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Elevator Prank

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DoctorVen said:
EdgarAllenWhoa said:
Okay..over thinking it all you want...but when that kid started screaming...
I would have pee'd, right there...right holding back.
Then maybe since I could not flee, I would have tackled know the whole fight or flight response.
I know in my head that ghosts aren't real, I know I know...but that setup...Pee, then's not manly response, but, it's an honest one :oops:
Only thing worse if there was a clown with the kid, holding a ventriloquist dummy...I think my reaction...well lets not even get into that.
Now you've got me. I may not be fooled easily, but clowns and dummies scare the fuck outta me. That's not even funny to joke about!

Seriously? I've always been curious about the fear of clowns. A close friend is a USAF fire fighter that was decorated for walking into a burning plane to save the pilot and yet even @ 29, is terrified of clowns. I know his mom very well and there was never any clown associated trauma as a child. Once his buddies in the firehouse found out, he was razzed mercilessly. He was coming home on leave and had packed his duffel. They put this puppet inside along with a remote operated device to make the bag visibly wiggle like something live was inside. He was about to pick it up when they keyed the remote. He opened it up to see WTF they had put inside.
They said he screamed like a woman, ran all the way to the other side of the barracks and hit the wall. :lol:


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Even if they are not acting, I think it is staged, the show is only going to air the best reactions. :twocents-02cents:
Okay... Seriously...see above pic^

That's not even a little bit freaky /scary to you????

Give me a break...I saw that pic and instinctively reached for my aluminum softball bat.

Maybe its something about John Wayne Gacy...or Pennywise...or just the fact that clowns smell of liquor and defeat and death.
That Steve-O was in clown college and that clown college is more difficult to get into then Harvard...
and that there probably is a course like gee I don't know :
Serial Killing 101
Cadaver Dancing 201(some kind of freaky dance on a corpse)
Advanced European Clown Slaughtering 306 (its a term abroad greasing people in hostels) for advanced placement

okay, yes, a little over the top...but clowns...seriously

*addendum: Here's the weird thing, hate clowns...LOVE zombies. Have tried talking one of my fav.models into doing all girl zombie show with 2 of her model friends...she thought it was weird ...I still think it would have been fun :lol:
EdgarAllenWhoa said:
Okay... Seriously...see above pic^

That's not even a little bit freaky /scary to you????

Give me a break...I saw that pic and instinctively reached for my aluminum softball bat.

Maybe its something about John Wayne Gacy...or Pennywise...or just the fact that clowns smell of liquor and defeat and death.
That Steve-O was in clown college and that clown college is more difficult to get into then Harvard...
and that there probably is a course like gee I don't know :
Serial Killing 101
Cadaver Dancing 201(some kind of freaky dance on a corpse)
Advanced European Clown Slaughtering 306 (its a term abroad greasing people in hostels) for advanced placement

okay, yes, a little over the top...but clowns...seriously

*addendum: Here's the weird thing, hate clowns...LOVE zombies. Have tried talking one of my fav.models into doing all girl zombie show with 2 of her model friends...she thought it was weird ...I still think it would have been fun :lol:

My first reaction was trying to figure out if it was a man in a mask or puppet of some sort. I know, I'm no fun.

I like clowns! I made friends with a clown here. He drives around in this crazy vehicle and likes The Beatles. He also told me that my hair was art and his entire life story. All of my friends think he is weird. :lol:

I wish they would have showed more footage, like the aftereffect and maybe setting it up. I wonder if they considered that someone might hurt the child. Maybe the child is trained in super kung fu and they did a weapons check or something. I'm curious mostly about where all those people thought they were going. *twilight music*

Edit: Juggalos, on the other hand, just annoy the fuck out of me. I do not consider them clowns.
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Bob, that picture is creepy as fuck!! :icon-cry: I'm not sure when I started being afraid of them, I just always have been. I also don't like the dark, but don't tell anyone! :shhh:

Also, LOL @ juggalos. :lol: I have seen many an ICP parody.
This video was spammed to hell on my facebook timeline, but if I was in the elevator I would have shit my pants
VeronicaChaos said:
My first reaction was trying to figure out if it was a man in a mask or puppet of some sort. I know, I'm no fun.

I like clowns! I made friends with a clown here. He drives around in this crazy vehicle and likes The Beatles. He also told me that my hair was art and his entire life story. All of my friends think he is weird. :lol:

I wish they would have showed more footage, like the aftereffect and maybe setting it up. I wonder if they considered that someone might hurt the child. Maybe the child is trained in super kung fu and they did a weapons check or something. I'm curious mostly about where all those people thought they were going. *twilight music*

Edit: Juggalos, on the other hand, just annoy the fuck out of me. I do not consider them clowns.

Your clown friend...when he gets out of his clown car do another 30 of them come piling out after him? :)

Sure your hair was art...probably because he wants to hang it on the wall of his gruesome bouncy clown castle of death. Did he mention in his life story that he likes to you know...hang around parking lots after the stores close??? That he goes on road trips periodically to "research clown techniques"?
Get a DNA swab from MR CLOWN, I'm telling you'll clear up any missing persons/unsolved grisly deaths in the area....clowns...DAMN.

I.C.P. : Putting the rash in white trash since 1991...Juggalos:In a desperate attempt to be SOOO different then everyone else...your all the same...get some dull tribal tat from 1995 on one arm and mosh/middle finger at the Pontiac Silverdome in Detroit...hmmm...I think I vented there...a bit :p

Oh and for Ven :


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EdgarAllenWhoa said:
Oh and for Ven :

This is why I thoroughly endorse the idea of basements that extend slightly above ground and have windows close to the ceiling. Such places are as fun as attics!
LadyLuna said:
This is why I thoroughly endorse the idea of basements that extend slightly above ground and have windows close to the ceiling. Such places are as fun as attics!
And with motion sensing flood lights.

It's ok Ven. We have to make sure every light bulb in the house works or I have a mini panic attack until the dead ones get changed. I also keep a flash light in every room next to where I'll be and matches and candles stashed decoratively so nobody guesses it's just because I'm afraid of the dark. :oops:
They did another with a dead body falling out of a coffin in the same elevator.

It isn't a real elevator at all. Behind the glass screens are cameras. One of the guys who panicked when the dead body fell out actually clawed the doors open and ran out of the lobby; the lift had never moved whatsoever... It's all fake.

How does it feel like its moving? Same way you can get sea sick just by people standing infront of you swaying... you believe what you want to :p
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The creepiness of clowns? Unless a clown killed and ate your dad, attribute it to their unnaturalness (their existence in the "Uncanny Valley"). Their outfits and makeup make them look just inhuman enough, with a false, painted-on expression, the sometimes out-of-proportion parts (e.g., big shoes, baggy clothing), exaggerated movements, and various other bits and pieces that serve to make them less familiar than some can handle. With live clowns there may also be trust issues, knowing that a person is intentionally hiding themselves behind such a disguise.

Zombies and the like should ostensibly fit into that same category of unnatural humanoid things, but since people know the living dead don't really exist as such, the fear isn't nearly the same.
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Zoomer said:
They did another with a dead body falling out of a coffin in the same elevator.

It isn't a real elevator at all. Behind the glass screens are cameras. One of the guys who panicked when the dead body fell out actually clawed the doors open and ran out of the lobby; the lift had never moved whatsoever... It's all fake.

How does it feel like its moving? Same way you can get sea sick just by people standing infront of you swaying... you believe what you want to :p

I remember that :lol: .... it was good lolz watching the reactions. I'd love to see some of the edited out footage. I'm thinking the clips are by far the best overall and that most have a bit more common sense about it all and a lot less reaction.
Don't know if it was the same show but there's also another elevator one where they used a real elevator and rigged it to go to the basement where a guy had supposedly hanged himself off the stairway railing. They only pranked women for that one.
That poor actress! :lol: The second gif seems a lot more like what BJ or I would do in that situation though, rotfl....
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