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So, I just finished season two.
If you're not watching Defiance yet, and you like sci-fi, get up oooon it. So good.

Reasons to watch;
fun sci-fi
mysterious things
semi-predictable plot and the smug feeling of self satisfaction when your right about what you think is going to happen
hot aliens
lesb...bisexuals?? whatever, their hot.
action, violence, explosions, much punching
good soundtrack
more boobs

Stahma Tarr.
adorkabelle said:
So, I just finished season two.
If you're not watching Defiance yet, and you like sci-fi, get up oooon it. So good.

Reasons to watch;
fun sci-fi
mysterious things
semi-predictable plot and the smug feeling of self satisfaction when your right about what you think is going to happen
hot aliens
lesb...bisexuals?? whatever, their hot.
action, violence, explosions, much punching
good soundtrack
more boobs

Stahma Tarr.

I've warmed up to it since it first started. Been watching it all along too.

Also, boobs. :-D
adorkabelle said:
So, I just finished season two.
If you're not watching Defiance yet, and you like sci-fi, get up oooon it. So good.

Reasons to watch;
fun sci-fi
mysterious things
semi-predictable plot and the smug feeling of self satisfaction when your right about what you think is going to happen
hot aliens
lesb...bisexuals?? whatever, their hot.
action, violence, explosions, much punching
good soundtrack
more boobs

I liked it when it first started, but had a hard time getting into it, but I should give it a second chance
hapa74 said:
I liked it when it first started, but had a hard time getting into it, but I should give it a second chance

I liked the first season, but I did not like the second season. The big event for the season was too big I think, I would have much rather had a show about the Earth in the aftermath of a failed interstellar invasion with the survivors forced to cooperate. Instead of OMG the world is going to end, because of the McGuffin. McGuffins are used by lazy writers who do not want to take the time to make a world driven by interesting characters.
As an avid player of the Defiance MMO, I was disappointed in the lack of the Volge in the show, they only show up in the absolute beginning of the series. In the game, there are so many different attackers and enemies and great storylines to revolve around, but sadly (I believe due to budget) the show is wrapped up in a tiny drama that centers around one town.

It's not that it's bad, I've enjoyed it, but I am damn tired of stahma's voice. She always speaks in the exact same schemy way - WE GET IT, YOU'RE EVIL. UGH. She is beautiful though :)
Ha, got this in here before a year passed and this thread was auto-locked!

I've been watching this series since it started and I just noticed something. I'm starting to think there's a running gag on the set. Anytime they need a random killing of a town citizen they throw a Liberata in the plot to be offed. Not every episode, but it's starting to be enough where I noticed it watching last nights show.

In the past an actress named Jessica Nichols played every one of them, but since there's been others. Jormir, played by Eric Woolfe, was the latest offering. He was in the cage and offered up for food.

Screenshot - 8_22_2015 , 6_15_20 PM.png

If you start looking up every Liberata in the series you'll start to notice they seem to die off often.
Has anyone else noticed this?
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If you start looking up every Liberata in the series you'll start to notice they seem to die off often.
Has anyone else noticed this?

Indeed - I hadn't noticed it until your comment, but it does look like every time they show up, they show up to die.. I wonder if they are setting up to be Defiance's "red shirts".
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Indeed - I hadn't noticed it until your comment, but it does look like every time they show up, they show up to die.. I wonder if they are setting up to be Defiance's "red shirts".
I noticed the same thing and a friend of mine I was watching it with explained that the Liberata were relegated to minion status and everybody's favorite objects of abuse.
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bunch of bunk that they left season 3 like that and haven't canceled or renewed it, yet.

I'm guessing it probably won't be back. The second season was down in the ratings from the first, on average. And this season, not including the finale, has been down even more. Gonna be a miracle if they renew. But on the other hand, we're talking about the home of Sharknado 1, 2, 3 and soon to be 4. So stranger things have happened.

Screenshot - 8_30_2015 , 7_37_53 PM.png

Screenshot - 8_30_2015 , 7_38_02 PM.png
bunch of bunk that they left season 3 like that and haven't canceled or renewed it, yet.
That last episode felt like the end to me. I hope it comes back but I'm not holding my breath.
I really anted to love this series. I even bought the game. But the game was grindy. And I didn't make it through season 1.
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