what a cute little misogynist humiliation slut. let's all ignore the OP – he certainly doesn't deserve any more of our time for free! he's just fapping his fantasies all over our boards. deny, deny, deny.
fuck off i am not masturbating thats gross
i need a real woman, im 30 year old masturbation worked when i was 18 and even then i hated it
anyway i know from my life already im not going to get anything , i just know it like a premonition , i suffer like this every day , this what u seen today is just a peep of what i go through every day
horny all the time, these porn pop up and just brutalize me , and i feel hopeless and beyond help
everyone in the world gets more sex then me, disabled people get more sen then me, there is like 15 year old right now that have had more sexual experience then me
there is no hope for me, last weekend i went to a club and no woman was interested in me, obviously i spoke to a few but it just doesn't ever go anywhere more then that
there is no hope for me, i just gotta close my penis park for life and just concentrate on other things , im like Africans in Africa that cant get food and dying of starvation, when it isnt fated for you its just not going to happen no matter what