I have to say that I am against any kind of mutilation (yes, circumcision is mutilation) done on children, though I for obvious reasons feel more strongly about female circumcision. (I don't feel that it's right to force your religious believes down the throat of your child either - though I realise that it's a much harder thing to avoid.)
The reasons I am generally more inclined to accept male circumcision are mostly easy to understand - it's safer, it is practised in sterile environments (mostly), and it does not prevent the persons ability to have sex despite possibly making it less enjoyable.
Level 3 female circumcision involves cutting off all external parts of the vagina and binding her legs together for up to 8 weeks. The result is that the scar tissue closes her up, she is left with only a small hole to urinate - a hole made by sticking a twig into her raw wound and leaving it there while it "heals". Among the most common tools for this procedure are blunt and rusty razors, sharp stones and FINGERNAILS! This is usually performed outside, and on girls between the ages of a few months old up to 15 years old. The girls older than infants often struggle so much (who can blame them?) that they have to be held down so hard as to break several bones in their bodies.
Once these girls are married, they have to be cut open in order to have sex. Though they grow back together afterwards. They also have to be cut open in order to give birth, if they are not, there is a very big risk of both mother and child dying - as if the pain of child birth wasn't bad enough as it is!
They are told they need to do this to get a husband, that if they are not circumcised it's the same as being a slut and a whore - that men will assume that just because they still have an intact vagina, they are free game and always ready to have sex with anyone. They are told that being circumcised is the only way to stay virgin until you marry (or at least to have anyone believe that you are a virgin), and that no man will marry a woman who is not a virgin.
This is so much worse in my eyes - because it is so clearly a way for the male sex to dominate the female (Just as the Victorian era, when men were seen as raging sex animals unable to control any sexual urges - and the women were blamed! Even the legs of chairs had to be covered as to not bring the legs of a woman to mind - the men seeing it might just get horny, and then they might do things they were not responsible for because of the simple fact that they were horny. The quote "Close your eyes and think of England" is from this era, it was the answer Queen Victoria gave a young woman who came to her worried about her upcoming wedding night!) Whereas male circumcision did have a hygienic usefulness - though it is something that no longer matters in our modern part of the world.
Though, as I said, any mutilation of a child is wrong to me. Let the men decide when they are old enough to make the decision themselves!
Kind of off topic, though this thread was already off topic to begin with so I don't feel that bad about it