AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Do any models need free advertising or a webcam site set up?

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Jun 19, 2013
Salem, OR
Hey all,

I'm a new member here but plan on being here a while. Part of what I want to do is help models better reach their audience and make more money.

I have a few friends that model online and while some are tech-savvy, most aren't and get taken advantage of pretty severely if they ever want website development or easy advertising/marketing done for them.

I am a disabled combat veteran who does wildland firefighting out of Oregon. I'm a single parent who makes the rest of my money to support my daughter and I with website development and marketing and I can do quite a bit depending on what you want.

If so, let me know? Just want to build my name/reputation as a helpful member on the forum! Willing to connect or let you stalk me on Facebook or whatever else you'd like to do to verify I'm not a creep. Just building a brand here! :hello2:
Re: Do any models need free advertising or a webcam site set

That's very nice of you, but just a side note...
You may want to change your avatar, posting pics of kids is kinda frowned upon here, being as though this is a porn based forum.
Just saying.
Re: Do any models need free advertising or a webcam site set


You know what, it', almost 11am. And I've been up since 11am yesterday. Up all night working.

Silly and stupid mistake. Believe me... Dad knows better. :oops:
Re: Do any models need free advertising or a webcam site set

Is your site related to/affiliated with IsAnyoneUp? The names are kind of similar.
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Re: Do any models need free advertising or a webcam site set

How do you help models better reach their audience and make more money?
Re: Do any models need free advertising or a webcam site set

Thanks for the replies!

The site is not related to 'Is Anyone Up.' I bought the domain last year when I heard about Is Anyone Up, and the plan was to build a site that was against what he was doing. I didn't really like it, I know a lot of other people didn't...anyway, that led me to the domain name.

As far as helping models better reach their audience and/or make more money.

Lots of ways here, but it depends on what they've already done to market themselves online.

Basic stuff like a Twitter, a Tumblr, a blog, a Blogspot blog...will all gain followers, and send traffic towards you. If you don't have all of those (plus a few) - well why not? It only takes a few minutes, and WILL generate more visitors to your cam or 'money site.'

So a little more in, a lot of girls have all of those, but it's a pain keeping them all updated and looking active, so they can keep getting followers and traffic and the like. Or, they didn't sign up for them all in the first place, because it's a huge pain in the ass keeping them all updated.

So you automate this using what's called an "if this, then that." An IFTTT can do so much, but for example. If I change my Facebook status, tweet my status to Twitter. Or, if post to my blog, then post to my twitter, my tumblr, my blogspot, my wordpress, etc... All at once, all automatically when you're just doing it from Twitter, or Facebook, or Tumblr...however you want to set it up, really. You can just have your blogs show your friends or others when they come online as another example.

The point is all this activity and live cams and what not all leads people from all over the place to you.

Or, if you want to diversify, you can also put other ads on these little sites (or I can for you) to get users who are looking for something else, something different, or just clicking to get away from your site - so they click an ad.

You can see an example of this basically at a Tumblr I just started yesterday ( The posts update automatically whenever someone comes on cam, basically. All the links go where I want, which in this case is either ne1up, chaturbate, or imlive. Whatever a person clicks, they're making you money or going right to you, so they can give you money. Every time there is a new post on this Tumblr, it also tweets the post to a Twitter account (, and also posts on Blogspot, on WordPress, etc.

Obviously as a cam model, you don't want extra ads for different places on your other sites. We want it as streamlined as possible for users to click through to you. So I wouldn't suggest other types of ads unless you had a reason or just insisted. Hey why not.

So that's the first thing I can offer. Help you cover your bases and make sure you're maximizing your visibility by at least having a presence on the larger blog networks, with active and HANDS OFF updating.

That's huge, I think - the hands off, automation auto-pilot thing. You only concentrate on your Twitter or Facebook or whatever and all the rest will just auto-update from there. You don't even have to think about it.

I can also set you up a full-blown Chaturbate clone on your website that will make you money on every person who signs up and tips or broadcasts. Exactly like you see at I could go on and on about the benefits of having something like that on your website as an extra feature for your visitors that gives you a revenue share on everything they do or broadcast!

I could really go on and on about this, internet marketing is my passion. :)

It just depends on where you're at, what you might need help with, etc. What I just said and covered might be "duh" to you but there's always someone who needs help, and I just want people to remember "that ne1up guy" when he was just starting out, and how helpful he was. ;-)

I have some pretty good stats from just the past few days of visits to a site I'm working on. It was literally dead until I started marketing it. I'll try to attach it. Obviously, I can't control conversions, that's the model's job, but I can help make sure they're online in every way possible and getting hits they might not be otherwise!


  • Stats - Chaturbate Affiliate Program (4).png
    Stats - Chaturbate Affiliate Program (4).png
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Re: Do any models need free advertising or a webcam site set

I posted here also: ... 59#p362759

This is mostly for people wanting a webcam site like you see on Chaturbate. But you can set up as many as you want on your domains.,, etc..

Anyway, I've been up all night, it's noon and I'm not going to make it til 8pm after all. Please forgive my not replying for a few hours or so!
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