AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Game On...You Laugh, You Lose

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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"One of the biggest difference between guys and girls is that guys don't do this. I don't think I've ever had the inclination to dance in front of a web cam and then post it on the internet for all to see, h**l I try and stay out of the lights when I'm dancing at clubs. Anyway, here are the best, funniest and most brutal times a dancing web cam girl has ever fallen, tripped or been caught in the act."

Thirteen videos of cam-girl blooper moments for your enjoyment, ladies and gents...
I sure hope I never end up on list such as this!
Just remembered this one. It is so stupid I find it hilarious, but almost every one who I have ever shown it to just thinks it is stupid. Had a very clingy friend who could be driven out of the room just by playing this clip. Hope you like it.
And even if you didn't like that, you may like this but most likely not if your a big fan of god.
This topic hasn't been updated for 8 days. WTF?

Anyway, while browsing Amazon, I came across this book. I doubt that I'll buy it, but I really enjoyed the "Look Inside". The print and Kindle excerpts are different, and I recommend them both. It seems appropriate for this forum, and I LOL'd hard. :thumbleft:

David Thorne: The Internet is a Playground
Oh, and if you have some more time on your hands, here's a good place to waste it:

Emails from an Asshole.

A sample:
From Me to *********@**********.org:

Hey there!

I'm trying to get rid of a bunch of movies I've had since I was a kid. The movie stores won't take them, and it would be a shame for me to just throw them out. I'd love to pass them on to people who can enjoy them. Let me know if you are interested.


From Julia ****** to Me:

Mike - Which movies do you have and how much do you want for them?

From Me to Julia ******:


Here is the full list:

Alvin and the Chipmunks
Backdoor Creampies 2
Beauty and the Beast
Big Black Threesome
Finally 18 and Legal
The Lion King
Mattress Slaves 3
The Mighty Ducks
Toy Story
Wet Squirters 5

Please let me know which ones you want.



From Julia ****** to Me:

Mike...some of those titles are inappropriate.

From Me to Julia ******:


Which titles are inappropriate?


From Julia ****** to Me:

I think you know which ones...

From Me to Julia ******:

Are you talking about Fantasia? I know, I thought it was a Vietnam war movie too. I assure you it has nothing to do with Asia and is completely appropriate for children. The only other title I think you are referring to as inappropriate is The Lion King, but I think you are confusing that with "The Scorpion King," the violent movie starring Dwayne Johnson. While the Lion King does have adult themes, it is nothing like The Scorpion King.

I hope this clears things up.


From Julia ****** to Me:

No...explain to me how these movies are for children??? Backdoor Creampies, Big Black Threesome, Finally 18 and Legal, Mattress Slaves 3, Wet Squirters 5. It sounds to me like you are trying to throw out your porn collection.

From Me to Julia ******:

Pornography? What a disgusting accusation! What kind of a person do you think I am? You have a really perverted mind if you think those movies are adult films.

You've really never heard of those movies? Where was your childhood? I'll find the plot summaries for you.

Backdoor Creampies - Cindy, a little girl with big ambitions, decides to open a bakery in her parents kitchen - selling pies to children who come to her backyard. Cindy learns that running a business isn't all fun and games in this hilarious tale of entrepreneurship.

Big Black Threesome - Barry, Billy and Bernie are three lovable black bears who have zany adventures during their quest for honey.

Finally 18 and Legal - A coming of age story about a young girl who becomes an independent woman.

Mattress Slaves 3 - Part 3 of the shocking documentary about slave labor in the mattress industry of third world countries. (Acceptable for kids, and in my opinion, a necessity to educate them on some real world issues. I never bought a foreign mattress again after this eye-opener.)

Wet Squirters 5 - The Squirters gang is back again in this heartwarming tale about a group of whales who try to find their long lost father in a vast ocean of wet sea critters.

Once again, I hope this clears things up for you.


From Julia ****** to Me:

You expect me to believe that all of those movies simply have unfortunate titles? Nice try.

From Me to Julia ******:

Sorry to disappoint your sick mind Julia, but yes, they are all children's movies. So do you want them or not?

By the way, I just found 3 more movies to add to the collection I am offering:

Toy Story 2
James and the Giant Peach
Walt Disney's Double Penetration Cockblasts 3


From Julia ****** to Me:

Okay I've had enough of this. You are a nut.

From Me to Julia ******:

Think of the children, Julia. They will never get to enjoy these classic films because of you.

From Julia ****** to Me:

Go to hell.
Triple play cows


With guns
It may appear as if I am posting right behind myself, but that is only the illusion created by the fact that no one has posted between my two post.
Anyway, here's some more fun with animal people.

CarolinaCutie said:
JessicaLapin said:
bawksy said:
You laugh you lose: pick on black people edition

and a couple more jesus ones for Daisy XD

I was winning til I saw this

Went by this post more than once, and it started to eat at me. At first I was not sure why, - well I knew I did not like it because it is hatefull, nasty, and mean, but there was something more. Then I realized what it was. It's not funny, I mean it would not be funny to me even if I were a racist. First of all nigger is not a condition of weather. I'm not sure How to fix that part, I guess it isn't importian that the set-up is flawed, as long as we end up at the punch line. Reminded me of a ginger joke I once heard. set-up: What's worse than one cat stuck in a tree? punch line: cuz all redhead cunts have loose pussies. lmao~
But really this signs placement is all wrong. It looks as if it's hung on the back wall of some gun club... I'm thinking maybe Kentucky, or Tennessee, from the vegetation. Sure there is apt to be plenty who will appreciate it. But it is sort of like making fun of people from Iceland anywhere but Iceland. See what I'm saying? It isn't hitting it's target. (now that's sort of funny, being it's at a gun club). I'm just saying if I'm going to go to the trouble of making a sign with a message, I'm going to want that message to have some impact. If it were obviously bolted to the side of some intercity liquor store with a parking meter in the foreground and a metel flake rootbeer brown 82 cutlass with spinners, further in the foreground parked at the time expired meter. And it said, "if the roof of this cutlass is wet/raining" Ect. Ect. then it could say, "if no cutlass/niggers" and after that, "if no cutlass & no meter/niggers with torch". (if nigger is a condition of weather, than nigger with torch, would sorta be like thunder storm with hail). Oh dam that would be some funny shit.

Know what though? You would probably have to stay there, at least a day or two, til you could get it explained to everyone in the hood, cuz you know how dumb them jungle bunnies are. Yea probably need two or three of you to hang out there to get it explained good. Now that would be funny!
camstory said:

First of all nigger is not a condition of weather.

Wait, there's "nigger" on the stone? OH! Missed it the first time... (and I laughed the first time, too x.x, though mostly because I saw a sign like that in the south, without the last line.)
I'm sorry but the WeatherStone Sign is a FAIL because EARTHQUAKE is NOT a Weather event, and if the Stone is GONE it's because of a TORNADO or HURRICANE , which are weather events . Some people are tooooooo STUPID and shouldn't be allowed in Polite Company.
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bud9752 said:
I'm sorry but the WeatherStone Sign is a FAIL because EARTHQUAKE is NOT a Weather event, and if the Stone is GONE it's because of a TORNADO or HURRICANE , which are weather events . Some people are tooooooo STUPID and shouldn't be allowed in Polite Company.
Thank you for the post. I wish I might have figured out such a polite way of expressing myself. Stupidity has a way of irritating the hell out of me, and I think it my desire to hold that stupidity up to the light, I may have been as equally stupid. I just find such things hard to deal with, because I don't understand how perfectly intelligent (or at least not retarded) people can act so stupid.
camstory said:
bud9752 said:
I'm sorry but the WeatherStone Sign is a FAIL because EARTHQUAKE is NOT a Weather event, and if the Stone is GONE it's because of a TORNADO or HURRICANE , which are weather events . Some people are tooooooo STUPID and shouldn't be allowed in Polite Company.
Thank you for the post. I wish I might have figured out such a polite way of expressing myself. Stupidity has a way of irritating the hell out of me, and I think it my desire to hold that stupidity up to the light, I may have been as equally stupid. I just find such things hard to deal with, because I don't understand how perfectly intelligent (or at least not retarded) people can act so stupid.

Chill out, tightwads, and just enjoy the thread...


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random funny dump

half these pictures have probably been posted already


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I've got several, enjoy.


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