I honestly expected to see a pic of me in this thread...
On topic: I am circumcised, I have been since an infant. I am half Jewish, and at the time, even when non-Jews were born, many hospitals did it. I don't think I suffer from any lack of sensitivity. In fact, the head of my penis is actually quite sensitive when I am erect.
I am also a non-lube masturbator, with no problems. I agree with the people who mentioned that many girls simply hold too tight when they give hand jobs, hence the need for lube/oil to prevent irritation. That most likely comes from not having a penis of their own to gauge how to hold it when performing masturbation on it. Much in the same way many guys don't know how to massage a clitoris in the way women prefer. Then again, like women, some men like to masturbate differently from others. Some may like holding it like a vice. Some women prefer softer and slower rubbing, others prefer very rough and fast rubbing.
Obviously, since I have been circumcised for longer than I can remember, I am used to how it looks. So, honestly, to me, the image of an uncut penis before it is erect is actually fairly disgusting. When fully erect, cut or uncut look pretty much the same, at least until the skin is being moved. Then again, I'm sure the same goes for uncut men, they probably think circumcised men look disgusting until erect and resembling their own look.
But, this begs the question to women... do women with long labia minora, that stick out, not like to see women who don't have longer labia minora (and vice versa)? I can say as a male, I find both appealing, unless the labia lips are so long that it looks like they could engulf a small SUV. But it is something I have never actually thought of until just this second.
As to the men who say they've lost sensation when cut later in life... I think some of that is psychological. Something is gone that they were used to, so in their minds, it is automatically worse for them. It may be true, it may not be true. But I don't think there will ever be any conclusive proof either way. It could also be regret that makes them believe they made the wrong choice, so in their minds they believe they have lost sensitivity. But, regret is psychological.