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Dream at night?

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Dec 19, 2019
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Sorry if this is nosey, it's just a topic that I am really curious about. Every night (or maybe early morning) I have really vivid, intense dreams. And they often affect my mood for the whole of the day. Usually, they are positive or neutral, once in a while, they are stress dreams. Anyways the point is I always remember them (in a lot of detail). However, a lot of the men I've been with and talked to it about, either a) don't have dreams, b) have dreams but don't remember them, or c) only have dreams and remember them every few months.

My question to everyone here, regardless of gender, is how often do you dream/ remember your dreams? Are they super vivid like being in a movie? Are they often lucid?
I've never really thought to talk about it much w female friends, I guess because I generally don't wake up next to them. So I'm just curious about people in general. It just so happens I've mainly only talked about it w only men before.
I dream intensely every night. Very vivid and only occasionally lucid but I am working on that. I basically get to watch these insane films in my mind every night, usually multiple times a night. When I smoked a lot more weed they were a less vivid and I didn't always remember them. Most people I have discussed it with don't remember their dreams. I try to write them down in my dream journal as it helps with building lucidity and eventually astral projecting by will. I have astral projected a few times but never on purpose. It has been like this all of my life. This may sound crazy to most people but I have had many dreams that have predicted (or shown?) future events, both mundane things in my life and even world changing events such as 9-11.

While I think it is very cool, it can totally mess with my head and inform my mood for days on end depending on the nature of the dream. Especially when you don't know which dreams will come true.

Now I sound like a total crazy coconut lol
I dream intensely every night. Very vivid and only occasionally lucid but I am working on that. I basically get to watch these insane films in my mind every night, usually multiple times a night. When I smoked a lot more weed they were a less vivid and I didn't always remember them. Most people I have discussed it with don't remember their dreams. I try to write them down in my dream journal as it helps with building lucidity and eventually astral projecting by will. I have astral projected a few times but never on purpose. It has been like this all of my life. This may sound crazy to most people but I have had many dreams that have predicted (or shown?) future events, both mundane things in my life and even world changing events such as 9-11.

While I think it is very cool, it can totally mess with my head and inform my mood for days on end depending on the nature of the dream. Especially when you don't know which dreams will come true.

Now I sound like a total crazy coconut lol
This is exactly me too, but I didn't want to say all those parts for fear of sounding like a crazy coconut. So we are both crazy coconuts together.
The only differences or thing you said which isn't exactly me too, was the lucid part. A lot of mine are lucid. Oh and the weed part. I don't partake right now, but it doesn't affect mine when I do, it might even make them more clear.
I probably dream more often than not, and while I don't always remember everything with great detail, I usually remember a good amount of it after I wake up. My dreams tend to be like movies as well, and I've often had dreams where it feels like I'm re-living the same story but I get a little further each time I have the same dream. Funnily enough I remember a series of dreams I had where I was kinda Spiderman in Europe, but I also had the power to turn invisible, all before Far From Home or into the Spiderverse came out... Sony/Marvel have clearly hacked into my dreams and I should sue for damages 😤
oh yes ,i remember them,but during the day less details. I always wake up and searching for the meaning of is not very useful info usually . I wish i could turn them off completelly.
I’m the same as far as lucid and vivid dreams. It was a skill I learned as a young lad with recuring dreams that I was going to the bathroom...... well guess what I found had happened when I woke. So I trained myself at a young age to recognize dream toilets and the skill has developed from there.

staying on general topic, I’ve been able to insert my favorite cam model into my dreams. The cool part is those dreams have only left me with positive feelings, not the haunting unhappy feeling that can occur, as op stated.
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I've been dreaming all my live intensely and very clearly. I think even my oldest memories as a kid are dreams I had. I was born into a family where dreaming and meditation was encouraged. Also I'm a night walker. As a Kid very often, now occasionally. I've found many decisions in dreams. Many nightmares, vision-like stuff. When I was 17 it became a problem, weed was an amplifier. Stronger things came and rough realities using lucid dreaming as an escape. Until I stood in the middle of a very busy street, thought I was dreaming and capable of flying away, but got hit by a car, ambulance to hospital, body was smashed, died on the way to hospital..... next day woke up, turned out to still be alive, what a nightmare. Went into a very good therapy right after that.
Main point was to transform the dreams into creativity. Dreaming can be as powerful as it can be horrifying, like life itself. I thing its good to open up to those horrors. I'd rather meet and fight them in a dream state when I'm a powerful magical entity.
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weed was an amplifier.
It's really interesting how different substances affect different people so differently.

Back when I was prescribed Adderall I noticed it killed my dreams, and when I did have them they were really dark-themed and more nightmarish. Same w Ritalin. Although there are probably people those meds have the opposite effect on too.

Weed enhances mine too but pot dulls out other people's dreams, so it must depend on personal biochemistry. Alcohol dulls mine out as well.

I find all this so fascinating. I appreciate all the sharing, reading everyone's responses is really interesting. So far it actually looks like way more people than I thought have really vivid and intense dreams, that they can actually recall really well.
I dream most nights. Intensely lucid dreaming sometimes, but rarely. Usually my lucid dreaming comes right before my alarm goes off. Occasionally, I can get back into it but it’s uncommon.

I have done some research on lucid dreaming and it definitely appears to be something one can get better at. I just haven’t been willing to put in the effort. And while dreaming is not an exact science that we understand, most experts believe that we all dream throughout the night but most of us simply forget our dreams by the time we wake up. It may have something to do with where we are in our REM cycle when we awake.
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I find all this so fascinating. I appreciate all the sharing, reading everyone's responses is really interesting.
me too!! thanks for this htread!! I find it highly exiting to hear about peoples dreams! Maybe a fetish! I'll have to constrain myself to not write about my whole dream life :)

We enter into an world that is entirely our own. Science says its random electrical discharges in the brain, but how and why these discharges trigger exactly those dreams we are dreaming nobody knows. The brain uses familiar elements out of the memory to try to make sense of it. So the selection of these pictures and events is far from random. The crazy thing about it is that in "reality" we do exactly the same. Our brain uses fantasy and imagination in every second of every day. We would be totally lost without it. Every decision requires imagination. Maybe dreams are something like a training ground for this.
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Maybe a fetish!
Wait... whaaaaaaaaaat do you mean by that?
If this thread is making your cock hard I just want you to know that I accept most currencies ...

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

We enter into an world that is entirely our own. Science says its random electrical discharges in the brain, but how and why these discharges trigger exactly those dreams we are dreaming nobody knows. The brain uses familiar elements out of the memory to try to make sense of it. So the selection of these pictures and events is far from random. The crazy thing about it is that in "reality" we do exactly the same. Our brain uses fantasy and imagination in every second of every day. We would be totally lost without it. Every decision requires imagination. Maybe dreams are something like a training ground for this.
Hmmm. Now that was a highly interesting 9 sentences.
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oh, nice thread :)
I like my dreams and remember them often. I work hard also on this Lucid aspect since (many) years now, the way the 2 half of a brain can remain at different levels of conscience at the same time is not only amusing but we could certainly gain a lot to let them communicate more often.
I work on it during my sleep by taking a lot of precautions to not awake too much my conscience when I become lucid and also during the start phase of the dive into sleep, to catch up the very moment I get asleep. It's not easy to not pay too much attention to this and let the things go on without acting too much, but it's a fact that being aware is being awake, and staying asleep is a must to listen your right brain xD

I love also, just before the sleep, to remain awake but eyes closed, and take my time to catch some pictures forged by my dream-machine. If you stay relax (without paying too much attention, it's important) you can see appearing faces or objects in 3d and technicolor ^^

This said, I believe that all my dreams come only from myself or my own past experience. All persons acting in them are a part of me or a part of the way I see them, and dreams are the way the right brain is doing it's connections, consolidates it's memory and also experiments strange things. If some of them can be premonitory dreams, it's only due to the fact that signs existed in the past and my conscience didn't notice it but the dream-machine mixes everything in all directions, just to try anything... sorting it is not interesting.

Hence, I keep a good serenity facing the worst dreams or the bests phantasms. See, I began very young to face my nightmares like this and now, It's much more frequent that I wake up laughing because of some stupid dream xD
I find that I dream most nights, there have been times that I try to keep a dream journal and just jot down the bullets of the dream. But, I just could never develop the habit of consistently writing something the moment I wake up. And then when I finally have a point where I can sit down and start writing about the dream, it is fragmented and my mind starts going off into other directions. I find that rarely I have dreams about my past, you know recalling an adventure from my childhood or reliving something from highschool or college. There are times I would say my dreams feel like a movie have a plot and things going on. Which those I hate that I randomly will wake up in the middle of it and have to go to the bathroom or something. And then when I lay back down I hope that I can pick up right where I left off, but it never happens. It's like being in a fantastic TV show or movie and then your power goes out and you can't remember what channel it was on or the name of the movie/show when everything comes back.

The thing that always intrigues me about my dreams is that I don't see a lot of my friends/family members in them. Yet I have relationships with people in my dreams that I never recall meeting/or seeing in my real life. It's like where do these people come from? Why do I feel so connected to them? This is the part of me that wishes I was better at capturing the dreams right when I wake up.
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Sorry if this is nosey, it's just a topic that I am really curious about.


Child: Was vivid hallucinations while awake, probably from meds treating asthma, before the swapped to the newer inhalers.
Teens: I think it was more dream while 1/2 awake and going to sleep, then that would continue into the sleep. With a vague recollection in the morning / sometimes.

Now days I fall into here somewhere...
>a) don't have dreams, or c) only have dreams and remember them every few months.
Not really sure which..

As an uneducated on this topic "BS guess", maybe its related to how sleepy you are?
Like now days I often work 2 days with no sleep, then crash for 12-15 hours
I mean now days I push my body, and when when i goto sleep / click im gone...

As a child, things were more routine... oh.. its 8pm now. time to goto bed, see you at 7am, 11 hours later, Daily.. So up 13 sleep 11 usually.
And now is more up 18 hours, sleep 6... or up 48 hours, sleep 12-15 hours. Etc etc.
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I don’t know the science behind it, but it seems like I dream more vividly when I’m sleeping lightly or moderately deep. Or maybe it’s just that when I sleep like a stone, I’m too groggy to remember the dream. I dunno.

But these days they’re almost always positive or neutral. No nightmares or impending doom scenarios.

The fun thing is when my mind takes random tidbits from my life and mashes them up into the same dream with zero regard for whether it makes any sense. Like people speaking languages they do not speak, or hanging out in crazy places with famous people they’ve never met in real life, as if they’re lifelong friends.

Gonna go fire up Silent Lucidity on Spotify now...
As long as I can remember I've had an active "sleep life". Sometimes I have dreams that sticks with me for hours after I wake up, and other times I am somewhere between having a lucid dream and sleepwalking. I have never tried to control the latter, just going along with it and trying to understand what I am doing and maybe why. It has scared the hell out of whoever I slept next to or in the same room as, since I in typical sleepwalker fashion respond to talking and look awake. This sort-of sleepwalking is almost always a physical response to something I dreamt, and I found I can often trigger it just by sleeping the other way around in the bed (pillow at the foot end). My dog has gotten used to these escapades now, but 10 years ago when I got him he used to bark concerned at me when I had these nightly activities lol.

I also slept with earplugs for extended periods of time because the environment was noisy, and whenever I did that my dreams were more vivid.

I've also had nearly the same periodic, recurring dream since I was about 8-10 years old. It comes back every so often and repeats for a few nights, then disappears again for a long time. The dream is basically me wandering slowly through a rolling, wooded landscape feeling very calm and peaceful. Sometimes I meet faceless people and sometimes I don't, but it's all positive.

I used to have pretty regular nightmares about (or because of, rather) specific things, but they started to slowly fade away about 15 years ago. Waking up drenched in sweat and a 200 pulse is draining, so I'm happy about that.
As long as I can remember I've had an active "sleep life"

Your post got me interested, so I went hunting..

How to improve REM sleep
  • Establish a bedtime routine. Following the same bedtime routine every night prepares the body and mind for sleep. ...
Woke 12pm Friday and stayed up until 12pm Saturday
Slept 12pm sat to 9pm Sat.
Awake 9pm Sat to 11am Sun,
11am Sunday , so now time for bed
So yeah no routine and no alarm clock used, just wake when i wake, and sleep when I'm overtired.
  • Reduce night time waking. Loud sounds, warm temperatures, and bright lights can interrupt sleep. ...
Sleep next to a few computer monitors and a large screen tv which plays tv on loop 24/7
  • Get enough sleep. .
Often stay awake 48 hours and then sleep 12-15
  • Be mindful of your beverage intake.
Drink few litres of coffee daily.
  • Make exercise a daily priority

So yeah, probably why the no dreaming lols..

+ This app looks interesting

Ahh screw it, will download it and then goto sleep..
  • Get enough sleep. .
Often stay awake 48 hours and then sleep 12-15
The impractical and boring thing about sleep is that you can't catch up on it. It's like brushing your teeth, eating and exercising; you have to do it every day to get results. Boring, I know, and for various reasons I haven't followed that advice myself for large parts of my life. But it's worth keeping in the back of your head. Personally I'm much happier and productive (and feel 8% more handsome :p) when the planets align and I can settle into a sleep routine.

Good luck!
@CheeseMoon : Sleepwalking can be terrifying, true. I had a complicated dream 2 weeks ago, and for me lucid dreaming seems to always start with me recognizing myself inside the dream. Like finding myself in a dream with my sleeping blanket still around me.

I got up from my bed and sat across the room on a chair watching my body sleeping in the bed. Then the arms of my body became longer and longer and as my mind sat there my bodies "body" lying on the bed its hands leaving the room. My mind followed them into the kitchen, arms stretched through the whole flat. In the kitchen the hands took a glass and poured water in it, flew back into the sleeping room.

Next morning there was a half full glass of water next to my bed and I'm sure it wasn't there the night before.

I keep asking myself: If our mind is that capable of stretching, combining and creating realities. How is it in "real life" and what makes it so different from dreams?
And GF once told me that in the middle of the night I stood on my bed, eyes closed, acting like a blind man. She asked what was wrong,
me: Baby wake me up, quickly!!
GF: Ok
me: Wake me up! This party is shit, we have to go home!
GF didn't wake me up but took me by the hand on a tour through the flat and somehow convinced me while I was sleepwalking that we are about to come home from a party.
I got up from my bed and sat across the room on a chair watching my body sleeping in the bed. Then the arms of my body became longer and longer and as my mind sat there my bodies "body" lying on the bed its hands leaving the room. My mind followed them into the kitchen, arms stretched through the whole flat. In the kitchen the hands took a glass and poured water in it, flew back into the sleeping room.

Next morning there was a half full glass of water next to my bed and I'm sure it wasn't there the night before.
Wow! I have never experienced seeing myself in a dream, like some type of out of body experience. Are you lucid throughout the whole thing? Interesting stuff!

I'm always watching everything from my body's perspective, but I have woken up to mysterious (re)arrangements to stuff, notes in my own handwriting and miscellaneous oddness. Once in the 90s when I was married, my wife became very concerned after I had created a pile of cookware inside the main door to our flat, as some kind of makeshift burglar alarm. It was when I used to have nightmares after spending extended periods in the middle east and had to "sleep with one eye open ".
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I used to sleepwalk and sleep talk when I was a child, but never anymore.
When I first met my boyfriend (around 4 years ago) he sleep talked and said the strangest things. One time I even woke up and he was petting some giant creature, and talking to it. He did it almost every night, and it got to the point where I put ear plugs in to stay asleep.

Now he literally never does it anymore. Sometimes I wonder if the fact that he had a way more stressful job, and that our relationship was way less stable and settled at that point, contributed to it. We got pregnant pretty soon after first meeting, which was wanted, but also a really stressful, huge life change on both of us. He always says he never dreams, but it was obvious from the things he said that he was dreaming. So I think in his case he just doesn't remember his dreams/ is unable to recall them.

One time he shouted; "1978 that one's going down in the books" in his sleep. He wasn't even alive/ born yet in 1978? So I'm assuming it was some kind of sports reference, knowing him.
There was probably some amazing baseball play that happened in 1978 that he was dreaming about.
He drinks coffee and is a daily pothead, but he doesn't drink alcohol barely ever, never does any hard drugs, or even takes any medications.
So I have no clue what's going on in his cranium.

Sidenote; I wonder if there are people out there who sleep fuck? Like can you imagine how hilarious it would be to wake up to your partner stood up air humping an invisible person?!? That would make me laugh so hard! I'd tape it, to tease them about later. I guess it would be considerably less hilarious if you woke up and there was cum all over the kitchen counter or something though.
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and is a daily pothead
Could be the reason his dreams appear to have gone missing. A colleague of mine was experimentally treated for PTSD with cannabis to suppress his less than quiet nights, and he said it went from chaos every night to pitch black. On the flip side he felt sort of exhausted or unrested when he woke up, and after a few months he stopped the treatment so he at least could function during the daytime. But I guess this is individual.

I'm no expert though. I smoked pot once 20 years ago, didn't understand what all the fuzz was about and never tried it again. Cultural thing, maybe ...
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Could be the reason his dreams appear to have gone missing. A colleague of mine was experimentally treated for PTSD with cannabis to suppress his less than quiet nights, and he said it went from chaos every night to pitch black. On the flip side he felt sort of exhausted or unrested when he woke up, and after a few months he stopped the treatment so he at least could function during the daytime. But I guess this is individual.

I'm no expert though. I smoked pot once 20 years ago, didn't understand what all the fuzz was about and never tried it again. Cultural thing, maybe ...
Everyone's biochemistry is different. Different substances affect different people differently.
They never went missing, he's never remembered his dreams. And obviously, he wasn't a pot head as a kid.
So in his case this is an incorrect conclusion. As I mentioned earlier in the thread pot has never had that effect on me either, and I think Gruner or someone mentioned that too. Undoubtedly it does affect other people that way though.

Sidenote; Lots of people get no effect the first time they smoke, that's kind of a well-known phenomenon. I never did either, even though I smoked a shit ton of strong hash my first time. I don't know the biological/ scientific reason behind that, but people talk about it all of the time. I don't think its a cultural thing, I've lived and travelled to lots of different places, and grew up on a completely different continent, where I smoked hash before moving here.
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PS the sleep monitoring app seems amazing.
Apparently you put it on your bedside table and it monitors your breathing etc etc, then gives you a graph of when you were in deep sleep / when in light sleep / etc etc.

Although I have a hard time believing it can hear my breathing from 3 foot away, while there's a TV playing, and a noisy aircon on, and a big sheepdog dog laying on the end of my bed, ETC
But still the graphs it pumps out for overnight, seem impressive even if i'm not sure i believe them, lol.
But still the graphs it pumps out for overnight, seem impressive even if i'm not sure i believe them, lol.
I had one of those a good while ago (the name eludes me ...), but the app blurb said it was mostly meant to illustrate the quality of your sleep after about a month of sleep monitoring. If you gave it enough data it would start suggesting ways to improve your sleep, when your optimal bedtime probably is, how long it think you should sleep, your own circadian rhythm, periods of REM sleep etc. etc. Give it some time, and maybe you will see some kind of pattern evolve :)

The only thing I took away from it was the circadian rhythm it thought I had; 25.5 hrs. It probably explains why I'm here at 0330 in the morning lol
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Sidenote; I wonder if there are people out there who sleep fuck? Like can you imagine how hilarious it would be to wake up to your partner stood up air humping an invisible person?!?
hehe^^ I did, but not with an invisible person.
I mean that I woke up once, in the middle of the action with my ex-wife who thought that I was awake since the beginning. My first reaction being "What ? Why are we at home, I thought we were by your parents"...
I can have extremely intimate feeling dreams. But as soon as I start to slide it in I wake up. So much so I don’t really try to have sex in my dreams. I just enjoy the feeling of anticipation of someone other then my wife.
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When I said the thing about sleep fucking, that was 100% a joke. I definitely don't need nor want to know details about people's sex life in dreams.

The goal of that was to be light-hearted and humorous. To joke around with like minds.

Conan Obrien Ugh GIF by Team Coco
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