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Diablo 2/3

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Dark1337 said:
SweepTheLeg said:
I don't get why people want to rush and finish the game right away. what to do you get out of it? What does the man that get out of being the first one to beat the game in 12 hours? was there a contest? is he knee deep in girl nerd poon? a tshirt? what?

I didn't "rush" through the game, but I did play almost nonstop. I did this to get ahead and make money in the game. Acquiring good high level loot sells on the AH for a lot of money. That money can be used as capital to play the AH market. Thus getting me to about 3 mil and gear enough to farm inferno act 1 with ease right now.

However, I started with a monk as my first character and its really rough on act 2 inferno when you can get 2 hit killed. I'm stuck on act 2 inferno right now. But for act 1 the most viable build I found was to use my spirit ally as a spammable tank and use deadly reach to auto attack at range while using 3 defensive skills and overawe to burst things down. This doesn't work for act 2, though, when my ally dies pretty much instantly.

I have a witch doctor friend who can solo act 2 and i know wizards and demon hunters can solo even act 4 (although they just got nerfed). I see the melee classes (monk and barb) having the most trouble with inferno due to the amount of damage dished out and the fact that they have to run into enemies while the ranged classes can run away and shoot back, thus evading most attacks.

Yeah I'm working my way through act 1 inferno, gathering resist gear but the whole melee thing is rough as hell - to give an idea, when I first got to inferno I had 27k-ish health, about 6k armour, had no trouble 1-2 shotting most of the mobs in the but a simple walking dead could 2 shot me lol...

Working on all-resist stuff now basically. Oh and the pony level :D:D
It was mainly the wasps at the first part of act 2 that made me think I wasn't ready for it. I think they hotfix nerfed the wasp damage because rather than doing 60% of my hp per mini-wasp they do about 20% now. Been doing quite well since I tried act 2 again today, killed all the champions/elites on the way without problems (but still skipped champion wasps groups).

Here are my 2 main monk builds:

Kiting Monk (low damage but safe stready progression): ... YXU!ZcacYc
the fear on the heal really saves me a lot when I get surrounded and need to move to avoid damage
I use this for clearing new content that is tough for my current gear.

Dodge tank (high area damage but relies on dodge/luck) ... YXU!ZbabZc
this just kills everything so fast and the knockback on the auto attacks helps with tanking
I use this for clearing old content that I'm well geared for.

How are your characters handling the game?
Heh... I finally took got to Belial with my Demon Hunter on Nightmare difficulty yesterday and took him down in the 2nd try. He was substantially easier than some of the elite groups and champions I ran in to before him. I tend to rely heavily on kiting but mobs that are naturally quick, leap, or disappear when you're not close to them are a pain in the ass. Add on a larger health pool and some sinister combinations of modifiers and they are beastly. I had one of those disappearing snake champions with Vortex and Arcane Enchanted that NEARLY pulled me right into an arcane beam. I had some naturally fast (not the fast modifier) undead mob in the sewers (limited space... ugh) with Fire Chains and Molten (further limiting my ability to move around) that I died to quite a few times before I won a battle of attrition. Then there were the disappearing elite snakes with extra health and shielding who didn't kill me but took FOREVER to beat. And yes... I'm only on Nightmare. Maybe Demon Hunter isn't my class after all. Oh well.
I hate some of the power combos enemies can get on Nightmare, not sure how I'll manage Hell.
I had a problem with a group of plagued, vampiric hell witches on the way to the Prime Evil earlier today. They were a pain in the ass because the templar and Tyrael would have to stand in the poison pools to hit them, at one point the enemies' health bar was actually refilling faster than I could take it down.
I'm gear farming inferno, so if you need stuff cheap, add me Khahla#6666
25kdps 30k life barb :p

Oh and as for the barb inferno it's rough sometimes I guess, though I haven't played other classes there and I know people are saying the ranged ones have it easy. It's not TOOOO bad though, I'm stacking as much resist gear as I can, and speccing for +healing and damage mitigation talents, as well as huge burst damage (I've thrown out 90k crits), and I have about 80% resist to all elemental with gear and spec.
Normal mobs give me no trouble, I'm used to dodging missiles (like those idiotic wasps), only really bad combos of elites give me a problem and I still haven't found a pack I can't kill after a few deaths.

I think the worst so far was a pack of unburied plagued waller invul minions fast - those things were a pain in the ass.
Due to AH purchases, I've felt like my Witch Doc and Jawbs' Monk are way too OP in normal mode, lol. Just took Azmodan down last night, and through all of the previous acts, I think I've only died 2-3 times (one on Butcher, one on a fatty leading to Cydaea's fight, and one to the lame poison wasps) mostly just from not paying enough attention. My potions go mostly untouched in my bag.

I'm not complaining, because I actually LOVE the crazy huge groups of mobs we can blow through at once. Just noting that it's easy to make it through on normal mode with maximum fun and minimal disappointment from deaths.

Also, if we are nearly done with Act III, and Act IV looks to be short... how do you level to 60? We just dinged 30 during Azmodan.
You play through normal mode as levels 1-30 approximately. When you beat normal mode, you unlock the nightmare difficulty and continue your character.

Nightmare is approximately levels 31-50 and after you beat that you unlock the hell difficulty.

Hell is for levels 50-60 and after you beat hell, you unlock inferno (the toughest difficulty).

Inferno is for level 60s and is near impossible without above average gear (act 1 is quite easy though especially with what you can buy on the AH now).

You basically just play through the game 4 times with increasing difficulty.
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Dark1337 said:
Inferno is for level 60s and is near impossible without above average gear (act 1 is quite easy though especially with what you can buy on the AH now).
Act 1 might be easy for some classes, not for melee heh - when I first started it, with like 24k health and 5k armor one of those walking corpses in old tristram could 2 shot me.
Jupiter551 said:
Dark1337 said:
Inferno is for level 60s and is near impossible without above average gear (act 1 is quite easy though especially with what you can buy on the AH now).
Act 1 might be easy for some classes, not for melee heh - when I first started it, with like 24k health and 5k armor one of those walking corpses in old tristram could 2 shot me.
Yeah... I imagine at least the first half of Act 1 will be decently easy (by comparison to being melee) for a Demon Hunter since there are few ranged mobs and the melee mobs there are mostly slow and easy to kite. Surely some of the champions and elites will still be tough but yeah. That said, I've been reading in the evening a lot the last few days so I haven't played. I have a long way to go before I can see if my theory pans out. Maybe soon I'll push on through Act III of Nightmare.
Yeah kiting is pretty essential, and while I can circle around 4 or 5 arcane sentries, dodge frozen orbs, while trying to dps a mob with invulnerable minions who hits like a truck and drops desecration/plague in melee range....more often than not my luck runs out.

PS I can solo 3 man Diablo (the boss) Hell diff. (twice my idiot groupmembers have died in the first 10 seconds and I've had to kill him solo), but inferno elites are just ridiculous.
Yay, got all Rares on my Witch Docta, she looks pretty badass. :D

So... what DPS/Armor etc should I aim for to start our next go-round? What is it... nightmare?


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Man, I'm such a n00b compared to the rest of ya.

My Demon Hunter is most of the way through Act I in normal mode. I never did finish D2 with either of my two characters. I don't tend to enjoy how hard the upper Acts can get even in Normal mode...can't fathom inferno mode.

Also, at the rate at which I play (just don't have much time for it), Diablo 4 would probably be on the market by the time I hit inferno mode anyway.

All that being said, I enjoy playing. In small quantities, when I have time.
AmberCutie said:
Yay, got all Rares on my Witch Docta, she looks pretty badass. :D

So... what DPS/Armor etc should I aim for to start our next go-round? What is it... nightmare?
You're already very overgeared for nightmare. You shouldn't have a problem with it. If you do have a problem, blame your husband for not tanking well enough. :)

My friend is currently farming act 3 inferno with this (hopefully the concept can help you figure something out for yourself if you want): ... UVX!acaYba
I think he prioritizes attack speed>intelligence>resist all & vitality>magic find>armor (I wouldn't worry about resist all until you're in your late level 50s)

Just go attack speed>Intelligence>vitality (make sure you have attack speed on your gloves, both rings, and amulet)

Here are my in combat stats:

Kiting Monk Build (low damage but safe steady progression): ... YXU!ZcacYa

I use my spirit ally to tank while I stand behind it and hit the enemy with keen reach's range.
Serenity is my oh shit save me button used when I don't dodge a frozen effect, can't dodge arcane beams, or I want to absorb a large amount of damage.
The fear on the heal really saves me a lot when I get surrounded and need to move to avoid damage.
The blind is a good stun for enemies that run and helps me to avoid damage from elites.
The mantra bring me to 50% dodge and heals me for 3k (50 spirit X 62 transcendence). I spam this to tank.
The 600 life per hit statistic is per enemy. So when I hit 2 enemies with one strike I gain 1200 per attack. 2.2 attacks per second means I'm healing 1200 per second per enemy. I try to line up my attacks to hit multiple targets to maximize healing. WotHF's multiple attacks only triggers once.

Note: Monk sucks in inferno. It just takes forever to kill things. If you want to farm items and make money, demon hunter or wizard are 50 times faster.


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Red7227 said:
AmberCutie said:
So... what DPS/Armor etc should I aim for to start our next go-round? What is it... nightmare?

I just use the action house for the biggest weapon i can get. I'm finding that other equipment is improving dramatically every couple levels, I don't feel the need to buy armour or gems.

If you want a truly great weapon, search for a weapon above your level with "reduced level requirement" of 3 (means 3 or more) and "has sockets".
Then, throw a flawless square ruby in any pre-level 40 weapon and you have a retarded dps weapon for your level. You never lose your gems so they are a good investment.

On level 60 items the reduced level requirement statistic goes up to 13. So as a level 47 you can search for usable endgame loot.

Weapons with a reduced level requirement are still listed as their actual level on the auction house not their adjusted level so they can be hard to find for most players meaning you can get them cheap.

I would also recommend using the AH to buy a helm. You always want a socket in your helm for a red gem while pre-level 60 for ~20% bonus experience.
I'm usually too broke to buy anything but the cheapest weapon I can find outright for 10 or 20k

My current girl with 4.5k health.

Everybody else I know uses the Templar, but I find him pretty useless. I stick with either the thief or the enchantress.


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GrapeJelly looks AWESOME now. :mrgreen:

Yeah I'm such a girl I do obsess with how cool my toons' gear looks.

And yes I have very girly names for all my toons. Oh, except for the Donkey. She just holds all my extra crap for the AH. I should have named her GrapeBank.


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Here's my monk:

I've been farming siegebreaker for gear for the past couple days. Looted a 1233 dps bow that sold for 5mil on the AH. That helped me finish up gearing my monk to tank. Acts 1 & 2 are just a complete joke now that I'm so geared. I'm pretty comfortable now in act 3, too. I should get my friends together to finish up inferno. :)


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Got thru Normal on my barb today. Going solo on her and as soon as my other half has his new computer, I'm rolling up a wizard to play with his barb.

Been watching him play through (he just reached Hell today) to kinda prepare myself for what I'll be up against. He's playing a monk solo, so he sympathizes with my OMFG FRACKING MELEE AHSKJDFAKLSJDHFKLASHD issues.

Have thoroughly enjoyed so far. I've died a handful of times, but mostly due to fucking around and not paying attention. Will post a screenie of my barb sometime when I get back on the desktop.
Ha, I started playing D3....made it to level 6 and put it down. Yeah...I wasn't feeling it. Maybe I will pick it back up for the time being...I just feel eh about it.
Passion_dork said:
Ha, I started playing D3....made it to level 6 and put it down. Yeah...I wasn't feeling it. Maybe I will pick it back up for the time being...I just feel eh about it.

Same. I made it all the way though with a monk on standard, but I just don't see the point to doing the whole thing again 3 or 4 times on higher difficulty.
Heh... I haven't been playing as much lately. A friend from work was just complaining yesterday about how I'm almost never on. >_>

I did get my Barbarian up to level 42. His armor is already looking pretty sweet. The Demon Hunter is level 47. I should probably just power her up to 60. Oh well.
I know this dates back to 2010 lol but if people are still playing let me know! I know Diablo 3 came out but my computer wont run it :( ( cheap piece of *** )
Crazydidi said:
I know this dates back to 2010 lol but if people are still playing let me know! I know Diablo 3 came out but my computer wont run it :( ( cheap piece of *** )
Well the thread started in 2010 but the last couple pages are likely from the last month or so. Lots of us are playing.
Crazydidi said:
just thought that since D3 is out now people probably aren't playing D2 anymore
Ah my bad, read your post too fast. :)
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