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Elevator Prank

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Someone hold me please! I'm a claustrophobe who is afraid of creepy children and I'm totally weirded out by dolls (all dolls are just creepy to me even mannequins)! I will be using the stairs from now on! :scared-ghostface:
LMAO .. That's awesome. :crybaby: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ya also have to keep in mind the folks in South America are a lot more into the "heebie geebie" aspects of death, afterlife and religion than most of us here are.
loll that's so mean but hilarious, I feel like they can get away with more extreme pranks in some countries, I don't think they'd do that here
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I don't know about you guys, but I get violent when I'm scared. :shock: My first reaction would have been to take my duffel bag of a purse and start swinging. Granted, that would have ruined the joke and I probably would have threw something at the producers. :oops: I'm not a nice person when I'm scared.

My poor dad, brother and BJ have all gotten really big goose eggs from trying to startle me. :shifty:
This is HORRIBLE! I have a very major issue with creepy ghost children, the kind of issue that instills a true sense of panic and FEAR in me. Like the kind of fear that makes people keel over.

Also, I'm an attacker. I would have pissed my pants but also would have beat the shit out of some little girl. Bad idea. Ever since I was little and my brother started scaring me I've always responded with fight, not flight. It's an instinctual reaction that many people have and that little girl is LUCKY she doesn't have a broken nose!
It probably moves at first, but then stops when teh lights go out. They would assume there is power trouble, which would prevent the elevator from moving.
LadyLuna said:
It probably moves at first, but then stops when teh lights go out. They would assume there is power trouble, which would prevent the elevator from moving.

Only the numbers go up, and then the lights go out. Those people should have noticed that. There is no safe way to get the ghost into the elevator if it was really changing floors. Sometimes I help the elevator repair guy when he just needs an extra set of hands.
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EasyBakeBabyOven said:
Maybe they used one of those vibrating floors? :think:

Vibration and acceleration feel different to me. I think they either found some really unobservant people, or they faked it with actors.
JoleneBrody said:
This is HORRIBLE! I have a very major issue with creepy ghost children, the kind of issue that instills a true sense of panic and FEAR in me. Like the kind of fear that makes people keel over.

Also, I'm an attacker. I would have pissed my pants but also would have beat the shit out of some little girl. Bad idea. Ever since I was little and my brother started scaring me I've always responded with fight, not flight. It's an instinctual reaction that many people have and that little girl is LUCKY she doesn't have a broken nose!

Me too! And my bf said the same thing, I cant imagine some little girl getting punched in the face by a grown woman, let alone a grown man. How could they not have thought of this? :think:

I did think the video was pretty hilarious though but also wondered how they didnt worry about possible issues with the elderly people in the video too!
Shaun__ said:
EasyBakeBabyOven said:
Maybe they used one of those vibrating floors? :think:

Vibration and acceleration feel different to me. I think they either found some really unobservant people, or they faked it with actors.
Fact is, people are easy to fool, especially when they're not in their comfort zone to begin with. They see the numbers move and possibly other cues that threw their minds off the illogic of the setup.

More suspicious is how apparently each set of people or person reacted almost identically. Scream, cringe, try to hide in the wall, etc. I wasn't there but I can't help thinking what I'd have done is say, "wth? how the hell did you get in here, child?"
JoleneBrody said:
This is HORRIBLE! I have a very major issue with creepy ghost children, the kind of issue that instills a true sense of panic and FEAR in me. Like the kind of fear that makes people keel over.

Also, I'm an attacker. I would have pissed my pants but also would have beat the shit out of some little girl. Bad idea. Ever since I was little and my brother started scaring me I've always responded with fight, not flight. It's an instinctual reaction that many people have and that little girl is LUCKY she doesn't have a broken nose!

This is a fair point actually, and if the people involved weren't actors, then the producers of the show really were putting that little girl at risk. All it would have taken was for one adult to go into "self defence mode" and attack the kid and she could have been injured or worse before anyone would have been able to intervene.
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EasyBakeBabyOven said:
I don't know about you guys, but I get violent when I'm scared. :shock: My first reaction would have been to take my duffel bag of a purse and start swinging. Granted, that would have ruined the joke and I probably would have threw something at the producers. :oops: I'm not a nice person when I'm scared.

My poor dad, brother and BJ have all gotten really big goose eggs from trying to startle me. :shifty:
This was my excite thought.
If I feel I am in actual danger...I will protect myself. Which means firstly attacking that poor child.
Shaun__ said:
LadyLuna said:
It probably moves at first, but then stops when teh lights go out. They would assume there is power trouble, which would prevent the elevator from moving.

Only the numbers go up, and then the lights go out. Those people should have noticed that. There is no safe way to get the ghost into the elevator if it was really changing floors. Sometimes I help the elevator repair guy when he just needs an extra set of hands.

Pffff. :snooty: aww com'on y'all. :woops: ... leave the dark safety of your house and think production. If they went to all this effort to create a completely fake wall and elevator, FOR A TV PRANK SHOW, I'm sure they would have added some vibration to the base to give the real feel as well as perhaps even some minor hydraulics to give the stop shake that happens when the safety breaks engage in a power outage.... I believe the term is "Special Effects"... :lol:
I love Brazil TV.. they have a lot of decent pranks that we'd never do here in the states cuz the people have become so fragile.
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I assumed it was a real elevator (why would they make a whole fake one) that only went up one floor, where the child was waiting, then it was rigged to stop etc.

As to the kid being attacked, I dunno I don't think my first reaction would be to attack a child even if it was scary/seemed like a ghost - it wasn't actually hurting them.

I think however it comes down to this - one of the reasons we would not do that prank in Australia or the US is because people would be worried about all the 'what-ifs', and who will be held responsible if x happens or y happens. There are many more examples of countries where this isn't the case (Russia is probably a good one), whether it's just a different social attitude or the willingness to take risk to make a good show or make money.
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The floor the gentleman runs off of looks very familiar to me, but I can not place it. That elevator just sits there.

Shaun__ said:
The floor the gentleman runs off of looks very familiar to me, but I can not place it. That elevator just sits there.
Yes, obviously he exits on the ground floor again but it's possible that after they have the footage they need from each 'victim' the elevator lurches back down one floor to release them. It doesn't show the others exiting or the crew explaining that it was a joke so clearly we ARE missing some of the timeline.
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Jupiter551 said:
Shaun__ said:
The floor the gentleman runs off of looks very familiar to me, but I can not place it. That elevator just sits there.
Yes, obviously he exits on the ground floor again but it's possible that after they have the footage they need from each 'victim' the elevator lurches back down one floor to release them. It doesn't show the others exiting or the crew explaining that it was a joke so clearly we ARE missing some of the timeline.

You are making it more complicated than it would ever have reason to be.
Shaun__ said:
Jupiter551 said:
Shaun__ said:
The floor the gentleman runs off of looks very familiar to me, but I can not place it. That elevator just sits there.
Yes, obviously he exits on the ground floor again but it's possible that after they have the footage they need from each 'victim' the elevator lurches back down one floor to release them. It doesn't show the others exiting or the crew explaining that it was a joke so clearly we ARE missing some of the timeline.

You are making it more complicated than it would ever have reason to be.
Not really, I see them using an actual elevator as the simplest solution
Jupiter551 said:
Not really, I see them using an actual elevator as the simplest solution

They may have cut a hole in the side of an elevator, but it did not leave the first floor. You can see the lady outside listening to the door, you can what floor it opens to, and common sense safety procedures also says it should never budge from that spot.
Okay..over thinking it all you want...but when that kid started screaming...

I would have pee'd, right there...right holding back.
Then maybe since I could not flee, I would have tackled know the whole fight or flight response.
I know in my head that ghosts aren't real, I know I know...but that setup...Pee, then's not manly response, but, it's an honest one :oops:

Only thing worse if there was a clown with the kid, holding a ventriloquist dummy...I think my reaction...well lets not even get into that.
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EdgarAllenWhoa said:
Okay..over thinking it all you want...but when that kid started screaming...

I would have pee'd, right there...right holding back.
Then maybe since I could not flee, I would have tackled know the whole fight or flight response.
I know in my head that ghosts aren't real, I know I know...but that setup...Pee, then's not manly response, but, it's an honest one :oops:

Only thing worse if there was a clown with the kid, holding a ventriloquist dummy...I think my reaction...well lets not even get into that.
Now you've got me. I may not be fooled easily, but clowns and dummies scare the fuck outta me. That's not even funny to joke about!
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This program, and other programs with pranks here in Brazil, are notorious for faking people reactions. They got some good pranks and some really bad pranks so watch them with a grain of salt.

This prank takes place near a cemetery - yeah, that is a skeleton riding a bike.

At a morgue
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