AmberCutie's Forum
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Dating and support

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Mar 2, 2018
Hello everyone! I'm currently dating a cam model. I have no hangups about it. I perform too! The thing is, she's in a bad situation and I'm trying my best to support her. I only recently started earning money to only tip it to her. I have a good enough job that I do it for fun. We've only met up because she said I'm fun and that I'm genuine. At first, I really enjoyed seeing her on cam and connecting and talking. But after listening to her and getting to know more about her, it hurts me when she says she doesn't feel like she's pretty enough because she doesn't make enough. She doesn't like camming. It's become a job for her. Being on how we met , we decided to take it slow. I'm trying my best to support her in camming (ie: buying another cam, toys) and non camming stuff. I'm trying my best to support her in any which I can. But at the moment, she says technically, I'm not her boyfriend. I've taken late night/early morning rides just to hang out with her in a limited amount of time. Paid a few bills here and there. I don't want to be a savior but also don't want to just not help her. If technically I'm not her boyfriend, then what am I? I'm doing alot of boyfriend things but don't want to push her into making a decision. I'm at a lost. Anyone who's dated someone they met on cam or have had a relationship with a cam performer, how can i best support her?
Anyone who's dated someone they met on cam or have had a relationship with a cam performer, how can i best support her?

Let’s set aside the fact that she’s a cam girl. She’s just a normal person like anybody else. If you’re dropping this distinction in real life too, she may be feeling that you are “otherizing” her.

That being said, just take it slow and patient like any relationship. Dating can be hard under normal situations, having a financial disparity right off the bat makes it even harder. She’s might be feeling that she doesn’t want her affection to seem it’s been “bought”, and doesn’t want to feel like she “owes” you for it. At the same time you have to be careful she’s not just using you for financial benefit.
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Unless you're in a sugar daddy/baby relationship, giving someone a good bit of money and paying bills at the beginning of a relationship isn't really the norm. I've never dated anyone I've met from cam, but from what I understand most girls who do end up in relationships with regulars usually ask for them to stop tipping in their rooms and spending money on them like that to separate the line between work and personal life. However, she straight up told you that you're not her boyfriend, so all of that is sort of moot.

Going to be totally blunt here, but from what you said it seems like she sees you as just a cam regular/supporter who she became friends with and isn't interested in much more outside of that and you are misreading your interactions with her.
Even if she DID say you were her boyfriend, it still sounds like she treats you like a wallet. Seconding what Lydia said, that it's a pretty common trend that successful dating relationships between models and members typically have a point in the beginning when the model tells the member to stop tipping her.
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