AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Daily Thoughts

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I think it's time for tan lines, landing strips, and teased hair to come back in style. If high-waisted jeans can do it, why not the sexy stuff?
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I don't really understand the notion of some models to be "supported" by viewers which you can find in the PR of so many "support me, blabla". I mean as a consumer I buy products or services because I think they are good (for me). I don't go to a specific grocery store because I want to support the specific vendor. I just like their veggies and I can afford them. Support would only come into play when shops owner would be a friend of mine. But then their products still would have to be really good to find their way into my stomach. In my opinion that notion could establish a kind of hierarchy between the viewer and the model where the viewer looks down to the model. She needs my support, she wouldn't make it without me. That in turn can be the birthplace of abusive behavior. Of course in this case the viewer who is exploiting that hierarchy is still the only one to blame here.

I had this thought by enjoying a model and every time I tipped her she was like "ohmygaaawd thanks for your support!" which gave me a headache after some time thinking "No! Its not support, its just because I like what I see!" Also on her bio the word "support" came up a minimum of 10 times. Now she stopped modeling and started to design lingerie and on her site the whole PR is centered around support. "Support me buying this and that". Really strange and somehow not related to lingerie. Also really unprofessional. I mean, come on, women buy lingerie because it looks and feels good and is comfortable no? Or do you buy this stuff to support the designer?

edit: on the other hand, I tipped some models I know from this forum. That felt a bit like support, but I also really liked what I saw.
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I don't really understand the notion of some models to be "supported" by viewers which you can find in the PR of so many "support me, blabla". I mean as a consumer I buy products or services because I think they are good (for me). I don't go to a specific grocery store because I want to support the specific vendor. I just like their veggies and I can afford them. Support would only come into play when shops owner would be a friend of mine. But then their products still would have to be really good to find their way into my stomach. In my opinion that notion could establish a kind of hierarchy between the viewer and the model where the viewer looks down to the model. She needs my support, she wouldn't make it without me. That in turn can be the birthplace of abusive behavior. Of course in this case the viewer who is exploiting that hierarchy is still the only one to blame here.

I had this thought by enjoying a model and every time I tipped her she was like "ohmygaaawd thanks for your support!" which gave me a headache after some time thinking "No! Its not support, its just because I like what I see!" Also on her bio the word "support" came up a minimum of 10 times. Now she stopped modeling and started to design lingerie and on her site the whole PR is centered around support. "Support me buying this and that". Really strange and somehow not related to lingerie. Also really unprofessional. I mean, come on, women buy lingerie because it looks and feels good and is comfortable no? Or do you buy this stuff to support the designer?

edit: on the other hand, I tipped some models I know from this forum. That felt a bit like support, but I also really liked what I saw.
I think you are reading too much into this. The term "support" is common across the web now, from Patreon to You Tube. I only see it as models adopting commonly used language. If it makes you cringe then you may just have to suck it up and live with it.
If it makes you cringe then you may just have to suck it up and live with it.
I don't think so. I just omit models building their PR around "support". Also in Youtube and patreon its very different, because there "support" doesn't mean buying a product
I don't think so. I just omit models building their PR around "support". Also in Youtube and patreon its very different, because there "support" doesn't mean buying a product
Also there are many patreons where you are, in fact, buying a product. I support the patreons of software developers, artists, and writers which gives me access to the software, art prints, and publications of the artists work. I agree with @misterical here which is that "support" is shorthand for "financial support" which just means giving money in exchange for the work that someone is doing whether you are receiving something in return or not. If it's a personal pet peeve of yours that's fine but you are incorrect in your understanding of the word, and the models are correct in their use of it.
I don't really understand the notion of some models to be "supported" by viewers which you can find in the PR of so many "support me, blabla". I mean as a consumer I buy products or services because I think they are good (for me). I don't go to a specific grocery store because I want to support the specific vendor. I just like their veggies and I can afford them.
Obviously "you do you" but I don't agree with your premise.

Perhaps you are getting hung up on a specific definition of "Support". If there are two supermarkets/greengrocesrs/whatever in your town, every time you step into one of them (and not the others) then you are "supporting" that business.

In my opinion that notion could establish a kind of hierarchy between the viewer and the model where the viewer looks down to the model. She needs my support, she wouldn't make it without me. That in turn can be the birthplace of abusive behavior.
I do not look down on any business owner to whom I give my patronage (support), why would I look down on a cam model to whom I give tokens?

Both of these identities rely on my (and others' in the community) support to survive, that is the nature of any business. They need clients/customers and we, at some level, need them and the service or products that they provide.

Also on her bio the word "support" came up a minimum of 10 times.
Ok now this I can agree with, but for me that is more to do with the fact that repetitiveness in either the written or spoken word, especially in a "professional" setting, bugs me. (Yes, this from the guy who has a number of phrases/words he uses all the time :rofl: )

And just a few definitions:-


noun (MONEY)
the money someone needs in order to buy food and clothes and pay for somewhere to live

verb (PROVIDE)
to give a person the money they need in order to buy food and clothes and pay for somewhere to live

noun (HELP)
emotional or practical help

But as I said at the start you are free, and entitled, to hold your opinion on this.
Anyone who I appreciate in this life gets my support, and that appreciation can take many forms.

It just so happens that support in this world means tokens…
Thanks for the answers. This gives me a good and different perspective. I guess I'll need to think this over. I like to think about words and their origin. Words are very powerful and they can create realities, even violence. I dont always like the transformation some words are going through especially online. Maybe I got stuck in that picture too much.

Thanks again.
I don't really understand the notion of some models to be "supported" by viewers which you can find in the PR of so many "support me, blabla". I mean as a consumer I buy products or services because I think they are good (for me). I don't go to a specific grocery store because I want to support the specific vendor. I just like their veggies and I can afford them. Support would only come into play when shops owner would be a friend of mine. But then their products still would have to be really good to find their way into my stomach. In my opinion that notion could establish a kind of hierarchy between the viewer and the model where the viewer looks down to the model. She needs my support, she wouldn't make it without me. That in turn can be the birthplace of abusive behavior. Of course in this case the viewer who is exploiting that hierarchy is still the only one to blame here.

I had this thought by enjoying a model and every time I tipped her she was like "ohmygaaawd thanks for your support!" which gave me a headache after some time thinking "No! Its not support, its just because I like what I see!" Also on her bio the word "support" came up a minimum of 10 times. Now she stopped modeling and started to design lingerie and on her site the whole PR is centered around support. "Support me buying this and that". Really strange and somehow not related to lingerie. Also really unprofessional. I mean, come on, women buy lingerie because it looks and feels good and is comfortable no? Or do you buy this stuff to support the designer?

edit: on the other hand, I tipped some models I know from this forum. That felt a bit like support, but I also really liked what I saw.

I tend to agree although perhaps for other reasons. I don't care for the term 'support' because it implies charity and strikes me as demeaning. It's perfectly respectable for a model to be paid for her time and efforts.

Honestly, I think that using the term 'support' resonates favourably with a demographic of users.
I dont always like the transformation some words are going through especially online. Maybe I got stuck in that picture too much.
Tell me about it, I get stuck up on that a lot too. People do tend to get annoyed w me for it. I think online people, just tend to overuse the same words and phrases a lot, and it can get kind of repetitive, and boring at times.

But they don’t mean any harm by it, I think half the time they aren’t even very conscious of what words or phrases they are using. I do it too. I think for me when I use the word support, which is one I like to use, it’s more a marketing strategy to try to foster a more personal and closer feeling with the viewer. To me it’s a warm word. I don’t use it in a hierarchical context.

But I did read a study once that was trying to say men organize themselves in a more hierarchical way than women tend to, just when they socialize in general, and you aren’t the first dude I’ve known to have this take on it. Although the study I read was trying to say that men actually find more comfort in hierarchical organization, because they want to know where they stand. Whereas women tend not to organize or view the world and socialization etc that way. So your take makes sense to me. What can we say instead? Without sounding crass? Lol; “thank you for your patronage and understanding that the last thing my vagina is, is a non profit.” Lol. Just joking around.
The English language is a living language and constantly evolves and words change meaning on the regular.

If someone had said, "this tune slaps and that outfit is on fleek," in 1989 they would have been looked at like they had an alien growing out of their forehead.

Today it flies and no one thinks twice. While we all have access to the same dictionary defining the words we use, not all of us have read it cover to cover.

Kind of like that dude on YouTube who suddenly realized his birth date was the day he was born. Or Jaden Smith who has never used a word correctly in his entire spoon-fed life.
Interesting thoughts on what 'support' can imply.
In the camming context, I see it more as a loyalty thing, like joining a fan club, turning up and tipping and engaging, showing your interest and enjoyment, rather than being purely a financial gesture. But the financial side is important, as collectively it's what helps the model pay bills and ultimately returning to work.
Same as you might consider supporting a sporting team - you may well contribute financially to help the team prosper (by donations, fan club membership or buying merchandise), but you're also showing your appreciation and being a positive contributor.
It's summer here, and I was just working in my yard and heard the ice cream truck coming round the neighbourhood.
Not sure if it's common elsewhere in the world, but here (as well as various places I've lived in, including the UK), ice cream trucks play 'Greensleeves'.
Since childhood, I've found that song one of the most f'ng depressing and annoying tunes I've ever heard.
I always question why something so melancholy was chosen to accompany such a wonderful and happy summer product as ice cream????
Mister Softee had much better tunes in the US!
It's summer here, and I was just working in my yard and heard the ice cream truck coming round the neighbourhood.
Not sure if it's common elsewhere in the world, but here (as well as various places I've lived in, including the UK), ice cream trucks play 'Greensleeves'.
Since childhood, I've found that song one of the most f'ng depressing and annoying tunes I've ever heard.
I always question why something so melancholy was chosen to accompany such a wonderful and happy summer product as ice cream????
Mister Softee had much better tunes in the US!

My Mom used to play it over and over on the guitar when I was a kid, late at night. For some insane reason it was her favorite practice tune on the acoustic. Tell me about it. Green sleeves drives me insane. Why? Why? Why? Of all the tunes in the world.. wwwwwwhhhhhyyyyyy???? I’m pretty sure Hell is a place where Satan roasts people, while playing Greensleeves on repeat!!
It's summer here, and I was just working in my yard and heard the ice cream truck coming round the neighbourhood.
Not sure if it's common elsewhere in the world, but here (as well as various places I've lived in, including the UK), ice cream trucks play 'Greensleeves'.
Since childhood, I've found that song one of the most f'ng depressing and annoying tunes I've ever heard.
I always question why something so melancholy was chosen to accompany such a wonderful and happy summer product as ice cream????
Mister Softee had much better tunes in the US!

Not trying to pry but I'm curious what country are you in? Surprised ice cream vans anywhere OTHER than the UK uses it! It just reminds me of learning about the tudors in school 😂
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Not trying to pry but I'm curious what country are you in? Surprised ice cream vans anywhere OTHER than the UK uses it! It just reminds me of learning about the tudors in school 😂
not answering for @rockin_rod but I'm in Australia and since my childhood (mid-late 60s) it's been Greensleeves (sp) . And always played through the worst distorted sound setup ever. :rofl:
Not trying to pry but I'm curious what country are you in? Surprised ice cream vans anywhere OTHER than the UK uses it! It just reminds me of learning about the tudors in school 😂
I'm in Australia but grew up in England - moved here about 25 years ago. That song's also used by ice cream trucks in NZ too. I spent time living in the US and pretty sure I heard it there too, although in some cities the trucks definitely did not play GS (yay!).
Is it only small boob cammers having a hard time?

No. I couldn't take it anymore, so I went back to working full-time (outside the home) this week. Getting compliments in free chat is nice, but it ain't gonna pay the bills or allow me to ever move out of this shithole neighborhood. The next man who gives me a hard time (when I'm on cam again) for "hardly being on cam anymore" is gonna get an earful from me about how I should've been appreciated more when I was on cam several nights a week. I really don't wanna hear anyone's bitching over the fact that I'm not available 24/7 at their beck and call.
No. I couldn't take it anymore, so I went back to working full-time (outside the home) this week. Getting compliments in free chat is nice, but it ain't gonna pay the bills or allow me to ever move out of this shithole neighborhood. The next man who gives me a hard time (when I'm on cam again) for "hardly being on cam anymore" is gonna get an earful from me about how I should've been appreciated more when I was on cam several nights a week. I really don't wanna hear anyone's bitching over the fact that I'm not available 24/7 at their beck and call.

I'm happy for you with the new job! Looking forward to catching up and hearing about it when you're on cam sometime (hopefully soon) :)
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I'm happy for you with the new job! Looking forward to catching up and hearing about it when you're on cam sometime (hopefully soon) :)

Thanks! It's related to children, so I'm not going to be telling these guys much about my work when I'm on cam. Just very vague responses to the question, and then moving on to talking about other things. But I definitely look forward to catching up with you. You're awesome, and you actually chat with me and tip me when you visit my room. I love and appreciate that. ❤️
No. I couldn't take it anymore, so I went back to working full-time (outside the home) this week. Getting compliments in free chat is nice, but it ain't gonna pay the bills or allow me to ever move out of this shithole neighborhood. The next man who gives me a hard time (when I'm on cam again) for "hardly being on cam anymore" is gonna get an earful from me about how I should've been appreciated more when I was on cam several nights a week. I really don't wanna hear anyone's bitching over the fact that I'm not available 24/7 at their beck and call.
I'm glad you were able to find something to fill in the void. I'm so sorry it sucked so bad you had to. :(
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Something I've always wondered:

What is it with artsy/edgy/alt models taking sexy photos of themselves covered in fake blood?

I've got a bit of squicky thing with body fluids in general, and am not fond of blood in particular, so is it me? Is blood actually sexy?
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I'm on cam. It's Friday night, usually a good night and my husband is on the couch with a boil on his ass the size of a tennis ball. I'm running back and forth between helping him drain it and trying to be sexy on cam and get tips so I can take him to a doctor to get it professionally taken care of...and these guys think we're just bimbos on a screen for their amusement. We have problems too that interfere with making the perfect show happen. Have some compassion.
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