...this answers most of the masturbation myths/ excessive masturbation myths. The physical side must take some adjusting to if you play heavy but then it would be as usual I expect.
The psychological arguments elsewhere for and against online porn or camming interactions in terms of variety might have some validity. Using sex as a form of entertainment, physical challenge, or for a dopamine hit can be fun, but can also cause a withdrawal when you abuse it.
I think most people, myself included, discover what they love most and return to it as any excessive novelty phases wear off.
I have heard that for porn, much of the pleasure for the content makers come from the physical challenges (i.e. how long can I last, can I find that position, or create that reaction from a viewer?). I guess a performer could get bored with that and have it filter into their personal life, but I imagine that these would be rare; there are always new and interesting sex acts out there.
Cam interactions are a different kind of sex act than with a partner... for member and for model. I've heard a sex worker used the term 'friendlier form of sex' compared to that with a partner to describe the interaction with her clients when asked about it; cam interactions are definitely 'friendly' in this same way. Not emotionless necessarily but emotionally light.
It can never hurt those who understand it for what it is: no separation of life on cam and off cam needed as little of each has to do with the other.