fall for something like this now. I know the tricks. I just find it astonishing that someone would be such an asshole. Though in retrospect, I should have expected it.

Oh, and his name is guidoguy.

10 bucks says it's Pauly D from Jersey Shore. :? :lol:
what about guys who ask for your real name or want to get to know you in pm without tipping? How much time do you sped chatting in pm with them? I am getting so discouraged lately, seems like noone wants to tip and super quick privates. And lots of pm's who want my time but no or very small tips. Also i had this guy who says he's broke who's always in my room a premium and never tips i called him out he says he lost his job and will tip when he gets one :( what do you guys do about that?
Amber Dawn, I hear that all the time. I end up spending too much time talking to the broke guys. Once in a while they should cough up some money to tip with. This is our job after all. I have a lot of guys like that. My favorite is "wanna watch my cam?" with no offer of a tip. So rude.

I should mention that there are some guys that I genuinely like and don't mind talking to even if they don't tip me. But generally I think they should, just as a polite gesture.
Yeah, I've never, EVER fallen for that shiz. I don't even do shows on yahoo because its just a pain in the ass and not worth my time to log on, add someone and then have him beg at the end of the show to "keep going bb, I'm not done yet". loll.

Sounds like you learned your lesson though...thats all that matters.
Models should require that the members utilize the "private show" feature built into MFC, or demand tokens up front so they don't get scammed by the member.

Members should require that the models utilize the "private show" feature built into MFC, or demand to pay after the show so they don't get scammed by the model.

Hmm... there only seems to be one way for the best interest of the model and the member to intersect...


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Bawksy is right. If a guy claims he has that kind of cash to spend for a show, then he should have no problem loading his account and taking you private. Otherwise, you can pretty much count on it being a ruse. It's better for both of you in the long run. Have definitely noticed an influx of guys trying to run the same game in my room lately.
There's a reason that MFC has private/group shows set up the way they are, because it's harder to scam. Once girls start doing things outside of the site, it's harder for them to point fingers and cry about it.

Use the private show feature, or accept tokens up front for a show.

And bawksy is half right... members just have to trust that a model will do what she said for tip. But I'd never suggest a model perform and trust that a member will tip. The member has less to lose, but the model's rep is on the line. If she cares.
I think that having the option to do shows off MFC is a great tool to maintain your cam score.When models do off MFC shows they should get paid in advance. The time you spend doing your off MFC show does not count against your camscore.

In the very first example the model gave the show and hoped to be tipped at the half way point and AFTER the show..the problem is just what Amber said.. models have to be honest or everyone will find out, if members lie they can be considered Lounge Heroes for getting free shows.

Models should also consider using YahooIM Skype and other messenger services to Reward good customers, how much time do you spend on MFC in PM with the same guys and during that time your not getting tipped.. spend some time with your regulars off MFC and you grow closer with them and the clock is not ticking on your camscore. Skype is the best for Cam to Cam i would say only use it for paid shows. yahoo IM is the best for the MOST users at the same time and you can change your online status to show online or offline to each member individually and you can chat from off line mode.. you CAN also chat on MFC with your cam OFF to help your cam score.
RufffRider said:
I think that having the option to do shows off MFC is a great tool to maintain your cam score.When models do off MFC shows they should get paid in advance. The time you spend doing your off MFC show does not count against your camscore.

In the very first example the model gave the show and hoped to be tipped at the half way point and AFTER the show..the problem is just what Amber said.. models have to be honest or everyone will find out, if members lie they can be considered Lounge Heroes for getting free shows.

Models should also consider using YahooIM Skype and other messenger services to Reward good customers, how much time do you spend on MFC in PM with the same guys and during that time your not getting tipped.. spend some time with your regulars off MFC and you grow closer with them and the clock is not ticking on your camscore. Skype is the best for Cam to Cam i would say only use it for paid shows. yahoo IM is the best for the MOST users at the same time and you can change your online status to show online or offline to each member individually and you can chat from off line mode.. you CAN also chat on MFC with your cam OFF to help your cam score.

I agree and disagree. Yes, offline shows ARE great for camscore...

... however if no one used them as a means to get tokens, MFC would be a more even playing field, thus making the camscore a bit more fair, as it would be judged on what girls are doing ON the site they're being rated on. Without getting into that it much, I just had to say that. I'm sure if I did off-site shows I'd feel differently.

Also, no one has decided for sure if logging on just to chat or being on camera is considered "online" and whether it affects camscore.
bawksy said:
Models should require that the members utilize the "private show" feature built into MFC, or demand tokens up front so they don't get scammed by the member.

Members should require that the models utilize the "private show" feature built into MFC, or demand to pay after the show so they don't get scammed by the model.

Hmm... there only seems to be one way for the best interest of the model and the member to intersect...

MFC quality can be quite poor, which can make this less attractive for some.
One way round this would be to record the show - possibly on a separate camera, and offer it to the member as a higher quality option afterwards.
Additional tokens!
Best way to make money: create cam site, spend no money un upgrades or upkeep, take money from camwhores and fappers alike, PROFIT!
I got caught up in it when I came from the other site to work here.
Don't get caught up in those pms. Tell them to plz type in the room
You have really got to focus on the room. I try watching a lot of girls.
I never see them answering constant pms and mila tells them she will answer all pms, but not while she is in free chat performing. It's best like that. It destroys ur concentration and ability to focus.
Also get money up front always. Just my opinion.
Thanks, Scarlet. Good idea. Some guys want to chat all damn night with no! I need to not be so nice.
Scarlet is right ...Its the way I do it ...I get sometimes 40-50 guys PM'ing me at the same time , It's like a fucking Christmas tree..I answer all , but always tell them , if it is not very important use the chat .....90% of PM's is just : can you open my cam? can I meet you? etc.....
I answer but sometimes an hour later.....

Regarding off site shows , I do them ...but only after payment ..."yes baby , I pay you afterwards look at my reward points I am good for it" " Baby MFC won't let me buy tokens lets do the show and I pay you afterwards" ..There is only one answer : Go suck a Carrot !
No prepaid money/tokens = no show ..I am not the salvation Army for misguided pervs.... There are some assholes out there preying on new models and even proud of what they do.....make a wall of shame and put his name on it ! I am contemplating the 'Asshole of the Week' banner ...a special for special assholes ........... hehe....I can be a vindictive bitch but that is what this work can make you sometimes..
I try to put this little saying to use being a cam whore cause it worked great as a stripper...

Before you take your top of get the money first
MilaMilanXXX said:
I am contemplating the 'Asshole of the Week' banner ...a special for special assholes ........... hehe....I can be a vindictive bitch but that is what this work can make you sometimes..

"Asshole of the Week"...I love it!
I remember what we used to hear in the strip joints back in the day - "If there ain't no tippin' , they'll be no strippin' !"

I used to not like it when a model would ask for tips to be added to friends but now I totally think it is a great idea. If you aren't answering PMs from people who haven't at least shown enough interest to tip you some say 100 tokens it would lower the amount of white noise in your PMs. I'm not saying that if there is someone cool that you like you shouldn't add them as friends or PM them as much as you want, but if someone is asking a service from you that you are wanting to be paid for it isn't unreasonable to at least get some tokens from them up front as a sign of good faith.
Oh and I thought maybe there could be a "shitlist" on these forums for the models (and maybe there is in the model forum, I don't know) but then I thought each model has their own definition of shitty behavior - perhaps it would be limited to only premiums who clearly ripped someone off or was consistently harassing a model.
tightlockup said:
Oh and I thought maybe there could be a "shitlist" on these forums for the models (and maybe there is in the model forum, I don't know) but then I thought each model has their own definition of shitty behavior - perhaps it would be limited to only premiums who clearly ripped someone off or was consistently harassing a model.

I've avoided having any sort of shitlist/blacklist anywhere on the forums, as I don't want this to be a breeding ground for hurt/spiteful feelings. :) Not even inside the models only section.
im sorry that happened to you sugar, but as others have mentioned you're there to provide a paid service- you aint working for free! as much as guys complain about cam girls being scam artists, there are just as many members who try to scam models. always look out for yourself and don't let guys dick you around. :)
One other thing:

Just because a guy has paid you in advance a few times doesn't mean he will pay you after the show this time.

That's the one that got me x.x
FifthElephant said:
bawksy said:
Models should require that the members utilize the "private show" feature built into MFC, or demand tokens up front so they don't get scammed by the member.

Members should require that the models utilize the "private show" feature built into MFC, or demand to pay after the show so they don't get scammed by the model.

Hmm... there only seems to be one way for the best interest of the model and the member to intersect...

MFC quality can be quite poor, which can make this less attractive for some.
One way round this would be to record the show - possibly on a separate camera, and offer it to the member as a higher quality option afterwards.
Additional tokens!

I do not agree, I have friends around the world with whom I rom time to time chat. Skype quality depends extremly on network quality, MSN the same. Yahoo does not get pixeled up with bad network, but the video stutters. Interestingly, a friend of mine, living a few km´s away sometimes appears in such bad video quality on yahoo, you would think he lives ot the end of the worls.
MFC quality is usually fairly good on my connection. And MFC video isnt by far as resource-intensive on your computer then Skype or MSN.
I'm new to mfc and allowed myself to get burned last night. It was my own fault and I take sole responsibility for being enticed by the monetary offer--but going forward, I don't think I'll be doing any more skype shows. Period. I've tried it twice and got screwed both times. The first just out of the extra money for time gone over. Last night? Not paid at all. For a fairly long show. When I could have been logged on to MFC making actual money. Apparently, that's the favorite jerk-off member's scam. Prey on the new models who need money. Assholes. Lesson learned, though. I'll not be getting lured into any more things that sound ever so slightly too good to be true. But, that lesson was a bruiser. I feel like an f'n idiot! I don't know how I was so utterly grifted! New policy? No bullshit. No freebies. No chatting it up w/guys who NEVER tip. No shows elsewhere--if they want a show they can pay their tokens on MFC. If they can't for some reason, too bad, so sad. They'll go somewhere else or either have to endure the unthinkable hardship of using their damned imaginations for once. :evil:
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