AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
I either missed an amazing opportunity tonight, or avoided doing something stupid. It's still a tossup.
I invited a friend and her husband to supper tonight, and she said "sorry but my sister and (cute mutual friend) are here and we're going to stay in."
She then proceeded to say they were trying to talk cute mutual friend into going on a date, presumably not with me. Now here's where the possibility stupid thing comes in, what I said was "you have in with that." What I should have said is something along the lines of "I'll be expecting a call any minute then"
Two Fremont Ca. police officers were shot, and police from all around the bay area were swarming into Fremont to join the search for the shooter, I was told by my roommate. Yes, they take that sort of thing very personal, (as well they should), was my reply, failing to understand why that seemed to surprise her. My next thought was spontaneous from the gut, and one of the most matter of fact things I've said in some time. It's too bad they don't put half that much devotion into responding to other victims most of the time. (If they did, seems logical there might be fewer shooters out there, but I may be wrong on that count.)
Thought for the day- never underestimate the power of good plumbing. Had my water pressure turned down all week so that our water lines could be fixed, and trying to shower with barely any running water is the most annoying thing in the world.
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it occurred to me that either, he was on a plane of reality that didn't land around here, or, they tried to give him some perspective, but he didn't accept gifts from strangers.
A few thoughts. That is one terrifying avatar. Another silent poo flinging monkey for the ignore list. Very lttp but Sad Affleck cracked me up.
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I REALLY don't like being stuck in a rut that I can't seem to get out of no matter how hard I try or what I do. Why does it almost always seem like the universe is working against me when it should be working with me instead? Especially when things aren't working out in my favor. I don't know, maybe the universe is trying to tell me something -_-
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Two Fremont Ca. police officers were shot, and police from all around the bay area were swarming into Fremont to join the search for the shooter, I was told by my roommate. Yes, they take that sort of thing very personal, (as well they should), was my reply, failing to understand why that seemed to surprise her. My next thought was spontaneous from the gut, and one of the most matter of fact things I've said in some time. It's too bad they don't put half that much devotion into responding to other victims most of the time. (If they did, seems logical there might be fewer shooters out there, but I may be wrong on that count.)

You're way off base here. While I am sure that cops responding to a cop shooting/cop killing "take it personal", the #1 reason that so many resources are devoted to finding the suspects is if a bad guy has no no problem shooting a heavily armed police officer, the conventional wisdom is what chance does a regular unarmed citizen have against the cop shooter. Especially after shooting the cop, the bad guy may really feel that he has "nothing to lose".

Your personal animosity against police led you to post this and the result was just to make you look silly. Something for you to think about.
WebcamStartup said:
Which if any of you are having some major tube site issues, holler at me. I've made the right strategic partnerships for world-class DMCA protections. Seriously, I got a foreign torrent site taken down after they didn't respond to DMCA request. My partners shot a 2257 complaint to the embassy to the country the torrent site was hosted in. Torrent site is no more.

You must be rich with all those big media companies begging you to help them. Cause it seems like HBO and others with all their millions of dollars invested in hit shows like Game of Thrones haven't managed to accomplish what your God like powers can do. Pirates must truly tremble with fear at your name...except for every torrent site I've ever seen. Those still seem to be doing business as usual.
Oh, hey look who just couldn't stay away from this "shitty place"! It's Punk!

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Screen Shot 2016-06-07 at 7.26.51 AM.png
I've had suspicions about this account from the day it signed up. There were numerous other accounts that were blatantly obvious that I just flat out banned or deleted before they even had a chance to post, but this one I marked to have every post moderated before it was visible to the public just to be sure. It was going okay until recently, I've had to delete a few lately since he's gone back to his old habits. And now that he's being censored and unable to pick fights and call names, the forum is once again a piece of shit.

Suspicion confirmed. Good times!

Oh, hey look who just couldn't stay away from this "shitty place"! It's Punk!

<snip attachments for space>

I've had suspicions about this account from the day it signed up. There were numerous other accounts that were blatantly obvious that I just flat out banned or deleted before they even had a chance to post, but this one I marked to have every post moderated before it was visible to the public just to be sure. It was going okay until recently, I've had to delete a few lately since he's gone back to his old habits. And now that he's being censored and unable to pick fights and call names, the forum is once again a piece of shit.

Suspicion confirmed. Good times!

*in regards to getting around MFC bans* from:


One way it wouldn't work is if they put super detective Amber on the case!

Damn girl, that's some good sleuthing, I'm impressed!
Naked and Afraid. If you start out the show bragging how you're a rock climber, survivalist, tough as nails...Don't drink water straight from the pond without boiling it on the first day, then tap out the 2nd day. :confused:
So Zippcast is officially dead once again which really sucks. I might consider uploading my Nintendo gameplay videos to my Vimeo channel since Nintendo has absolutely no damned clue about how getting exposure for their games can help their sales and wants to treat their fans like common criminals. And don't get me started on the Nintendo Creators program!

Nintendo of Japan, George Takei has something he would like to say to you!

I'm really depressed and not in a good spot and I don't have anyone to tell but just needed to tell someone. I just don't know how to pick the pieces of me up together and do something with them right now. I feel like everyone I've tried to talk to today is messing with me. Everyone keeps ignoring me when I message them. It keeps happening again and again and its consuming me. I don't understand.
Did MFC recently have some big clear out of old inactive usernames?

I've noticed a few models have managed to change their usernames to just be first names. Like Emilylynne becoming just Emily or Kittensophie who became just Sophie and I've seen more too that I can't think of right now.

Usually you have to be one of the very first people to a site to get a single name username like that.
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Did MFC recently have some big clear out of old inactive usernames?

I've noticed a few models have managed to change their usernames to just be first names. Like Emilylynne becoming just Emily or Kittensophie who became just Sophie and I've seen more too that I can't think of right now.

Usually you have to be one of the very first people to a site to get a single name username like that.
I've wondered about it too.