hate grey modz....especially when they say tip....fucking hypocrites and the models that use greys as modz....ARE IDIOTS....another thing is models for some reason like watching greys and they don't look at blues rooms cause they think they can get tips if they don't look...why should us male models give our hard earned tokens to you...i have earned every token by modeling...just as female models...i'm sure they wouldn't like it if the shoe was on the other foot....im gonna start posting who not to watch....unless u go in as a grey.....ill never tip grey lovers....these dumb ass girls wonder why they dont make tokens,,,,stop treating blues like shit....if a grey is so hot????WHY DONT HE HAVE TOKENS....AHAHAHA...IF U CANT HUSTLE 1 GOD DAMN NICKLE YOU AREN'T HOT...AND I U LIKE A BROKE ASS LIL DICKED LOSER....YOU AREN'T HOT OR WORTH A NICKLE....FUCK ALL YOU HYPOCRITE GREY LOVING COMPLAINERS....U WANT TO MAKE MONEY....THEN DON'T GIVE IT UP TO SOME SCUM BAG THAT TELLS U HIS COCKS BIG....LOSERS....HERES THE FIRST RUDE BITCH HER NAME IS LUCY LOO....I TIPPED HER 25 UST BEING NICE AND THE BITCH SAYS I AM A BAD LuVER...AND I ASK HER SO THE GREYS ARE BETTER????SHE IS SO STUPID SHE SAYS YES....is this a twilight zone episode :evil: :angry4: :roll: :hand: :twocents-02cents: don't waste ur tokens on trash....lucy loo is trash and really rude....well if ur blue....bt if ur GREY....she gives it up for free....haha...go get a job...ur no model ur a exhabisinist....stop playing pretend...i heard mcdonald's needs more retards...go fill out a app....rude ass bitch