I've always had very vivid dreams and nightmares. Some of my nightmares have been so strong that I've woken up with my duvet soaked in sweat with my heart pounding uncontrollably. I get recurring survival horror nightmares. I can stilll write detailed accounts of each one. Everyone has 'rabies' like in the film 24 Days Later, but it only takes skin contact to get infected. I keep running and missing contact by an inch or two. It's like a parkour sequence. I get to higher vantage points like a roof top, but they find a way to get to me. The nightmare ends just before I get infected. The last nightmare ended when I ran into an apartment block and ran upstairs. The infected were running up the stairs and I heard infected running down the stairs towards me. I tried to kick an apt door down to escape, but they closed in on me and I woke up. I think it stems from my liking of gore flicks since the 90's. I watch Fear The Walking Dead and shows like that. My nightmares are just like this scene,
The really potent ones were when I used to experience sleep paralysis. This might sound crazy, but I can't put a price on those dreams. A total adrenaline rush.
I haven't had one for over two years, but I wish I could have one again. I've never experienced a rush like it. In sleep paralysis, you're awake, yet experiencing paranormal events you couldn't even fathom. It's an enigma. I've seen documentries regarding sleep paralysis and found there are others that experience the same nightmare before they knew what sleep paralysis even was. I'm atheist and fully aware that it's not real btw. They all see the same entity that hovers over your paralysed body and stops you breathing, which makes you panic as you think you're going to die. It's referred to on Reddit as the 'sleep paralysis demon'. I remember the last time it happened. I'm deep asleep and feel like I'm waking. I know I'm in bed and can feel the pillow. Then I feel like I've been thrown out of a plane! I can't scream as I'm paralyzed.
The last one was different. It never happened again after that one. For the first time, I somehow subconsciously knew I was going into SP and wasn't scared. I was actually psyched to experience it. It lasted about 40 minutes and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was like extreme poltergiest activity in my room. Then I woke a second time back to actual reality. There was one time I was in a deep dream and 'woke up' into SP. I thought I woke a second time and got out of bed and walked out of the room, but was still seeing hallucinations. I had to wake a third time to actually wake up out of it and was still in bed. Man, maybe I'm still in it now... lost in an alternative reality like that Inception movie (j/k)
As for nice dreams, I regularly get recurring ones where I feel absolute weightlessness and can fly where ever I want like a bird. Sometimes, I fly up really high in the clouds and temporarily panic, realising I don't actually have wings and wonder how the hell I can fly in the first place, thinking I'm about to fall to my death, but then I stop worrying and just fly.
But yeah, I just love surreal deep dreams.
Better than any movie imo