AmberCutie's Forum
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Free loaders to whale tippers and their tip amounts.

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V.I.P. AmberLander
Mar 17, 2013
I would like to preemptively apologize If this question had been asked, but I did not find it under search and I'm really curious to know your opinions.

Obviously free loaders will never give a model a cent while "whale" tippers (as I've seen them called on this forum) generously tip tens of thousands of tokens per month to their favorites. Do you have or is there a scale to rate what category a member may fall into? And what are the corresponding nicknames for that type of tipper if any?

My best guesses from what I have read so far have me believing the following:

Freeloaders/basics : zero tokens.

Small tippers: less than 1,000 tokens per month

Medium tippers: up to 5,000 tokens per month

Big tippers: up to 10,000 every per or every few months

Whales: 20,000 or more per month

Any insight you (model or client) can shed will be helpful. Sorry to post this as anon, but my favorite model frequents AFC, she also knows my handle here, and I'd like to keep this question on the DL from her. Thank you.
anonmfctipper said:
I would like to preemptively apologize If this question had been asked, but I did not find it under search and I'm really curious to know your opinions.

Obviously free loaders will never give a model a cent while "whale" tippers (as I've seen them called on this forum) generously tip tens of thousands of tokens per month to their favorites. Do you have or is there a scale to rate what category a member may fall into? And what are the corresponding nicknames for that type of tipper if any?

My best guesses from what I have read so far have me believing the following:

Freeloaders/basics : zero tokens.

Small tippers: less than 1,000 tokens per month

Medium tippers: up to 5,000 tokens per month

Big tippers: up to 10,000 every per or every few months

Whales: 20,000 or more per month

Any insight you (model or client) can shed will be helpful. Sorry to post this as anon, but my favorite model frequents AFC, she also knows my handle here, and I'd like to keep this question on the DL from her. Thank you.

why do you want it on the DL from a model? WIll it offend her somehow?

I'd say this scale is accurate for top 100 girl... or at least it is for me when I place top 100.

For girls that make less money, their 'scale' will be different.

I don't feel like this is rocket science?
As a guy who primarily hangs out in rooms that are not top 100, I would say that I don't feel like a small tipper when a girl lights up like a roman candle at a 50-token tip, especially when I'm able to repeat it a few times in a night. It's definitely gotta be some sort of sliding scale.
This is going to be different for every girl, like Miss_Lollipop said.

And if your model knows your handle here, she's probably going to see this. I don't know about you guys, but the first thing I do on these forums is click "new posts."

zippypinhead said:
As a guy who primarily hangs out in rooms that are not top 100, I would say that I don't feel like a small tipper when a girl lights up like a roman candle at a 50-token tip, especially when I'm able to repeat it a few times in a night. It's definitely gotta be some sort of sliding scale.
This is exactly right! Let's say a model in the top row gets 100 tokens. She smiles at the tipper (at the camera?) and says "thank you so much username."

Me, being a new model, who hardly gets any traffic on a bad day, I react much differently to that 100 token tip.
anonmfctipper said:
I would like to preemptively apologize If this question had been asked, but I did not find it under search and I'm really curious to know your opinions.

Obviously free loaders will never give a model a cent while "whale" tippers (as I've seen them called on this forum) generously tip tens of thousands of tokens per month to their favorites. Do you have or is there a scale to rate what category a member may fall into? And what are the corresponding nicknames for that type of tipper if any?

My best guesses from what I have read so far have me believing the following:

Freeloaders/basics : zero tokens.

Small tippers: less than 1,000 tokens per month

Medium tippers: up to 5,000 tokens per month

Big tippers: up to 10,000 every per or every few months

Whales: 20,000 or more per month

Any insight you (model or client) can shed will be helpful. Sorry to post this as anon, but my favorite model frequents AFC, she also knows my handle here, and I'd like to keep this question on the DL from her. Thank you.
It's probably because I don't cam from MFC, but it seems a bit silly to put that much thought in to this. The only thing I can really think of is that the OP wants to make sure he is hitting the right 'tip bracket' to be considered Tipper Type X, and then he can opt out of Obamacare... or something :think:

But regardless, I'm with Miss Lolly on this one. And Jillybean. I only browse ACF through the 'new posts' button and I am sure many other people do too. It seems very likely your model friend is going to read this.
Oops... My model friend does not know this very NEW handle I have just created, so she will not know who I actually am. I just wanted to have some sort of excuse for those wondering why this handle only has one post. I may have over thought it and probably should have never mentioned it it the first place. Sorry.... I should have been more articulate.

Thanks for the reply's so far. I do get that the scale might differ depending on the model and what they are used to in being tipped, but I did not realize this until you folks pointed it out. I always thought there might have been some concrete scale or bracket as Evvie pointed out, as I have seen generous tippers being describe as all sorts of things.

I should have simply asked: Are there tipping brackets that members fall into (big, medium, small, etc...)? If so, are they concrete as a whole? And if not, how might you scale them depending on... lets say a models rank (and/or camscore)?
anonmfctipper said:
Oops... My model friend does not know this very NEW handle I have just created, so she will not know who I actually am. I just wanted to have some sort of excuse for those wondering why this handle only has one post. I may have over thought it and probably should have never mentioned it it the first place. Sorry.... I should have been more articulate.

Thanks for the reply's so far. I do get that the scale might differ depending on the model and what they are used to in being tipped, but I did not realize this until you folks pointed it out. I always thought there might have been some concrete scale or bracket as Evvie pointed out, as I have seen generous tippers being describe as all sorts of things.

I should have simply asked: Are there tipping brackets that members fall into (big, medium, small, etc...)? If so, are they concrete as a whole? And if not, how might you scale them depending on... lets say a models rank (and/or camscore)?
I have never seen nor even heard of someone making a list of how much you have to tip to be given a label. If any models have considered this information, it is personal to each of them and there is no uniform theory. They are not concrete, and you should just ask your friend how much you need to tip to be considered a whale.

Trying to make such a list as you describe doesn't make much sense, and I honestly can't imagine why anyone would want information that cannot possibly be accurate.
Evvie said:
I have never seen nor even heard of someone making a list of how much you have to tip to be given a label. If any models have considered this information, it is personal to each of them and there is no uniform theory. They are not concrete, and you should just ask your friend how much you need to tip to be considered a whale.

Trying to make such a list as you describe doesn't make much sense, and I honestly can't imagine why anyone would want information that cannot possibly be accurate.

Okay. I now understand that models have there own criteria in which they rate their members... from the amount of tips, types of conversations, or whatever the member brings in and out of the chatroom; which should never be compiled in a silly... non-realistic list -- only a model can have true say of how they label their members. Gotcha and thank you for wise input. I agree with it whole'heartedly.

starsign said:
I'd imagine no one would like to be called a "whale" so I don't see how this list would be beneficial to anyone. Big tippers just tip because they like the girl so be it.

I never liked the euphemism of big tippers being "whales" either, but I have read that comparison a few times here recently which led me to ponder if there were any others like that too.
For the record, though, I can understand the curiosity. Some dudes are into status and labels. Not saying OP is, specifically, but it is a thing, the proverbial dick-measuring contest. I can see how, in this particular setting, this type of thing might be used as a sort of ruler, especially among members who might be competing with each other for the attention of models.
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I don't really categorize tippers per se, but I do tend to notice how much someone tips in relation to the amount of attention they expect. I much prefer someone who tips <1000 tokens/month but does not pm me constantly to someone who tips three times as much but constantly wants to PM, send me links, email me, asks for my personal info and special treatment, etc. Accordingly though I am much more willing (and even happy!) to allocate more time to someone who tips more.
I can't fathom why you'd feel the need to tip relative to other members. Surely your criteria for tipping should be based on your own circumstances - how much you earn, how much you can justify putting aside for luxuries such as MFC, how often you visit the site, how much you want to "buy" from the site, etc. - and any other consideration is surely frivolous, ya know?

I tip what I can afford to and what I can justify spending on what is essentially a luxury. It's not much and compared to other tippers, it's a pretty miniscule amount. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna not tip because of some kind of misguided embarrassment and the fear of being put in a model's 'small tipper' category. Conversely, I'm not gonna go into debt just so I can keep up with other tippers :twocents-02cents:
The highest tip I ever received was 200 and I felt like the luckiest girl ever. I couldn't imagine getting 1,000-20,000. Most of the tips I get at anywhere from 3-10, sometimes 50. As long as it has a yellow background,I am thankful. :dance:
I can sort of understand the motivation for this type of question because sometimes a 1000 token tip made me feel like some big rich guy and other times it felt like it wasn't much at all...totally depends on the flow of the room, whether it's a good day or a bad day for the model and all that. My suggestion is that if you really are focused on being a whale, hang around models who don't get tipped much. You can be her whale and you don't have to ask the boss for a raise
I'm a whale. I am also the beneficiary of a few whales of my own.

Is the whale term relative to how much is spent or tipped to a single model, sure it is. But i notice that even the tip tier models get excited and very gracious for anything over 500tkns. It's $25 to the model and though it seems small it's $25 tipped all at once in the blink of an eye. Thats enough to pay a bill.

Anything 1000 or over at least to me is based on the circumstances. I tip someone that i know is in veterenary school, someone who's a single mother & the dad ran off, someone else in college etc. People that I know the $ is going for a future & not the latest Gucci belt

So getting back to the original poster i feel it's more like this

free & basics = no tipping, maybe in the future but in essence whats ruining the cam biz. There is no incentive to join when you can see a model practically birth her cervix outside her body for free

members = 2 classes, #1: the "i bought $20 once and now i'm gonna dangle it like a carrot ion front of these bitches faces for the next 5 years" and #2 the regular work-a-day joe blow who #1 thinks is a moron or loser cause "you never let these bitches get the upper hand"

medium tipper = 1000tkns a month

high tipper = 5k a month

whale = 10k+ a month
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The Insider said:
But i notice that even the tip tier models get excited and very gracious for anything over 500tkns. It's $25 to the model and though it seems small it's $25 tipped all at once in the blink of an eye. Thats enough to pay a bill.

Totally this, but with an addendum-- I try to make a conscious effort to think of my goals in terms of what I am getting, but to think of tips in terms of what members are giving me. For instance, if my goal is $250, I think, "I need to make 5000 tokens." But if someone tips me 5000 tokens, I think, "Holy SHIT, that dude just spent $500 on me!" (And no, I don't bother with trying to figure big token package discounts. ;) ) In cases like that I try to remember that I was just given X amount of money, and then "later" I will be paying MFC 50% as a "club fee".
You hit it right on the head. You gotta have a goal. I've known models that just kinda drifted & toward the end of pay period scramble to make enough
I tried to read all the replies to see if someone else already mentioned this, but I thought of something.

Lots of models scale her big tippers and give them labels any way.

Like, tip 666 to be a "friend" and get your name on my profile and all this cool stuff.

Then, tip 6666 to be a big huge super awesome amazing friend and get your name on my profile and everything I make ever.

Obviously, I'm being stupid with my labels, but lots of models have scales like this.

Many also take screenshots of awesome moments, which are usually what they consider to be big tips. Maybe if you browse around different models' profiles you'll get an idea for what that model is used to as big tippers.
emptiedglass said:
Hey, I thought whaling was illegal these days? ;)

It is and usually very unsuccessful. The whales have to come to you of their free will and then released when they feel like going back into the wild. It's a very sad moment at the end when they leap over your head as you scream "FREE WILLY!!!" or something to that extent... but there you go... once you catch your willies, one day you've gotta free em again.

Um.... yeah... so anyway... back on topic :p

Yes that sounds about right in my own head of people who tip certain amounts. But... it depends on what they tip for.

For example I have at points had several regulars tipping similar/the same amounts. Both cool guys, but in one case the regular would ask very little of me, always be chilled out and would never push me. In the other case the regular demanded a lot of attention and really made me work for the tokens as he wanted a lot from them. Both tipped around the 10k mark each month. It's a really substantial amount of money, but... in the case of the regular who was very chilled out I considered him more of a whale tipper/big tipper. The other case because the tips were always pushed and I had to put a lot of time and energy into the regular it didn't feel so much like that. In a night I'll usually earn between 3k tokens and 6-7k tokens, occasionally I'll earn more or less than that. So if a member tips me what I can make in two nights work each month, yet gives me stress all month, is that regular worth the tokens? For a really pushy/demanding regular for it to be worth my time they'd have to be tipping more like 30k tokens+ a month as that's closer to the amount of time I'd be devoting.

Ranks of tipping aren't really that important, and if I were to rank members it'd be tipping versus stress caused. Most stressful members do not realise they are stressful members, or are not aware of how much stress they cause even if they are told. If they did realise and had any humanity then they would hopefully stop what they had been doing and chill out. It's sometimes good to have a little self evaluation of your relationship with your favourite model without going overboard or getting too paranoid. You can be a little socially inept around models, you can be unfunny and you can even annoy her on occasion, but you do not want to be causing her stress levels to get higher. Camming is a stressful job, one which caused me severe migraines until I started rampaging ACF and the poor wonderful souls who put up with me here. Pressuring or putting stress on your favourite model will do nothing in your favour and could cause real damage to her life and health.

To be honest I'm just chatting crap because I have absolutely no idea what the relevance or reason was for your post.
I dont categorize members, and Im happy for any tip I get.
The only difference I can think of would be someone tipping 1000 for all my content, its great! And I really appreciate it! :D If someone tips 1000 just as a gift/because they like me its a lot more mind blowing and feels like a bigger tip :twocents-02cents: :oops:
The Insider said:
I'm a whale. I am also the beneficiary of a few whales of my own.

Is the whale term relative to how much is spent or tipped to a single model, sure it is. But i notice that even the tip tier models get excited and very gracious for anything over 500tkns. It's $25 to the model and though it seems small it's $25 tipped all at once in the blink of an eye. Thats enough to pay a bill.

Anything 1000 or over at least to me is based on the circumstances. I tip someone that i know is in veterenary school, someone who's a single mother & the dad ran off, someone else in college etc. People that I know the $ is going for a future & not the latest Gucci belt

So getting back to the original poster i feel it's more like this

free & basics = no tipping, maybe in the future but in essence whats ruining the cam biz. There is no incentive to join when you can see a model practically birth her cervix outside her body for free

members = 2 classes, #1: the "i bought $20 once and now i'm gonna dangle it like a carrot ion front of these bitches faces for the next 5 years" and #2 the regular work-a-day joe blow who #1 thinks is a moron or loser cause "you never let these bitches get the upper hand"

medium tipper = 1000tkns a month

high tipper = 5k a month

whale = 10k+ a month

You are assuming that is the only reason to join. What incentive do the whales have to tip 10k a month? It certainly is not to see the model naked or perform shows. As you pointed out, they can see that for free if they wanted to. You never know what will get a basic or guest to sign up and start spending money. The social engineering of MFC I find quite interesting and very successful.
Jessi said:
I dont categorize members, and Im happy for any tip I get.
The only difference I can think of would be someone tipping 1000 for all my content, its great! And I really appreciate it! :D If someone tips 1000 just as a gift/because they like me its a lot more mind blowing and feels like a bigger tip :twocents-02cents: :oops:

This reminds me of something I was curious about but have never thought to ask about!

Does there ever come a point, where you (as in, models) feel a member is tipping too much and do you ever worry that they're not simply tipping because they enjoy your company but because they're hoping it's gonna lead to something romantic/sexual down the line?

I'm sure that the majority of tips that are given "just because" are given without anything being expected in return. But I sometimes wonder if some of the guys who camp out in a model's room and continually go above and beyond for them, tipping them thousands upon thousands of dollars each and every month are secretly hoping for something to come of it.
mynameisbob84 said:
Jessi said:
I dont categorize members, and Im happy for any tip I get.
The only difference I can think of would be someone tipping 1000 for all my content, its great! And I really appreciate it! :D If someone tips 1000 just as a gift/because they like me its a lot more mind blowing and feels like a bigger tip :twocents-02cents: :oops:

This reminds me of something I was curious about but have never thought to ask about!

Does there ever come a point, where you (as in, models) feel a member is tipping too much and do you ever worry that they're not simply tipping because they enjoy your company but because they're hoping it's gonna lead to something romantic/sexual down the line?

I'm sure that the majority of tips that are given "just because" are given without anything being expected in return. But I sometimes wonder if some of the guys who camp out in a model's room and continually go above and beyond for them, tipping them thousands upon thousands of dollars each and every month are secretly hoping for something to come of it.

I would only personally assume that if they kept asking about my location and hinting at meeting up, or telling me they loved me or something. Then Id probably have the alarm bells going off and try to distance myself.
mynameisbob84 said:
Does there ever come a point, where you (as in, models) feel a member is tipping too much and do you ever worry that they're not simply tipping because they enjoy your company but because they're hoping it's gonna lead to something romantic/sexual down the line?

Good gawd, this happened to me way too many times. Before joining mfc, I have never thought that I should have rules for members to respect, like "you can't buy a romantic relationship with tokens" sort of thing. Some guys backed off and understood where the line has been drawn, others I had to ban.
Just Me said:
The Insider said:
free & basics = no tipping, maybe in the future but in essence whats ruining the cam biz. There is no incentive to join when you can see a model practically birth her cervix outside her body for free

You are assuming that is the only reason to join. What incentive do the whales have to tip 10k a month? It certainly is not to see the model naked or perform shows. As you pointed out, they can see that for free if they wanted to. You never know what will get a basic or guest to sign up and start spending money. The social engineering of MFC I find quite interesting and very successful.

True, you don't know whats gonna finally make someone take the plunge, maybe they grow to like a model & want to tip her. And I would say other whales do it for similar reasons, because they have a fav model.

I suppose what i was trying to say by saying that there is no incentive to join is that it's all laid out right from the start. If you wanna see pee hole fucking or speculum play you can find is all as a guest, all for free. Thats pretty extreme considering not long ago models on every other site used to be in underwear or bikinis
JordanBlack said:
mynameisbob84 said:
Does there ever come a point, where you (as in, models) feel a member is tipping too much and do you ever worry that they're not simply tipping because they enjoy your company but because they're hoping it's gonna lead to something romantic/sexual down the line?

Good gawd, this happened to me way too many times. Before joining mfc, I have never thought that I should have rules for members to respect, like "you can't buy a romantic relationship with tokens" sort of thing. Some guys backed off and understood where the line has been drawn, others I had to ban.

I think there is an element to it with big tippers. Even when they know technically nothing will happen. A large amount of them will want more. Even though I am still friends with most of my past regulars, I know that the reason they left me to seek out other models is because they came to grips with the fact that they were never going to have a romantic relationship with me. My two old favourites and best tippers, one when he realised I wouldn't even meet him for a coffee started seeking other models (which always kind of bothered me as none of them ever met him for a coffee either), he actually started some form of an online relationship with a model who never met him and kept standing him up. I don't know what she really wanted, she stopped him going to mfc though and wasted over 6 months of his life giving him hope and then standing him up. Another of my favourites realised nothing was going to happen with me and got over it, although we stayed friends and he did still tip me, he found another model who he got a crush on and hoped for more with. Then he got a girlfriend in real life. Other good regulars I've lost because they've "fallen for me" and various other things.

So yes, in my experience members have always wanted more than I can give them. I have some good regulars at the moment who I do think understand that it will never happen, although I do get the impression that most would like to meet me at some point and would love something more to happen. However realistic you are I guess it's kind of natural to fantasise about a different relationship with a girl you're tipping that much to. A lot of members though who've been my regulars have come to mfc not really thinking of it as long time, have met me and have been convinced to stick around, so I've always known that they will move on and they want more. Long term regular members I've met (who are decent tippers) seem to be in a situation that they are either not looking for a relationship with a more long term view to it(possibly married) or they've currently given up on the idea, or long term they have not been able to find a relationship so are looking for a more long term solution. If you are in this situation then yes you may tip a lot with absolutely no hope or expectations that something more may happen.

Most members I've had as regulars have been between my age and late 30s and still definitely looking for someone or have just got out of a relationship. In these situations chances are you're going to be more eager/interested in having a physical relationship with a cam model. I know if there were a site like mfc with male cam models who interact in the same way female models interact I would have trouble not falling for them/wanting them. In real life I can sleep with any man I want as long as he's not taken or gay, so I would have trouble interacting and talking to a guy I'm attracted to and like and accepting that nothing would happen between us. Because of that I do kind of understand the egotistical dicks who come on mfc and think that they might have a chance with camgirls because they're good looking. I will never understand though the ones who think that good looks is payment. I would never freeload on a camguy/take up his attention and not tip.
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My biggest tip ever was offline, and it was 1250, and the tip note was so sweet... I was glad I wasn't logged in because my mascara wasn't waterproof and I cried like a baby. My "whale tippers" are just a tad above your freeloaders!
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