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Does camming ruin future careers?

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Jan 4, 2015
I'm new to camming, and this thought has occurred to me occasionally. I have a Tumblr to advertise when I'm on cam, and I do post pictures of myself, but I have only one picture with my face in it. I don't think I'm going to get huge into camming, but I'm just curious as to what I should expect in the future if I happen to get more into it... I plan on going into the medical field some day as a nurse. How would that be affected? If at all.
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Short can. If anyone stumbles across pictures of you, especially if you're in medicine or something like say a teacher, they can sadly fire you or turn you down for the job. Sorry. :/
If you're at all unsure, I'd stay away from it. Whether you cam a lot or a little, there's a chance you'll be "outed" and that can affect you later on. Also, the longer you cam, the bigger the gap you'll have in your CV (unless you're completely honest and list "camgirl" as a previous occupation).
I feel like it might be worth running past your counselor at school before choosing your path of study officially. When I was signing up for sonography, which I didn't end up doing, I ran it past the school. I wasn't sure how to word it. I just said "stripper". The counselor I was talking to giggled and said it should be fine. Medical jobs do look at your past though. You can't have a criminal record. I do know that.
weirdbr said:
TheMoonSage said:
mynameisbob84 said:
the bigger the gap you'll have in your CV

What is CV? I keep seeing this.

It stands for Curriculum Vitae (I believe in the US it's better known as resume/résumé).

Yup resume in the US (none of them little do hickeys over the letters either :) ). The main group that uses the fancy Latin term CV in the US is academics looking for professorships or grants.
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HiGirlsRHot said:
weirdbr said:
TheMoonSage said:
mynameisbob84 said:
the bigger the gap you'll have in your CV

What is CV? I keep seeing this.

It stands for Curriculum Vitae (I believe in the US it's better known as resume/résumé).

Yup resume in the US (none of them little do hickeys over the letters either :) ). The main group that uses the fancy Latin term CV in the US is academics looking for professorships or grants.

Ahh that makes sense. I mean, I'm going to school. My excuse for when I get my next job as to why I don't have one currently, is because I was focusing on school. Which was accurate at the time. I quit my shitty retail job to focus on schooling that took up every day of the week. Then I became broke and tried camming.
HiGirlsRHot said:
Yup resume in the US (none of them little do hickeys over the letters either :) ). The main group that uses the fancy Latin term CV in the US is academics looking for professorships or grants.
Résumé is a correct English spelling, even in the US.
Yes, that's definitely a possibility. In any career there is the chance of being outed and alienated from your peers. You can be fired depending on your employer's opinion on any morality clause they have in place. I've heard of sex workers being able to fight such things in court, but few people do because: If your employer/coworkers don't want you there, why force yourself back into that position?

You said you don't think you're going to get "huge" into camming but that's not a safe bet. This is the internet and any given moment can be immortalized. That may sound paranoid, but think of memes. A lot of people probably thought "Well this is just a small picture/video that isn't going to get blown out of proportion" and then boom: Numa Numa dance.

On another note: since you're in school you are mostly safe in terms of employment gaps. At the same time many people, like you, are juggling work and school. They can put this on their resumes, which will put many people above you in the eyes of employers. It's very difficult to get work straight out of school with no other experience(at least where I've lived). But I'm not sure how employment opportunities are in your area.
Let's keep in mind that even if you stay 'small time' in the adult industry, it could still have an impact. Probably less so, but there's still a chance. That's something to keep in mind when choosing a job/career like this and what plans you have for your future.
It can, but as a nurse it is unlikely. The certification bodies are much more concerned with skills, and ethical concerns tend to relate to criminal actions. If sex based work is illegal in your country, you may face trouble.
The type of careers that may be a affected involve those with peer based certifications... Legal careers are one. Cam models will never be judges for example.

I must say I disagree personally, for the most part a sex based job history shouldn't matter.... but sadly sometimes it can.
It really depends on what you want to do career wise and what skills you have to offer.

If you want to do anything related to working with kids or anything "official" where a reputation would be needed, for example, a government job, stay far away from camming or any other kind of sex work.

But when it comes to many jobs where a skill is required, there's stuff far worse than camming that won't stop you from getting a job. I used to know someone who had a criminal record because he has something like two DUIs in the span of a few years, and despite the fact that he was still an alcoholic at the time of being hired, he still got that 80K a year job because they needed someone who could do the work. Eventually he cleaned up, but even while actively not being a responsible person, he found a career just because that skill was so heavily needed. Not saying that this is the norm at all, but it can happen.

Also I can't tell you how many times I have heard of someone (especially in the medical field!) say they have have been strippers so that they could pay for their schooling, so this sort of thing is really not that uncommon. Good reputation for those jobs ends up being founded in the skill rather than "this person did this non-illegal but questionable moral activity to achieve acquired important skill set."

EDIT: Another thing I'd like to add is that am employer can fire you for any reason, and it could be something completely unrelated to sex work, criminal behavior, misdemeanors in the work place. Once I was fired because my boss was very Italian and only wanted Italian people working there and he wanted his employees to feel like they were part of a family and that I didn't fit in. Perhaps I could have filed against something like that, but honestly, I don't want to work in a place where I won't be accepted. If sex work is important to you, it's something to think about, and there are A LOT of ways to make a living that don't involve working for someone else. You could be a therapist, or an event planner, or help the elderly, there are TONS of job options after camming that are possible. Break the mold!
Ambers Troll said:
It can, but as a nurse it is unlikely. The certification bodies are much more concerned with skills, and ethical concerns tend to relate to criminal actions. If sex based work is illegal in your country, you may face trouble.
The type of careers that may be a affected involve those with peer based certifications... Legal careers are one. Cam models will never be judges for example.

I must say I disagree personally, for the most part a sex based job history shouldn't matter.... but sadly sometimes it can.

I think there is a lot we don't know and actually can't know how camming will effect employment. Twenty years ago very few woman sent naked pictures of themselves over the internet and very few men got them from woman they knew personally. Last I heard about 1/2 of all teenagers have done so. In 10 years or so a fair number of this sexting generation will be in positions to hire, I would guess they'd be more accepting than my generation.

We hear about the girls where employer find out about their past and fire them. While channel serving last night I caught a segment on TMZ "girls who got fired for being too hot". We don't hear about the girls who keep camming hidden and get hired with no problems. We also don't hear about the girls who the employees know about there past but don't care. More than 1/3 of the girls on my friends list from more than year ago don't cam anymore, I am pretty sure most of them got vanilla jobs. It seems for the most part when girls quit camming they drop contact with those involved in the industry. IDK maybe there are a lot of ex camgirls in the models only section, but I can only think of a few in the public section.

The other problem associated with camming and future employment, is when you co-workers find out and make it uncomfortable for you and/or your significant other. I think this more common than we guess. I also am sure that somebody is working on the "have you seen her naked" app which uses facial recognition to find a persons adult industry past life. The already have an app which checks people faces against the sex offenders database.

As everyone has said the more successful you are the more likely your images will be spread widely across the net, although in the age of Google where almost anything can be found maybe that doesn't matter that much. Frankly if you aren't planning on camming to make a lot of money, I am not sure why you should start.
It doesn't necessarily ruin your chance of succeeding in a future career, but that will depend on your notoriety as a model, and on the career path you decide to follow. The more your work involves working with a lot of different people on a regular basis, the better the chance of it biting you in the ass.

If your future career is something like laboratory technician in a small company, you likely won't have much to worry about. Your contacts will be limited, and there is no implication of moral superiority attached to the job.

If you want to get into something like education, however, the simple dynamic of dealing with several groups of people on a daily basis means that your chances of being exposed are greater. The vocation also calls for you to be a role model to some extent, with all that entails. Many people may be cool with it, but it doesn't take a lot of people to compromise your situation, and champions may be hard to find.

Anyway, the answer is that "it depends".
First of all this is my first post here so big hello to everyone I find this forum amazingly useful and it's incredible to see so many open, honest and friendly people on here!

But back to the topic, what are your thoughts on being a webcam model and 'normal' model career(I mean fashion model)?
It's not like modeling is some kind of official job, it's also far away from official/government jobs like a judge(which I know I won't be applying for these kinds of jobs anyway).

The thing with modeling is, you also use your body as your job tool but people in that field are way more open minded than in 'normal' careers. But you can also get semi-famous and a lot people will see your face which is the thing bothering me. But I saw many stories about strippers becoming models and actually it seems like it didn't have negative impact on them.

The situation with me is already complicated, because I'm a guy, but as you can see I'm interested in becoming a model. It's funny because both webcamming and modeling are considered mostly feminine occupations, but I just can't help it I'm different and I'm very interested in those.
Sorry for a long post :)
lonewolf said:
First of all this is my first post here so big hello to everyone I find this forum amazingly useful and it's incredible to see so many open, honest and friendly people on here!

But back to the topic, what are your thoughts on being a webcam model and 'normal' model career(I mean fashion model)?
It's not like modeling is some kind of official job, it's also far away from official/government jobs like a judge(which I know I won't be applying for these kinds of jobs anyway).

The thing with modeling is, you also use your body as your job tool but people in that field are way more open minded than in 'normal' careers. But you can also get semi-famous and a lot people will see your face which is the thing bothering me. But I saw many stories about strippers becoming models and actually it seems like it didn't have negative impact on them.

The situation with me is already complicated, because I'm a guy, but as you can see I'm interested in becoming a model. It's funny because both webcamming and modeling are considered mostly feminine occupations, but I just can't help it I'm different and I'm very interested in those.
Sorry for a long post :)

If you'd like to be a fashion model, I would be wary about going into camming. For every beautiful person that tries to get into modeling, there are thousands of others. If a company wants to have a good reputation, and you'd end up being the face of said company, doing any sort of sex work would be a detriment.

As someone who failed to get into fashion modeling, I have honestly found webcam modeling to be much more fun, and I can incorporate my love of fashion into it. I can pay my bills with webcam modeling, but I was never able to pay for anything with fashion modeling.

However, if you really think you'd like to do something with fashion, before leaping into camming, start a blog, start a youtube channel, keep a twitter. There are a lot of really successful people in the fashion industry who were never big name models, for example Gala Darling, Venus Angelic, and Graveyard Girl (the latter two are youtube personalities, Gala has a very successful fashion blog).
Ive been concerned about this too. I'm going to peruse a career as a veterinarian and I know people can be sensitive about their companion animals. Although I'm sure camming is very common in college girls, especially graduate students, considering the economy right now and how ridiculously expensive school is in the US. Id rather take the risk and not be in debt 100k+ before I'm 25.
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TheMoonSage said:
HiGirlsRHot said:
weirdbr said:
TheMoonSage said:
mynameisbob84 said:
the bigger the gap you'll have in your CV

What is CV? I keep seeing this.

It stands for Curriculum Vitae (I believe in the US it's better known as resume/résumé).

Yup resume in the US (none of them little do hickeys over the letters either :) ). The main group that uses the fancy Latin term CV in the US is academics looking for professorships or grants.

Ahh that makes sense. I mean, I'm going to school. My excuse for when I get my next job as to why I don't have one currently, is because I was focusing on school. Which was accurate at the time. I quit my shitty retail job to focus on schooling that took up every day of the week. Then I became broke and tried camming.

I wouldn't worry too much about having a gap in your resume. Since you would be an independent contractor/self employed, you could put that on your resume, then list some of your duties such as customer service....and just leave out the sexual stuff.
Yes, it probably can. Originally I wanted to be a teacher (well, sort of. It was the only thing I could see myself doing in our society/culture, but I didn't want to work 50 hours a week in the public school system). Now, I would still like to do that if I can't get my own business going or if camming becomes not so good, but I KNOW that it might end up badly for me if I did it in my country (people want teachers to be role models and there are too many stories of teachers having sex with kids! Obviously that is wrong!). Just because I get naked in my bedroom doesn't mean I'm a bad role model. Our culture is so sexually repressed. We were born naked! However, I highly doubt if I taught English in a foreign country it would be a big deal. All white people look the same to foreigners anyway! :lol: hehe I think sometimes you have to figure out an alternative plan for these sorts of things.
I do go through phases with my thinking on how will camming affect my future.

And then I saw this:

On a serious note, I don't actually know many people my age and younger who DON'T have naked pictures on the internet. What are they gonna do? Keep us all on benefits? :mrgreen: I am pretty sure we are heading towards the point where nobody will actually care.
Like #KylieJacobs said, "you would be an independent contractor/self employed, you could put that on your resume, then list some of your duties such as customer service", there are many marketable skills associated with a successful camming career that would be attractive to a mainstream position. It easily COULD affect your career, but as a former HR person, specifically a recruiter, for several companies and organizations, jobs are out there where the computer, business, customer skills, etc... you're developing now will be a huge asset to a position. It's like anything you do, I suppose, do what you feel is right for you and your goals and to hell with the rest of it. WHEN you hit an obstacle then you have to choose if you work through it or choose another path. Good Luck!!!
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Sevrin said:
Queen_Anne said:
I do go through phases with my thinking on how will camming affect my future.

And then I saw this:

UKIP? Sorry, that's a deal-breaker.

Lots of porn stars run for political office, but pretty much always with fringe political parties. It is good publicity and the 5,000 jokes regarding screwing and politicians don't get too old. But the number who get elected is pretty small.
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HiGirlsRHot said:
Lots of porn stars run for political office, but pretty much always with fringe political parties. It is good publicity and the 5,000 jokes regarding screwing and politicians don't get too old. But the number who get elected is pretty small.

To save space, here is a Cicciolina/Schwarzenegger hybrid pic to confirm the rule.

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Kickaz said:
Camming doesn't ruin them, society does if you get found out.

It really is sad. Lots of well-meaning older women tell girls not to get into sex work because "it will ruin your future careers". But the only reason that's true is because of so many people saying that.
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Cereborn said:
It really is sad. Lots of well-meaning older women tell girls not to get into sex work because "it will ruin your future careers". But the only reason that's true is because of so many people saying that.

No, the only reason it's true is that in the world we live it's, uh, true.
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