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Diablo 2/3

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I got it! I got it! I have the game! Woo!

I'm an games in general. :shock: I'm so screwed right now because I found out that Legend of Dragoon was on PSN and downloaded it. I've logged 7 and a half hours on it already and I started playing it today. And then I started Diablo 3... If I cut out eating and sleeping I think I make lvl 50 in a few days. Just gonna tie myself to the computer chair... :romance-ballandchain:
I finally made it to level 60 on my Demon Hunter, would have been there sooner but I started up a Barbarian and a Monk.
Mirra said:
I'm working to get a character to that point. That's where my co-worker who has given me a little crap from my lack of playing is right now so I need to catch up. >_>

Yeah I'm a bit curious how others are doing, I seriously want to put my head through my wall! :lol: I seriously need to start farming some gold for better equipment for act 3. I tried the first quest in Act 3 a few nights ago and didn't even get anywhere close to killing the elite mobs. I can't wait for the upcoming patch though where they don't increase the mobs difficulty when you join a party.
Pushing my DH through Hell now. 3 Modifiers on elites and champions means 9 times the fun! It's exponential! We'll see how I fair once I get to Inferno. My co-worker is saying he's having a much better time of Inferno Act 2 on his DH than he did on his Monk. I'm feeling the need for some upgrades though. The 4k range was pretty nice for Act 1 but I can already tell by the 2nd half of Act 2, it won't kill elites and champions before I run out of hatred, discipline (with preparation), and life. :p
I have a monk in act 3 inferno. What you you need help with leahbabi? class/skills/gear?
How is the monk treating you in Act 3?

It's not so much class/skills I just need better gear. I did finally get through the first quest in Act 3 but it's a lot of dying and kiting. :lol:
Melee are totally fucked in Inferno. S'why I rerolled to wizard from my barb. Had servers not been down today, I would have likely got to Hell. Another day though =/
monk act 3 is quite difficult solo, but team up with a barb and you become tanky enough to do it (although I can still tank it solo, but by tank it I mean survive/kite long enough for my WD friend to kill them). Then bring along a witch doctor for dps and we do quite well.

Melee are not totally fucked in inferno. They just have a much harder time. They get a 30% damage reduction just by being a monk or barbarian which is on top of the resistances and armor damage reduction. On top of that they just reduced the damage in acts 2 3 and 4 today. Melee should be viable except they just nerfed attack speed 50% which I think is going to hurt my monk so badly that it probably wont get any easier... We'll see though gotta try it before I complain.
Heh... I've fallen into repeatedly running Act I Inferno for gold on my Demon Hunter. She's up to 23k damage now with moderate resists so it may be time for me to knock out Act II. Hopefully I can find a part of Act II that it doesn't absolutely annoy me to farm. If not, I'll go back to farming in Act I till I can do Act 3 fairly easily (AKA without dying so much that I spend more money than I pick up).

I also have so much random gear waiting for alts in my stash... I need to level up my Barb to get rid of all the str gear taking up space. I sometimes run with a coworker but if anyone here is down, I too have no problem sharing my Battletag though if said coworker ended up in a game, he's not the type I'd want to know about MFC and ACF. >_>
We started Act 1 Inferno last night. Holy eff, so much gold spent on repairs. So many repeated deaths. We actually gave up on a fight in one of the little dungeons because we died 10 times in a row as it was impossible to kite in the tiny space inside.

It's clear we need better gear, but would like to putz around a little and see if we can get any drops to either wear or sell on the AH to fund the new gear. We're nearing Skeleton King, and I'm nervous as all hell to encounter him in our current state, but I suppose we'll see what happens! I've had to lose a little DPS in order to get some resists and armor, but I'm not sure what's best to focus on next.

Here's the current Witch Doctor. Lookin' pretty snazzy, methinks! :)


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I quit playing around act 2 of inferno. The game up until that point felt like it naturally progressed and farming decent gear wasn't bad. But once you get to inferno the game is 100% about farming gear and I found that to be very boring, repetitive, and unrewarding. At that point I no longer found the game to be enjoyable.

Without going into a lot of detail and writing a novel I would say that overall I'm very disappointed with Diablo 3.
I can honestly say that last night, dying over and over to that yellow rare/elite/whatever they are called, was the first time I felt frustration and said "ok, time for TV, I need a break."

If it continues to feel this way in Inferno, there's a good chance I'll tire of the game soon. Maybe I'll work on another toon, but I don't see myself wanting to get another all the way to 60.

But that's ok... GW2 comes out end of August. :thumbleft:
AmberCutie said:
I can honestly say that last night, dying over and over to that yellow rare/elite/whatever they are called, was the first time I felt frustration and said "ok, time for TV, I need a break."

If it continues to feel this way in Inferno, there's a good chance I'll tire of the game soon. Maybe I'll work on another toon, but I don't see myself wanting to get another all the way to 60.

But that's ok... GW2 comes out end of August.

From your stats posted above your damage seems fine for act 1. the elites are a pain to deal with when you first enter inferno, but with 2 people you can kite them enough to whittle them down or pick off one to make the next try easier. progressing through inferno is all about farming. You need to find a place you can farm without dying to get the gear to progress. Even if it means going back to hell. I haven't played diablo since the attack speed nerf made my monk feel like crap. I can still do act 3 but the fun factor of attacking super fast as a monk is gone and it feels too slow for me to enjoy it anymore. However, if you need help let me know ill log in and help you out. :)
Dark1337 said:
AmberCutie said:
I can honestly say that last night, dying over and over to that yellow rare/elite/whatever they are called, was the first time I felt frustration and said "ok, time for TV, I need a break."

If it continues to feel this way in Inferno, there's a good chance I'll tire of the game soon. Maybe I'll work on another toon, but I don't see myself wanting to get another all the way to 60.

But that's ok... GW2 comes out end of August.

From your stats posted above your damage seems fine for act 1. the elites are a pain to deal with when you first enter inferno, but with 2 people you can kite them enough to whittle them down or pick off one to make the next try easier. progressing through inferno is all about farming. You need to find a place you can farm without dying to get the gear to progress. Even if it means going back to hell. I haven't played diablo since the attack speed nerf made my monk feel like crap. I can still do act 3 but the fun factor of attacking super fast as a monk is gone and it feels too slow for me to enjoy it anymore. However, if you need help let me know ill log in and help you out. :)
Yeah Jawbs and I are trying to kite as much as we can, but him being a Monk and not having range is making it a little hard. We have successfully taken down a handful of groups by dwindling their health down and trying to pick them off one at a time. We got the right idea, just need a bit of patience now. :thumbleft:

I played solo for the first time last night. Did the very first section of Cathedral and HOLY MOLY... I found a perfect little circle to kite this one pack in, but it took 5 deaths/long runs back to really nail it. 11k repairs and no rare drops later, I quickly ported home and logged out. :lol: I was going in to try and make some money for us while Jawbs was busy with other stuff, and ended up coming out way behind, gold-wise.

Thank you for the offer to help out. I'm really planning to only play this solo or with Jawbs (or our friend who we play our HC toons with.) But I do appreciate everyone who has offered to play with me. :)
AmberCutie said:
Dark1337 said:
AmberCutie said:
I can honestly say that last night, dying over and over to that yellow rare/elite/whatever they are called, was the first time I felt frustration and said "ok, time for TV, I need a break."

If it continues to feel this way in Inferno, there's a good chance I'll tire of the game soon. Maybe I'll work on another toon, but I don't see myself wanting to get another all the way to 60.

But that's ok... GW2 comes out end of August.

From your stats posted above your damage seems fine for act 1. the elites are a pain to deal with when you first enter inferno, but with 2 people you can kite them enough to whittle them down or pick off one to make the next try easier. progressing through inferno is all about farming. You need to find a place you can farm without dying to get the gear to progress. Even if it means going back to hell. I haven't played diablo since the attack speed nerf made my monk feel like crap. I can still do act 3 but the fun factor of attacking super fast as a monk is gone and it feels too slow for me to enjoy it anymore. However, if you need help let me know ill log in and help you out. :)
Yeah Jawbs and I are trying to kite as much as we can, but him being a Monk and not having range is making it a little hard. We have successfully taken down a handful of groups by dwindling their health down and trying to pick them off one at a time. We got the right idea, just need a bit of patience now. :thumbleft:

I played solo for the first time last night. Did the very first section of Cathedral and HOLY MOLY... I found a perfect little circle to kite this one pack in, but it took 5 deaths/long runs back to really nail it. 11k repairs and no rare drops later, I quickly ported home and logged out. :lol: I was going in to try and make some money for us while Jawbs was busy with other stuff, and ended up coming out way behind, gold-wise.

Thank you for the offer to help out. I'm really planning to only play this solo or with Jawbs (or our friend who we play our HC toons with.) But I do appreciate everyone who has offered to play with me. :)

monks do have range though with deadly reach. and then you use your earth ally to tank for you since there is no cooldown on him he can tank forever and you just stand a couple steps behind him.
Having equipment that is too good seems to break the game.

Hes a European internet celebrity named athene with 1000s of fans. They donated gold to him for him to get geared like that. I've seen him spend 175mil for ONE PIECE of gear... That should put things in perspective...

and he got hacked:
Holy moly... I played for like 8 hours yesterday. I went solo first with the Templar, then with the Enchantress. She's so way better! I swear that stupid Templar is a lazy fuck.

Anywho, I managed to hold 5 stacks of NV nearly the entire time I played, only reloading once to restart the same zone. While I got a ton of rare drops, only a couple of them actually seem like they may sell for a handful of gold, and a couple were upgrades for Jawbs' Monk. But I did manage to make about 400k gold (finally above 1m, woo!) and learn a lot about how to survive champ fights. Thank the skies for Spirit Walk. :thumbleft:

I need to change out Vision Quest passive skill though. I just don't ever have 4 skills on cooldown to take advantage of its proc. Looking at the skills I currently use, do any of you have advice on a different passive skill set? ... ZVU!bacZac

^^ my current build.

Edit to add: By the way, I think it's total DONKEYSHIT that you lose your NV stacks if you switch skills. I wanted to try out other passives while I was fighting yesterday, but didn't want to give up my buff. :(
Gruesome Feast and Grave Injustice were both intriguing. Not sure which would be better over all. If mana costs are rarely an issue for you, I would think Pierce the Veil would be mandatory... but I haven't played a high level WD to know just how mana works out. :p
Mirra said:
Gruesome Feast and Grave Injustice were both intriguing. Not sure which would be better over all. If mana costs are rarely an issue for you, I would think Pierce the Veil would be mandatory... but I haven't played a high level WD to know just how mana works out. :p
I'm constantly running around throwing vases of spiders due to being out of mana. :(
Yeah Athene was in...I wanna say Ensidia guild.

I farm act III inferno from keep depths up to azmo with a monk friend (I'm a barb, tanking in act III), and solo I kinda stay to act II though I've soloed up to and including diablo. Act II just seems the right balance of speed and loot for me, act III is slower and more deaths cos I can't wear as much DPS gear, while Act II I can pretty much just cruise through, get 5 stacks, kill kulle, like 5 mins more clear to Belial then repeat.
AmberCutie said:
I'm constantly running around throwing vases of spiders due to being out of mana. :(

Well both of the ones I mentioned may help that. Guess the question is are you more likely to be healed by health orbs for Gruesome Feast or kill things close enough to you that Grave Injustice can proc.

I think Gruesome Feast would be better on most boss fights. Most have adds but they're not dying enough for Grave Injustice to make a big difference I suspect.
Mirra said:
AmberCutie said:
I'm constantly running around throwing vases of spiders due to being out of mana. :(

Well both of the ones I mentioned may help that. Guess the question is are you more likely to be healed by health orbs for Gruesome Feast or kill things close enough to you that Grave Injustice can proc.

I think Gruesome Feast would be better on most boss fights. Most have adds but they're not dying enough for Grave Injustice to make a big difference I suspect.
I picked up Gruesome Feast again ( I had it for a while with another build and liked it) and also decided to trade in about $6 that I had in the RMAH for some gold, then used said gold in the GAH. It felt SO weird spending over 1m gold total. I grabbed some gear to up my DPS to around 18k (which buffs to over 26k when I have my 5 stacks of Soul Harvest and Gruesome Feast is up) as well as raised my health to around 40k. Oh and I swapped my spider rune from Widowmakers (regen mana, but it didn't seem to be all that fruitful) to Blazing Spiders for higher damage.

We played through the 2nd part of Highlands all the way through Butcher and I only died once. Shit died fast. I pew pew like a madwoman now.

vision quest is usually used to power dire bats or zombie bears, paired with high cd skills like totem and fetish army. you'll need mana reg on at least two items though (knife, mojo or mask).

edit: oh and spiders currently suck because they don't get your crit dam, they're stuck at +50%.
Didn't even get to first quest in Act2 and ragequit, lol. Guess it's back to Act1, because I'd like to actually enjoy playing instead of get frustrated with dying every 8 seconds.
We've been having fun farming a few spots in Act1, so I am once again happy and enjoying the game. I also sold my first item for 1.5m, so I have a few extra gold to sling around, but will be saving up for some mega-gear once we decide to attempt Act2 again.

Also, farmed for the Staff of Herding all afternoon. Here's the result. :)

I think it will be quite a long while before I invest to raise the difficulty level up, but it was cute running through all the teddy bears, cupcakes, ponies and rainbows. :)


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